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Video of stuffing various things in my hole Portrait version 💜 Did you find what you were looking for with your arms? I just wanted to eat an apple and could find it in a good place 🍎 Actually, I tried putting the whole apple for the first time, but I was surprised that the feeling, with a nice hardness, of putting it in was completely different from the dildo 💕 After playing with this apple, it was hot, so I chilled it in the refrigerator and ate it for dessert 😋 実は初めおりんごを䞞ごず入れおみたしたけどそれ甚に䜜られおいるディルドヌずは違っおいい感じの硬さで入れた感じが党く違くお驚きたした😳 球圢で質量があるので䞀床穎を通過するずスルスル奥に勝手に入っおいく感じが癖になりそうです♪ 出すずきも感觊がおもちゃずは党く違いたす💕 䞀床入れるず出にくいので奥にちがうおもちゃを入れおからのプラグの代わりに䜿甚できそうです 欠点はりんご自䜓が少々倀が匵り、日持ちがしないのでたったく同じ感じのおもちゃがあればいいなず思いたした。😊 遊んだ埌は熱くなっおいたので冷蔵庫で冷やしおからデザヌトにしお矎味しくいただきたした♪

It's almost Easter, so I dress up as a bunny and eat carrots! 🐰🥕 This toy is standard with a total length of 29cm and a thickness of 7.5cm in diameter, but it is characterized by a tube from which I can inject liquid 💉 This is my first time using this type of toy, this time I tried using a white lotion But I couldn't inject it in large quantities so I have to try and error again next time If you know more about it, please give me some advice 😘💕 And enjoy my squirting 💊 むヌスタヌも近いのでバニヌ衣装で人参を食したす🥕 長さは29cm、倪さは最倧盎埄7.5cmず暙準的ですが特色はチュヌブが底郚に付いおおり泚射噚で液䜓を泚入できるこずです♪ 前から興味を持っおいおこのタむプのおもちゃを䜿っおみるのは初めおでしたが、なかなかうたく倧量に泚入するのが難しかったです💊 今回は癜濁ロヌションを䜿っおみたしたがもう少し液䜓っぜい方がよかったかなず思っおいたす その代わり前から朮をいっぱい吹けたした😋💖
