pigmananal | Page 7

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I'm going to play with a snake-shaped long dildo that is very long but has a cute face 🐍💕 The size of this toy is L size and the total length is 55 cm! The diameter of the head is 4.3 cm, and the diameter at the widest point is 5.9 cm. Recently, I've been making progress with the development of the back of my hole with multiple toys and eggs, so it's easy to insert a long dildo of this size into my hole 💜 After entering about 40 cm, there is another small gate, so it is an image that you will enter more and more as you pass through it 🍩🀛💕 Even with all this long toy inside, there is still plenty of space left, and it really feels like a bottomless 🥵 At first glance, the snake looks very ferocious, but at the end he greeted us with a cute face 🐍✚ ずおも長いのに顔が可愛いぞびちゃんアナルロングディルドヌで遊んでみたす♪ Lサむズで党長55cm顔の盎埄が4.3cm、䞀番倪いずころで盎埄5.9cmです🐍 最近は奥の開発も耇数おもちゃずかたたごを入れたくっお捗っおいるのでこのサむズのロングディルドヌでもするする入っおいきたす(๑•̀᎗- )✩ 40cmくらい入ったずころでさらにそこにたた小さな門がある感じなのでそこを通過するずどんどん入っおいくむメヌゞです🍩 こんな長いのが入っおもただただ平気なアナルは本圓に底なし沌のような気分になっおきたす 䞀芋ずおも凶悪そうな芋た目なアナルぞびさんですが最埌に可愛い顔で挚拶をしおくれたした🐍😊💕 こういうど倉態おもちゃで遊ぶずきはjkコスでさらにいけないこずしおる感じを味わいたくなりたすよね 

It's cold every day, but I dare to expose my skin 💖 It's a cute pink swimsuit that's mostly made of strings, but who knows if it's the right way to wear it...👙 This swimsuit never hides my butt and boobs 🥵 I stick my ass out in front of a large window where the sunny winter sun shines down 🌞 My ass and boobs were able to bask comfortably in the refreshing sun 🍑 There was a risk that someone would see my ass with a plug, but my heart was pounding and I remembered the feeling of my first love...😳 If you're taking a walk and you see a butt with a plug on the windowsill somewhere, it might be me...😈💜 毎日寒いですけどあえお肌を露出したくなる時っおありたすよね♪ 生地がほが玐しかないピンクの可愛い氎着ですけど着方がこれで合っおいるのかは誰にもわかりたせん 💗 どういう着方をしおも結局はお尻もおっぱいも党開になる運呜です それなら出しおいくスタむルの方がお埗なような気がしたす 冬晎れの倪陜光が降り泚ぐ倧きな窓蟺でプチ露出です( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) お尻も爜やかな倪陜で気持ちよく日光济ができたした🌞 アナルプラグが嵌たったお尻を誰かに芋られるリスクもありたしたがドキドキしお初恋の気持ちを思い出したした 😚

I ride a thick dildo with a length of 33.5cm and a diameter of 10.5cm and do squirting masturbation ✹ I like the dildo because the shape and color look just like a real one 😋 This one doesn't have balls, but I personally prefer the one with big ones! The realism of the vein and the tip is also reproduced, so just looking at it made my pussy wet... 🀀💊 I'm addicted to solo anal bottom play, so I sit on the dildo and put it all the way in and enjoy my full weight on my ass and the dildo...💜😈 Because of my chastity cage, I'm trying not to touch my dick, so squirting is the best way... The color of the walls and my clothes matched perfectly so they became camouflage 😳 I changed my hairstyle in the middle, which one do you prefer? キノネディルドヌ2代目XXL長さ33.5cm、盎埄10.5cmで極倪朮吹きオナニヌをしたす♪ 圢状、色などが本物のおちんぜにそっくりなので奜きなディルドヌです😋 入れやすい玉無しですがわたし個人的には倧きなたたたたが付いおいる方が奜きですっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  血管や亀頭のリアルさなども再珟されおいるので芋おいるだけでおたんこがトロトロしおきたした  ディルドヌの䞊に座っお奥たで入れお党䜓重をお尻ずディルドヌにかけお楜しむ䞀人アナルどMプレむにハマっおしたっおいたす 💜 貞操垯で前は匄れないようにしおからの劄想朮吹きは最高ですねぇ 💗䜕床もむキたくれたす  たたたた壁の色ず服装ず肌が完党にマッチしおいお保護色ず化しおいたした💚

I am a pious sister who protects virginity 🙏 So every morning when I wake up, I prepare a thick plug and stuff it into my hole It is very important to protect my virginity and I am never allowed to take it off all day long When I take it off before going to bed at night, a large amount of slimy lotion and juice spurts out of my loose hole And today I will offer my prayers in the double f!sting pose 😇🙏💜 Let's go to the confession room together and confess all the naughty confessions we've ever had 😈💜 クリスマス映画ず蚀えばダむハヌドやホヌムアロヌンなど玠敵な映画がたくさんありたすけどわたしは倩䜿にラブ゜ングを も倧奜きです♪(東京ゎッドファヌザヌズも奜き😇) 厳かな讃矎歌や明るいクリスマス゜ングの合唱を聞いおいるず幎末な気がしおきたす あずなんかシスタヌっお凊女だしアナルばっかり䜿っおそうな感じが背埳的でいいんですよねぇ 😏 あずお祈りのポヌズが完党にダブルフィストのかっこうだず思っおしたうのも 煩悩塗れのわたしをお救いください 🙏 同じこずを考えおいたあなたは䞀緒に懺悔宀で告解しおお仕眮きされたしょう💕

I think that double-headed dildos are basically made to be enjoyed by two people by inserting one in each hole, but in a greedy hole, I always want to insert the whole dildo 😈 Every time I see a double-headed dildo, I want to use it this way, right? By bending it and inserting both tips into the hole, the bent part in the middle will expand the sphincter muscle and it will be very comfortable 💜 If you relax a little, it will pop out immediately, so tighten it tightly 👍 Look at my thick ring donut with a whole dildo inside 🍩 I was satisfied that I was able to take a picture of it popping out properly ✹ 双頭ディルドヌは基本は䞀穎䞀本ず぀入れお二人で楜しむように䜜られおいるず思いたすが匷欲な穎では䞞ごず挿入したくなるこずが垞です 双頭ディルドヌを芋るたびにこの䜿い方をしたくなりたすよね♪ ぐにっず曲げお䞡方の亀頭を穎に入れるこずで真ん䞭で曲がった郚分が括玄筋を抌し拡げおくれおずおも気持ちよくなれたす💜 ちょっず気を緩めるず飛び出しおきおしたうのでしっかり締め付けたしょう➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ 飛び出したずころも䞊手く撮れたしたが未確認UMAみたいな挙動になっおしたいたした  瞊割れず肉厚穎がむしろえっちかず 💕 最埌に出おきたばかりのほかほか双頭ちゃんず笑顔で蚘念撮圱です📷

I tried using an extra-large plug with a vibration function that has never existed before 😋 The size is XL size with a total length of 19.3 cm, a maximum diameter of 9.5 cm, and a constricted part of 7 cm, which is comparable to other large plugs ♠ It should be noted that there is a vibrator on the bottom and you can enjoy it with the vibrator function! If it's a small size, I think it's been sold a lot so far, but I think this size is rare 🧐 When I tried using it, I got more and more excited, so I played around with adding toys...💜 Long pink toys and balls vibrate in my ass, stimulating the inside of my belly and prostate so much that I climax 🍩✚ Toys falling from my butt like a waterfall made me very naughty 😈 I think it would be a really fun idea to strap this toy to my ass with a harness and go out 💕 今たでありそうでなかったバむブ機胜付き特倧アナルプラグを䜿っおオナニヌしおみたした♪ 倧きさはXLサむズで党長19.3cm、最倧埄9.5cm、クビレの郚分が7cmずなっおおり他のアナルプラグの倧きいサむズず比べおも遜色ない倧きさずなっおいたす💕 特筆すべきは底郚にバむブが付いおおりバむブ機胜でも楜しめるずいうこずです小さいサむズなら今たでにあるず思いたすがこのサむズのでは珍しいず思いたす 詊しに䜿っおみたずころどんどん勝手に興奮しおきたのでおもちゃを远加しながら遊びたくっおしたいたした 💜 クビレ郚分が他のプラグより差がないので括玄筋の気を少しでも緩めるずすぐに出おしたうのがちょっず残念です 💊 垞時装着するためにはハヌネスなどで固定する必芁がありそうですがアナルオナニヌに関しおは申し分ありたせん(๑ゝω╹๑) 䜿っおいるうちに勝手に穎がガバガバになっおくるのでどんどんおもちゃが入っおいっお楜しいです💖

I'm wearing a cute sky blue maid outfit, but this skirt has no fabric on the ass 💙 So my butt is exposed and my panties have no fabric on my ass so my plug is exposed! The ring on my plug looks like it really wants to be pulled ♠ If you pull that plug on my ass, some useful tools may pop out of my hole ✹ And I want to be a good maid like Mary Poppins 🥰 Tomorrow is the start of December! ⛄ It's cold in winter, but I hope you are doing well 💏 今日11月30日はいいお尻の日ですね♪ ずいうこずでスカヌトのお尻の郚分ががら空きなメむド服を着おいたす🍑 普通のパンツを履いおいおもお尻は䞞出しになるず思いたすがアナル䞞出しパンツを履けばアナルも䞞出しになりたすね💕 プラグのリングがずおも匕っ匵っおもらいたそうにしおいたす コスを脱がずにいろいろできるデザむンは個人的にはずおも奜きですっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  いい○○な日が目癜抌しな11月でしたがそのフィナヌレがお尻でずおも玠晎らしいですね ぀いでにいいアナルの日もあればいいなず思いたした🍩 明日から12月寒くなっおきたしたが颚邪をひかずに頑匵りたしょう

Have you all taken a good bath and warmed up your body? Here is some trivia, it is said that taking a warm bath at an appropriate temperature improves blood circulation in the body and opens the sphincter muscles 👩‍🏫💕 So it's a good idea to raise your body temperature and relax your body before the hole stretching training 🥰 I love getting into the bathtub with the plug on as a warm-up exercise ♹ When I pull out the plug, it looks like this, and the hole is very relaxed 🍩💗 Take a hot bath with me and wash away our sweat 🛀 11月26日はいいお颚呂の日でしたね♪ みなさんは良いお颚呂に入っおお身䜓枩たれたしたか ここで豆知識ですが適枩の枩かいお颚呂に入るず䜓の血行が良くなっお括玄筋がよく開くず蚀われおいたす🥰 なので拡匵の前には䜓枩を䞊げお䜓をリラックスさせおおくのが良いのですね👩‍🏫💕 わたしは準備運動にプラグを装着したたた湯船に浞かるが倧奜きです♚ プラグを抜くずこんな感じでだらんず穎がずっおもリラックスしおいたすね💗 プラグを入れたたた長時間の半身济をするもよし、お颚呂から出お緩くなった穎にさらに倧きなおもちゃを入れおもよしです(๑•̀᎗- )✩

I do hole expansion training with a super extra large plug XXL size (10.5cm thick in diameter, 32cm long) 💪 Considering the feeling of fullness and oppression when I put it in my hole, I feel that this is the one of the largest in my collection ♠ If I compare it with another dildo with a diameter of 9.5cm in my hole, I can see that the size is completely different. I can feel my sphincter muscles expanding and stretching to the maximum when it passes through 🍩 When I put it in all the way to the root, I don't have much room to spare, but it feels really good 💗 The Boss 8 that I am wearing as the first one that I always have on my ass, 8.5cm in diameter, looks very small 🧐 Don't you think my pink chastity cage and pink sweater are a perfect match? 💕 超特倧アナルプラグXXLサむズ(倪さ10.5cm、長さ32cm)でアナル拡匵トレヌニングを行いたす♪ 最倧埄が10.5cmなので穎に入れた感じの満腹感、圧迫感から考えるずわたしのコレクションの䞭だずこれがもっずも倧きく感じるず思いたした💜 実際に盎埄9.5cmのサむズの別のディルドヌず穎の䞭で比べるず倧きさが党然が違うこずがわかりたす 䞭もそれが通過するずきの括玄筋も最倧限たでギチギチに拡がっおストレッチされおいる感じを味わうこずができたす 根元たで入れたずきはさすがにあたり䜙裕がなくなりたすがめちゃくちゃ気持ちいいです💕 垞に垞備しおいる最初のボス8、盎埄8.5cmがずおも小さく芋えたす ちなみに今日のコヌディネヌトのポむントはピンクの貞操垯ず合わせたピンクのパンツずセヌタヌです(๑ゝω╹๑)💕

I'm wearing an enamel bondage outfit like a mistress 🖀 I couldn't even hide my breasts, but if a woman with big breasts wore this, would it be possible to hide it properly...? The left side of the garter on the back part broke right away and came off, so the left and right balance became a little funny 😂 Panties thong can be taken off immediately! It's hard to keep my plug with just a thin string 💊 I'm sure this is an outfit for top, but I think bottom like me can get excited wearing it 😎👍 My Clitty is also excited! ほずんど䞊半身の前面の䞀郚分にしか垃がないボンテヌゞっぜい感じの衣裳です♪ 胞の郚分もほずんど隠せなかったのですけどこれは胞の倧きな女性が着たらちゃんず隠せるこずができるのでしょうか  埌ろのお尻郚分のガヌタヌが巊郚分だけすぐに壊れお取れおしたったのでちょっず巊右のバランスが厩れおいるのはご愛嬌です😊 パンツのTバックはすぐに脱ぐこずができたす💜 现い玐だけだずプラグを留めおおくこずは難しんですよね( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) たぶんきっずこれはSの方が着るような衣装なんでしょうけどわたしのようなどの人が着おも興奮できるず思いたす💖 わたしのクリぺニちゃんも喜んでいたす

I tried wearing a costume with a new concept of a cat maid with a strangely small fabric area 🐈 In my personal opinion, I think it is good that the design at the waist is devised 👍 Compared to that, the panty design is nice, no matter how you think about it, the front part is too small, and I've been wondering for a while about when it's best to wear it... (the area is smaller than the breast part. I barely hid my dick! ✌) If I was a waitress at a maid café or a cat café wearing this costume, I would definitely take it off and be completely naked! By the way, lotion leaks from the gap of my plug 💊 猫メむドずいう新しいコンセプトのもず垃面積が異様に少ない衣装を着おみたした♪ 個人的な意芋なのですけどり゚ストのずころのデザむンが䞀工倫されおいお良いなず思いたした🥰 䞋半身に関しおはTバックずどう考えおも面積が少なすぎる前圓おが玠敵でどういう時に着るのが最適なのか小䞀時間考えおいたした (おっぱい郚分よりも面積が小さいわたしのおおちんちんはぎりぎり隠せたした) 倖ずかメむドカフェずかでは露出が倚すぎお着れないしコスプレでも同様に  あずちなみにプラグの隙間からロヌションずかが挏れおきおヌルヌルしおきたす←

This my new toy is inspired by Elves! 🧝 I had never seen it before, but I didn't know it looked like this 🀭 This size is 35 cm in total length and 8.1 cm in diameter, so even the XL size seems to be a little modest size like a gentle elf 💖 I discovered that I could enjoy DP by inserting a balloon plug into the space between my hole and inflating it 🎈 The giant toy I always use doesn't fit in my upper mouth, but the tip of this one is very thin, so it's nice to be able to lick it 😋💕 Do you like elves, dwarves or trolls? Let's go out together to see the fairy forest over there! ゚ルフ族のおちんちんをむメヌゞをした"カル"で遊んでみたした♪ そういえば薄い本ずかだず゚ルフさんは受けばかりな気がするのでおちんちんの圢っお意識したこずなかったですね 倧きさは党長35cm、盎埄は8.1cmです💜 もう少し倧きいかなず思っおいたしたがXLでも控えめなサむズです その分、穎の䞭に䜙裕ができるので激しくしおも気持ちいいですっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  先っちょが小さくお柔らかいのでコンドヌムを付けるずくるっず曲がっおちょこんずなっおしたうのが可愛いかったです💕 少し空いたスペヌスに颚船プラグを入れお膚らたしおみるDPオナニヌも楜しめたすね い぀もの巚倧おもちゃは䞊のお口に入るサむズではないのですけどこれは先端はずおも现いのでぺろぺろできるのもいいですね😋💕

I took a picture with Sakamata, who was playing with me in the video 🐙 Actually, when I compare this length, I can feel that the length up to this point was in my ass 💕 I realize again this was going inside my ass like a tentacle and it was all in there...it excites me so much...🥵 You can see how big it is by comparing it to my clitty, which is made smaller by a chastity cage 🀍 But I'm your incubus and I want to make your tentacle feels good in my lustful hole😈💜 Let me mark your body with my vampire tooth ✹ 動画で遊んでいたサカマタちゃんず䞀緒に撮圱しおみたした♪ 長さを比べるずここたでわたしのお尻に入っおいたんだなずいうのを実感できたす🍑 実際は䞭はくねくね曲がっおいたすけど単玔におっぱいより䞊たでの長さがありたすね(ÂŽ,,•ω•,,`) これがぞびのようにわたしのお尻の䞭からすべお入っおいたんですね 興奮したす  わたしの貞操垯で小さくされおいるおちんちんず比べるおもその倧きさがわかりたすね💜 サカマタの先っちょずいい勝負です💕

Let's play with long toys! Lately, I've been addicted to deep development, because it's so naughty a long toy slips out of a hole 🍩 This Sakamata that I bought before is 54cm in length and 7.5cm in maximum diameter. When I tried to put lotion on it, it was slippery like an eel, so it was hard to put in my hole, but once I put it in, it went right down to the roots without any difficulty 🥰 The pleasure of getting this length out of my hole at once is great 💜 It doesn't hurt even if I put it all the way in, so if I fix it with a harness or something like that, I can go out and do other things with it... 長いおもちゃで遊がう 最近は奥の開発にハマっおいるわたしですが長いおもちゃが穎からにゅるにゅる出おくるのっおえっちですよね💕 けっこう前に買ったこのサカマタは長さは党長54cm、倪さは最倧埄が7.5cmです♪ ロヌションを぀けお入れようずするずたるでうなぎのようにヌルヌルすべるので入れにくかったですけど䞀床入れるずスルスルず䞀気に根元たで特に無理なく入っおいきたす🥰 この長さのが穎から䞀気に抜け出る快感は最高ですね💕 ロヌションも奥からトロトロだらだらたくさん出おきたす💊 根元たで入れおおも苊しさずかはないのでこのたたハヌネスずかで固定したら入れたたた出かけたり他のこずをするこずもできそうですね 

Did you see the red moon? Before winter comes and it gets really cold, I'm going to wear denim short shorts (and plug) and go for a night walk 🌃 The pants are so tight that they hold the plug firmly and even while walking I get excited and tingle 💜 This time, I boldly opened the zipper all the way to the butt and exposed my ass and plugs toward the night sky 🌠 When I got home safely and took off my shorts, my clitty tip and ass were all wet, slimy and sticky 🥵🔥 This way my crotch is always ready 💗 あなたは赀い月を芋るこずができたしたか ぎりぎりめちゃくちゃ寒くなる前にデニムのショヌトパンツ(ずアナルプラグ)を履いおお散歩に行っおきたす♪ すごいぎっちりのパンツなのでプラグをしっかり抌し付けおくれお歩きながらでもずっおも興奮しお疌いおきたす💗 今回は少し倧胆にゞッパヌをお尻たで党開にしお倜空に向かっおお尻ずプラグを露わにしおみたした 人目を離れおぱぱっず撮圱しおいたすがパンツを履き終わっおすぐ埌に酔っ払いのおじさんが歩いお近くを通っお行ったずきは少し焊りたした 💊 おうちに無事着いおショヌトパンツを脱いでみたらクリぺニちゃんの先っぜもお尻もヌルヌルのべちゃべちゃでしたよ。。。

I like toys with naughty, interesting and fun shapes, but when I saw this toy that perfectly resembled a 350ml juice can, I wanted to put it in immediately! The size is exactly the same as the real one, with a diameter of 6.5 cm and a height of 11.5 cm The pull tab is also reproduced properly and it is very similar to the real thing 👍 You can attach a chain to it, so you can pull my leash for a walk 🐩 For reference, if you've ever put a real can in your hole, you'll know that the real can is quite hard and has sharp corners, making it difficult and dangerous to insert... So I think this is the perfect toy for those who wanted to put a can in 🥰💗 And the monster that was lurking in the back of my hole stimulates my pleasant place and I squirt a lot 😈💊 わたしぱロくおおもしろくお楜しい圢のおもちゃが奜きですがこんな350mlのゞュヌス猶を完党に暡したこのおもちゃを芋おすぐに入れおみたい思いたした♪ 倧きさは本物のそれず党く同じで倪さ盎埄6.5cm、高さは11.5cmです ちゃんずプルタブも再珟されおいお完成床が高いです👍 そこに鎖チェヌンを付けられるのでお散歩プレむもできそうですね🥰 ちなみに入れたみたこずある方はわかるず思うんですけど本物の猶はなかなか硬くお角も鋭角になっおいるので入れにくくお危ないんです  なのでこれは猶を入れおみたかった人にはずおも最適なおもちゃだず思いたす♪ わたしはモンスタヌを奥に入れすぎおいきむずきにそれが膀胱の裏を通過したくるので倱犁したくりたした ⊱(* Ú¡ *)⊰ ストッパヌ代わりに黒のおちんぜ型ディルドヌを奥に詰め蟌むのですが埌に入れたはずの卵型が最埌に出おくるのはなぜなんでしょうかね 🀔

Halloween is approaching so I'm going to be the devil at home 👿 If you want me to absorb all of your energy, please try summoning me from the summoning circle 💜 I will be summoned at the same time with the oversized dildos I have 😈 Seal my unused small clitty with a chastity cage and engrave a dirty mark on my womb 🖀 Next to me my giant dildos are having a roundtable meeting Do you have a favorite dildo? I will follow you day and night and ruin you 💜 明日はハロりィンなのでわたしはおうちで悪魔になりたす👿 粟気をすべお吞い取っおほしい方は召喚陣でわたしをぜひ召喚しおみおください💜 わたしが持っおいる特倧ディルドヌちゃんも同時に召喚したす 䜿わないペニクリちゃんは貞操垯で封じ蟌めお子宮王でアナルの䞭から感床100倍ズンズン響かせたす 巚倧ディルドヌが䞀堂に䌚する颚景は爜快で気持ちがいいですね(肛門の䌚) どれもカラフルで画面が映えおずっおも嬉しいです😚 ちなみにこの10倍くらいのおもちゃがただありたす 💊 

I want to do a dildo reveal play 🖀 I put a 9.5cm thick and 26cm long black dildo on a chair and sit on it The skirt I'm wearing completely reveals only my butt 🍑 I tried to pretend to be calm while sitting in this chair, but it was so difficult I let out a moan 😳💕 The tip with a diameter of 9.5 cm penetrates deep into my ass and makes me very happy 💕 巚倧ディルドヌ"暗黒の皇垝XXXL"倪さ9.5cm、長さ26cmを完党にお尻に入れお座っお隠しおみたす♪ スカヌトもお尻だけ露出できるえっちなや぀を履いおいたす なかなか極倪ディルドヌ入れたたた平静を装っお座っおいるのは難しいですがずおも興奮したす💖 このディルドヌ亀頭がもっずも倪くお盎埄9.5cmあるのでそれを根元たで入れるず奥たでずんっずそれが䟵入しおきおずおも楜しいです٩( Ë™àŒ¥Ë™ )و ぀い぀い匂いを嗅ぎたくなりたす 

I tried wearing a negligee-style bunny costume with only bunny ears attached to the hat and a tail on the ass 🐰 I imagine a bunny in heat before hibernation 💜 For some reason I get very excited when I wear a bunny costume, so let me sneak into your bed 😈🥵 Take a good look at my ass, thanks to my daily training my ass continues to grow and my hole sticking out of my panties 🍩 And if you like bare feet and hole lick mine too 😋💕 バニヌ芁玠が垜子に付いたりサミミずお尻のしっぜだけのベビヌドヌル颚のバニヌ衣装を着おみたした♪ バニヌちゃんなのかどうかは少し無理やり感がありたすが可愛くおいいなず思いたした😊 冬眠前の発情しおいるりサギをむメヌゞしおいたす🐇 特にき぀いTバックずかではないのですけどお尻の成長のおかげでアナルが垞にはみ出しおきおえっちだなず思いたした(Žº﹃º♡) 開いたらいろいろ䞭に詰め蟌めそうですね💕

I will carefully warm and raise the newborn little dinosaur baby(Maybe a T-Rex?) and the unhatched egg in my warm hole 🊖💕 In addition, the puppy also wanted to participate in the play in the hole, so I will play with them happily 😊 My hole is crowded with them like traffic in LA 🥵🚙 As they moved vigorously in my hole, I felt so good that a fountain suddenly erupted from my clitty ⛲ I like both dinosaurs and puppies, so I want to take good care of them and let them grow up 🥰💗 They can get so ferocious as they grow up 😈💜 生たれたばかりの小っちゃくおかわいい恐竜の赀ちゃんずただ孵化しおいない卵をわたしの穎の䞭で倧事に枩めお育おたす🊖💕 さらにその穎の䞭に傍で穎に入りたがっお芋おいたちっちゃなわんちゃんも入っおきたす♪ わたしの穎の䞭は五぀の小動物たちでもう倧混雑ですね💕 あたりの気持ちよさに母䜓のクリちゃんからは噎氎が吹き出したした💊 穎の䞭がギチギチに詰め蟌たれお気持ちよくなるのずそれを党郚出した時の快感が最高です 恐竜型ディルドヌを土台たで呑み蟌むこずでずおも気持ちよくれたす💕

It's past the middle of October, and autumn is finally deepening. How are you all doing these days? It's suddenly getting cold, so I'm starting to miss knitwear 💕 Wearing a warm knit makes you feel comfortable without wearing panties 😋 I think the light lavender knit goes well with white clothes 💜🀍 Look at my unplugged grown hole once in a while 🍩 It grew into a big mouth like an appetite in autumn 10月も半ばを過ぎようやく秋も深たっおきたした今日この頃、みなさたはいかがお過ごしでしょうか 急に寒くなっおきたのでニットが恋しくなっおきたした🥰 ニットを着おいるずもふもふで枩かいのでノヌパンでも安党です♪ 淡いラベンダヌ色のニットだずホワむト系ず合わせるずいいかなず思いたした(∩Ž∀`∩)♡ 久々にプラグなしの肛門ですが面積が倧きくなっお成長したずころを芋おほしいです💕 食欲の秋だけにわたしの堎合は䞋のお口が倧きくなっおいる気がしたす 🍩

A hole nurse specializing in pregnant who repeatedly gives birth 👶 If you want to use me to give birth to some kind of creature, please use my hole anytime I would be very happy if a big creature was born 🊖💕 A newborn baby needs to be breastfed, so express milk to enlarge the nipples 🍌 Do you notice how big it is compared to one of my nipples? It's definitely a very good size for licking and chewing 😋 元気に出産を繰り返す劊婊専門アナルナヌスさん♪ 男女平等の䞖の䞭なのでアナルでも出産できるずいうこずを認知しお瀟䌚発展に貢献したいず思いたすっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  い぀でも出産の準備はできおいるのでご利甚の際はお任せください 産たれたばかりの赀ちゃんには授乳が必芁なので乳銖を倧きくするために搟乳をしたしょう🍌♡ もう片方の乳銖ず比べるず倧きく敏感になっおいる気がしたす💗 ずっず吞匕しおるずさらに倧きくなりそうです 

I tried on a cute gray maid outfit 👩‍🍳 I have a small apron in front, but my ass is bare 😳 Two strings on the ass hold my plug firmly in place ♠ Even if I move intensely, my crotch is always protected 😊 But my perky boobs stick out of this little cloth! However, I will do my job as a maid in any outfit 💜 I think I'll finally get my plug out of my ass and decorate your room with a single rose 🌹 䞋半身䞞出し仕様のメむド服を着おみたした♪ ちゃんず前は隠せおアナルプラグもしっかり留めおくれる感じです💕 前には小さな゚プロンがあっお可愛い感じですが埌ろは䞞出しな感じのデザむンが奜きです たぶんきっずおっぱいは出ない仕様なのかもしれたせんけど絶察おっぱいがはみ出したす  おたけでプラグを抜いた時のアナルを撮っおみたした🌹 気を抜くずぜっかりになっお力むずロヌズっぜくなるのがわかっおきたした どっちも気持ちいいです✚

Autumn is the perfect season for sports because of the nice weather! Let's change into active wear and start stretching for warm-up exercises together! 🀞‍♀ Can you help me stretch my ass? 🍑 My nipples are stiff too, so please pull them 🍒 I'm starting a special training to put a 350ml can in my ass 💗 Let's do our best to aim for the world record together! What sport would you like to play with me? スポヌツの秋ずいうこずで真っ赀な䜓操服に着替えおみたした🀞‍♀ みなさんは䜕のスポヌツをしおいたすか 䜓操着はやっぱり短パンよりブルマがいいず思うのですよ😀 お尻がパンパンになっおえっちですね💗 もちろんパン線が出ないようにノヌパンですよね♪ おっぱいもお尻も元気にむちっおたす💕 わたしのスポヌツはお尻を䜿っおやるのが奜きなので350ml猶を入れる競技をしおみたした🍹

I like laying eggs, but this time I found a very big dragon egg, so I want to warm it up in my ass and hatch it 🐉 The size is 10.5cm in diameter x 19.1cm 🥚 When this huge object goes all the way into my hole it puts so much pressure on my prostate it pleases me 🥵🔥 Will you take my dragon egg out of my hole? Put several small eggs in the back of the hole and use my hole as an egg pocket♪ Some new unidentified creature may be born from my hole 😈 倧きな倧きな韍の卵4代目ちゃんXLをお尻で枩めたす♪ 倧きさは倪さ盎埄10.5cm x 19.1cmです🥚 サむズ的にはだいぶ倧きく芋えたすが玠材が液䜓シリコンで柔らかいので倧きさよりは入れやすい感じです💕 穎の䞭に党郚入るず前立腺をすごい圧迫しおずおも気持ちいいです 䞞い圢状だず盎埄の倪さが䞀気にどんっっお入っおくるので最高です💗 お尻に党䜓重をかけお座っおその倧きさを楜しむのもいいですよね( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 奥にも小さい卵を耇数入れおアナルを卵ポケットにしたしょう

I feel like I like frequently wearing bunny costumes 🐇 Because bunnies have a long mating season and they are very naughty creatures 🥕 My boobs are small so I can't emphasize them with this outfit but my butt is big so this small outfit squeezes my crotch area and plugs very tightly! Every time I stand, sit, or walk, these panties squeeze my plug tight and put me in heat 🥵🔥 Would you like to enjoy the estrus period with me? えっちなバニヌさんの衣裳を着おみたした♪ 逆バニヌ颚な感じですがおっぱいが倧きい人が着れば胞のずころが飛び出おもっずえっちになったかもしれたせん 💊 ちっぱいに比べるず䞋半身はむちっずしおいるのでパンツはき぀くわたしのお尻を締め付けおくれたす🍑 䞀床䜓隓された方はわかるず思いたすがアナルプラグをしたたたTバック系のを履いお立ったり座ったり歩いたりをするずプラグをどんどんき぀く奥に締め付けおくれるので勝手にめちゃくちゃ興奮しおきたす💕 なのでプラグを排出したずきの開攟感や気持ちよさも増しおさらに興奮しちゃいたす(àž…Ï‰àž…`)💕 垞に発情しおいるず蚀われるバニヌの衣裳を着おいるのでさらに興奮しおいるのかもしれたせんね 

I'm wearing a hoodie and pantyhose that are perfect for autumn outings 🍂 This pantyhose has a hole in the crotch area so it's comfortable without getting stuffy Because when I wear this plug for a long time, various sticky nectars spill out from my holes 💊 I'm ready to go on an autumn excursion as soon as I put on my skirt or pants! Let's go find delicious honey-spill donuts together! 😋🍩 A lot of honey comes out from the depths of the hole 💊 えっちな穎開きパンストを履いおいたす♪ 長時間プラグを入れおいるずどうしおも隙間からえっちなヌルヌルしたお汁が染み出しおきたすがそれがパンストのお尻郚分がテカテカになっお゚ロく芋える原因です💕 この気持ち長時間プラグを入れっぱなしにしたり入れたたたお出かけする方にはわかっおもらえるず思いたす♡(☌᎗☌) 可愛い秋服のフヌディヌを着おいるのでこのたたスカヌトかパンツを履いたらお出かけできちゃいたすね😊 プラグを抜いおも長時間の匛緩でゆるゆるになっおいるので綺麗な瞊筋の完成です♪ 䞭のロヌションずかえっちなお汁が吹き出したす💜

I love sitting on this giant dildo with all my weight on it 💜 Even if you sit in front of me and talk to me, I may have this huge dildo hidden under my ass 😈 9.5cm in diameter and 28cm in length, this wonderful toy is hidden inside my ass 🍩 I train my hole by pistoning my ass on this over and over again This toy is the perfect size for my hole but I want something bigger 💕 It's many times bigger than my little dick 🀭 みんな倧奜きゞョナディルドヌXXLです♪わたしも倧奜きです😋 倪さ9.5cmで挿入可胜長さが28cmなので気持ちよさ拡匵に最適な倧きさです💕 このシリヌズだずXXLが最倧サむズなのでもうワンサむズ倧きいのが欲しいずころです 寞胎系なのでプラグの様に入れっぱなしにできないのは残念ではありたす 💜 手すりに足を乗せお党䜓重をお尻に乗っけおディルドヌに座るずもう党おが終わりそうなほど気持ちよさでおかしくなりそうです  わたしのおちんぜず比べるずその倧きさがわかるず思いたすが10倍くらいはありそうですね♪

White and blue lingerie 🀍💙 White symbolizes purity and cleanliness, while blue symbolizes freedom and tranquility I feel like I can relax in this dress until I go to sleep in my room 🥰 This is a little short, so my boobs and ass are exposed a little 😳 But if you want to relax alone in your room, it might be better to have this kind of openness 💖 Can you unplug my ass and make my ass free too? 郚屋着ずしお着れそうなえっちな癜ず青のベビヌドヌルを着おみたした♪ 癜は玔朔や枅朔、青は自由や静けさを衚すようなので寝るずきに着るのが良さそうです😌 り゚ストのずころに玐があっお簡易的にくびれを䜜れるデザむンなのが良いなず思いたした😊 ショヌツも色ずデザむンがお揃いで可愛いです💕 䞈が短いのでおっぱいもお尻も䞞芋えになりたすけど  前も埌ろも開攟的なキャミを着おいるず畳の䞊でも開攟的に寝っ転がれたすね🥰 ぀いでにお尻も拡げおさらに内偎から開攟的になりたいず思いたす➜(๑’ᵕ’๑)➝

I tried on a new maid outfit with a very small fabric 😌 I thought the heart-shaped accessories that were designed here and there were cute 💗 No part of my body can be hidden 💜 I can touch you with my black rubber gloves 🖀 I am completely surrendered to you, so check my armpits for weapons too 😈 And please pull on my multiple protrusions and train me to become a fine maid 😊 たた新しい垃面積が極端に少ないメむド服を着おみたした♪ 実は芋本ではパンツはTバックのようなデザむンだったのですがなぜか股垃の郚分しかなく着方にずおも苊劎したした なぜ暪の郚分がないのか  吊り橋のような䞍安定さでいろいろなものが零れたくりたした  でもなんずか無事に着れおよかったです 倧事なずころは決しお隠さないスタむルでめっちゃえっちな感じが出おお奜きです\(*ÂŽ ꒫`*)/ ずころどころにちりばめられおいるハヌトのデザむンがかわいくおいいなず思いたした♥

I play with a dildo with a white fluffy tail attached to my ass 🐈 This red cute dildo measures 6.5cm in maximum diameter and 22.3cm in total length 💕 I hide several different kinds of eggs with this tail in my ass 🥚 As I play with my ass over a long period of time, my hole itself seems to get bigger, and I feel that the area has grown considerably 🍩 Touch my big paws and stick your arm in my big hole 😜🐟 尻尟付きディルドヌっお小さいサむズが倚いですが少し倧きめのを付けお遊んでみたした♪ ディルドヌ郚分はわんちゃんのアレの圢をしおいたす💕 最倧埄は6.5cm、党長は22.3cmです なんだかわたしの他のおもちゃたちず比べるず少しサむズ的に小さいのでたたごのおもちゃも䞭に䞀緒に入れお尻尟+産卵ごっこも楜しみたす😊 個人的に球䜓系のおもちゃが連続でアナルから飛び出おくる映像が奜きです💕 長期的にお尻で遊んでいるず肛門自䜓も倧きくなっおくるみたいで皺の郚分の面積もだいぶ倧きく成長しおきた気がしたす🍩

Can you take me for a walk at night? 🐩 You grab the leash on my collar and take me out into the night town! 🌃 There are multiple toys in the back of my butt plug, so please take them out by slapping my ass 🍑 I'm so naughty and horny please give me some food on the way 💕 I'm running towards the bushes in that park over there! Catch me in the dark! 🖀 倜のお散歩に連れお行っおくれたすか わたしの装備は銖茪ずリヌドずアナルプラグだけです💗 プラグの奥にはさらに耇数のおもちゃを入れおいるので散歩途䞭にプラグを出しおそれを確認しおみおください♪ アナルプラグにもリヌドを付けられるリングがあるのでそこに付けお四぀ん這いで散歩するのも良さそうです🐷 廊䞋だけをこんな栌奜で歩くだけでもスリリングでずおも興奮したす💜 公園ずかに行ったらどうなっおしたうのでしょうか 
