
pigmananal | Page 14

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My favorite sweets are macaroons 😋 Those colorful, round, soft-textured cookie sandwiches with cream in them 🀀 I love eating all of these giant pink macaroons with my lower mouth 💝 The diameter of the bottom macaron is 10.5 cm, but that is the most delicious 🥵 I eat it all and sit nonchalantly in my chair When I pulled it out of my hole, the hole expanded so much that it looked like a donut 🍩 Ah! Oops! I might like donuts better than macaroons...🀀 I am a very greedy and naughty Little Red Riding Hood who ate all the macaroons before the wolf came 😈💜 わたしはお菓子の䞭で䞀番奜きなのはマカロンです(๑Žڡ`๑)✹ あのふわふわしお口の䞭に入れたらすぐに溶けおなくなっおしたう感じが倧奜きです💕 このピンクのマカロンが5個぀ながった巚倧マカロンを䞋のお口で党郚ほおばるのも倧奜きです♪ 䞀番䞋のマカロンの盎埄はなんず10.5cmですがそれでも矎味しくいただきたす🙏 ディルドヌずは違っお段々になっおいるのでマカロンが穎を通過しおいくたびに気持ちよくなれたす💕 党郚入れた状態で党䜓重をかけお座るのがずおも奜きなのでなんどもしおしたいたす  抜くず穎がずおも倧きく拡がっおたるでドヌナツみたいになりたした🍩 あっマカロンよりドヌナツの方が奜きかもしれないです 🀀 ずっおも欲匵りで倉態な赀ずきんちゃんでした💝

I like wearing a tracksuit when I'm relaxing at home, but other parts of my body tend to relax during that time 🥰 I love wearing this pretty purple tracksuit 💜 In particular, my crotch is sloppy and my juice often spills out from there 💊 If I leave a big plug in my ass for a long time, my sphincter muscles become loose and sloppy 🍩 I love playing with my weakened hole by expanding them with my fingers and toys 😋 Juice is leaking from my front, so I have a hard time not getting my pants wet...😳💊 But in the end it's going to be soggy... 😱 わたしはおうちでリラックスするずきはゞャヌゞを着るのも奜きですがそんなずきは䜓の他の堎所もリラックスしがちです💕 特に䞋半身がだらしなくなっおしたいお汁がたっぷり零れちゃうずきもありたすよね♪ プラグを長時間入れっぱでいるずおもしろいくらい括玄筋がだらしなくぐにゃぐにゃに緩くなっちゃうんですよね😊 わたしはその匱くなった肛門をわたしの指やおもちゃで思いっきり拡げお遊ぶのが倧奜きです💜 前からもお汁が挏れおきおノヌパンでいるずゞャヌゞのパンツを濡らさないようにするのに苊劎したす 💊 でも結局はべちょべちょになっちゃうんですけどね(ÂŽ,,•ω•,,`)💕

It's cold every day, but I dare to expose my skin 💖 It's a cute pink swimsuit that's mostly made of strings, but who knows if it's the right way to wear it...👙 This swimsuit never hides my butt and boobs 🥵 I stick my ass out in front of a large window where the sunny winter sun shines down 🌞 My ass and boobs were able to bask comfortably in the refreshing sun 🍑 There was a risk that someone would see my ass with a plug, but my heart was pounding and I remembered the feeling of my first love...😳 If you're taking a walk and you see a butt with a plug on the windowsill somewhere, it might be me...😈💜 毎日寒いですけどあえお肌を露出したくなる時っおありたすよね♪ 生地がほが玐しかないピンクの可愛い氎着ですけど着方がこれで合っおいるのかは誰にもわかりたせん 💗 どういう着方をしおも結局はお尻もおっぱいも党開になる運呜です それなら出しおいくスタむルの方がお埗なような気がしたす 冬晎れの倪陜光が降り泚ぐ倧きな窓蟺でプチ露出です( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) お尻も爜やかな倪陜で気持ちよく日光济ができたした🌞 アナルプラグが嵌たったお尻を誰かに芋られるリスクもありたしたがドキドキしお初恋の気持ちを思い出したした 😚

This season reminds me of the exam season when I spent every day studying hard...(It's exam season in my country now) I hope many exam candidate will have a wonderful spring 🌞 Currently, I am completely absorbed in my research on hole expansion 🧐 It's fun to systematically find out which stretch training is the most effective for enlarging the hole and put it into practice 💪 Someday I want to write that paper...🀀 From what I've experienced so far, it's more like a stretch, and should be done at least once every three days, leaving the plug in the hole for a long time is effective, sphincter muscle fatigue is a sign of a good stretch, and so on! I took pictures of taking out the plug from my hole, so please take a close look at my grown hole 🥵🍩💖 Also, I'm actually a glasses fetish, but I know that glasses images aren't very popular, so if you have a glasses fetish, please raise your hand! 🙋‍♀✚ この季節は毎日寝る間も惜しんで勉匷した受隓シヌズンを思い出したすね 😊 倚くの受隓生に玠晎らしい春が来おほしいものです🌞 今のわたしはもっぱらアナル拡匵研究に䜙念がありたせん🧐 䜓系的にどのストレッチトレヌニングが拡匵に䞀番効果的かを探っお実践しおいくるのが楜しいです♪い぀か論文にしおみたいですね 🀀 今たで経隓的に埗た感芚だず拡匵ずいうよりストレッチに近い、最䜎でも䞉日に䞀回くらいはした方がいい、プラグを長時間入れっぱは効果的、括玄筋の筋肉痛はよくほぐれた蚌、などです 久しぶりにボス8を排出しおからの画像を撮圱したしたので成長したアナルをじっくりご芧ください💕 あず、わたしは実はメガネフェチなのですけどメガネ画像は実はあたり人気がないのはわかっおいるのでぜひメガネフェチの方がいたら挙手しおほしいです🙋‍♀ メガネをかけおアナル偏差倀が䞊がったわたしを芋おください(*,,ÒㅅÓ,,)

February is over soon and March is around the corner! 🌞 Hey listen! But I don't really like this season! Because every year in March and April is hay fever time! Wow! 🥺 I have hay fever, so this is a difficult time of year for me 🀧 When I come back from outside, I immediately take off my clothes(with pollen) and become naked ✹ But then it's cold, so I wear only knee-high socks, and the plug and pubic tattoo warm me from the inside out 😈💜 These make my body devilishly horny 🥵 今週からもう䞉月ですね🌞 だんだんず暖かくなっおくるのはいいのですが花粉が舞いだすのが困りものです🀧 おうちに垰っおきたら花粉が付いたお掋服を党お脱いで掗濯したくなっちゃうのは花粉症あるあるだず思いたす😊👍 でもそれだず党裞で寒いのでニヌハむを履いお、アナルプラグを入れお、淫王を子宮に刻印しお䜓の䞭ら暖たりたす💜 颚邪をひかないように自家発電で枩かくなりたしょう♪ 動いおいるうちに自然ず熱くなっおきたす( * ÂŽâ–¿` * )💗

I play with a long dildo with spiky protrusions 😋 It's 59 cm long and 5 cm thick, but the material is a little stiff, so I use it by folding it in the middle 💗 If it's hard, it's hard to get into the hole, so this time I tried to play with it by bending it to make it thicker 🥰 It feels good to have those bumps digging in my hole 💜 Creatures like sea anemones or sea cucumbers come out of the mysterious hole 😈 I want to grow this creature in my hole and take care of it until it will be big ✹ トゲトゲの突起付きのロングディルドヌで遊びたす♪ 長さ59cm、倪さ5cmですがちょっず玠材が硬めなので真ん䞭で折り曲げお䜿いたす🥰 硬めだず奥が入りにくいので今回は倪くしおずぜずぜしお遊んでみたした ずげずげが䞭を抉っおきお気持ちいいです💕 普通の双頭ディルドヌだず぀る぀るしおいるのですぐに穎から出おきがちですがこれだずトゲトゲがストッパヌ的な圹割をするので出にくくなりたす💓 なんかむ゜ギンチャクかナマコみたいで穎から出おくる新皮の海掋生物感もありたす🌊

If I keep the plug in my ass at all times, the sphincter muscle relaxes and it becomes easier to expand at any time 🍩 So I usually plug it in and enjoy my life, but it feels good, so sometimes I can't stand it and squat down 💗 The normal plug does not have a vibration function, but if it is a type with an insertion hole at the bottom, you can enjoy the vibration while inserting a mini vibrator into it 💓 Vibration in the ass can give you a different feeling from ordinary plugs 😋 When I put an egg-shaped toy in the back of the plug, it also vibrates, so I love the stimulation ✹ I will find my hole very loose when I take the plug out of my hole 🥵🔥 This time, I changed the color of my colored contacts to blue and felt a little strange 💙 プラグを垞にお尻に入れおおくず括玄筋が匛緩しおい぀でも拡匵がしやすくなりたす♪ なのでわたしは日ごろからプラグを入れお生掻を楜しんでいたすがそれ自䜓気持ち良いのでたたに我慢できなくしゃがんでしたうこずが倚々ありたす (/ω) 基本プラグはバむブ機胜が぀いおいたせんが底郚に挿入口があるタむプだずそこににミニバむブを装着するず入れたたた振動も楜しむこずができたす💕 䞭でのバむブは普通のプラグずはたた違った気持ちよさを味わうこずができたす さらにプラグの奥にたたご型のおもちゃを入れおおくずそれも振動するので前立腺をどんどん抉っおきたす お尻がむキすぎお匛緩するのでプラグを出した時は穎党䜓がズルズルになっおいるこずはよくありたす カラコンのカラヌを青にするず雰囲気がだいぶ倉わるような気がしたす💙

Happy Lunar New Year!! If you use the lunar calendar, today is January 1st 👩‍🏫 Unfortunately Japan follows the new calendar so we don’t celebrate Lunar New Year, but in Asia, many countries still retain their culture and customs and celebrate them 🥳✚ Then, they eat dumplings, meat buns, and mandarin oranges 😋 Look at my ass, it's ripe and ready to eat like a hot steamed meat bun 💗 There may be some big dildo or toy hidden inside 🍩 今日は春節(旧正月)です🧚 ぶたたんちゃん豆知識のコヌナヌ🧐日本でも明治以前は旧暊(倪陰暊)を䜿っおいたので今日が暊の䞊ではお正月でした、その颚習は東アゞアの倚くの囜で残っおおり今でも幎明けのお祝いを行いたす(ちなみに忠臣蔵で雪が降っおいるのは旧暊12月14日が今の1月くらいだからです🧐) なんず旧暊だず今日がお正月だったのですね♪ お正月が二床楜しめるなんお矎味しいですよね わたしのアナルも䞭華街の肉たんのようにぷっくり矎味しそうに膚れおきたした😋 䜕を隠そうわたしの名前の由来は冬に食べる豚たんやピザたんが倧奜きだからです🀀💕

It's getting warmer and spring is in the air, so I changed my clothes for the spring 🌞 Gray is useful because it is easy to match any color 🐺 As you can see, it's easy to match with a pink pleated skirt 💗 When you take a walk in the cherry blossom park with me, you can see my ass and black plug as soon as you lift up my pink skirt 😳💕 Look at my hole in full bloom while watching the cherry blossoms in full bloom 🍩😈 Would like to go out with me? もうだいぶ暖かくなっお春らしくなっおきたのでコヌトはしたっお春っぜい衣装に衣替えです🌞 グレヌはどんな色にも合わせやすいので重宝したす♪ ピンクのプリヌツスカヌトずも合わせやすいです Oバックのパンツず黒のヒヌルを履くずアナルが䞞出しになっおもスタむリッシュさをぎりぎりキヌプできそうです➜( ÂŽ ꒳ ` )➝♡ 怅子の䞊でお尻が綺麗に撮れたした🍑 はやくこんな栌奜でもお散歩できるような季節になっおほしいですね🥰 こっそりお出かけしお綺麗に咲いおいる梅や桜を鑑賞しながらスカヌトをめくりたいです💗

I tried on a pure white mini cheongsam that is just right for summer 🌻 My tits and ass are exposed just by moving the small cloth a little 🙈💕 Clear glass plug cools down my hot hole 🥵 Can you see inside my hole? If you have good eyesight you may find other toys in my hole 🍩 Let's put ice in the hole that became hot after playing and cool it down 😋 倏にはちょうどいい生地が少なめの真っ癜なチャむナドレス颚衣装を着おみたした♪ 芋た目も涌しげでおっぱいやお尻もすぐに露出できるのでいろいろ捗りたすね🥰 チャむナドレスはえっちで着るのが奜きなのですがスリット系ではなくスカヌトタむプもたた可愛いですよね( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 透明ガラスプラグでお尻の穎もひんやり快適です🧊 実はこのプラグは倪さが7.5cmでボス8より小さめなんですが重さがあるので重力でアナルから飛び出そうになりたす 💊

Today I am a bunny in heat 🔥 My nipples, hole and clity are all sensitive and I moan every time you touch them 🥵 At times like that, when I eat a long, fat carrot, it excites my hot body and makes me obedient 🐇🥕💕 If you move my crotch cloth there you'll see my black plug and my drooling greedy hole 😈🍩 Will you feed my mouth in heat? Or will you train me further? 今日は8月21日バニヌの日です昚今8月2日もバニヌの日ず蚀われおいたすが元祖は今日なのです🐰 ずいうこずで枩存しおいた新しい玫バニヌの衣裳を぀いに着るこずができたした💜 可愛くおえっちなバニヌスヌツを着るのを倧奜きなんですが実はひず぀バニヌスヌツで欠点があるのは知っおいたすか それは必ず股のずころに垃があるために着たたたアナルを匄ったりおもちゃで遊ぶのが難しいんです 垃の郚分をずらしたりしおするこずもできたすがせっかくなら汚れるのを気にせずピストンしたいですよね♪

It’s getting close to the end of the year Thank you so much for all your help in this year 😊 For the last post of this year, I would like to wear a kimono like a Japanese 🙇🎍 It's a very short kimono, so my ass is completely exposed 🍑 And, out of respect for our ancient culture, we don't wear anything under the kimono ✹ My next year's goal is to become even more naughty and hentai! 💜 And I hope that next year will be a wonderful and fun year all over the world 🙏 I hope you will get along well with me next year 😘💗 I wish you the best for the next 365 days 🥰🙏 And looking forward to catching up in the new year! 幎の瀬も抌し迫っおたいりたしたがみなさた幎末いかがお過ごしでしょうか わたしはこの時期が䞀番奜きです💗 やはり幎内最埌は日本人らしく着物で締めたいずおもいたす🙇🎍 短い着物だずぜったいはだけるのはお決たりですけどこれだずそもそもお尻の郚分に垃がないので䞞出し䞍可避です🍑 济衣の䞋は䜕も着ない文化っお玠晎らしいですよね 🀀 来幎の目暙はさらにえっちにぞんたいな掻動に勀しみたいず思いたす みなさたよいお幎をお迎えくださいたせ。そしお来幎も䞖界䞭玠晎らしい楜しい䞀幎になっおほしいです♪ 来幎もわたしず仲良くしおくれるず嬉しいです😊💕そしおみなさたにもきっず玠敵な幎になりたすように🥰🙏

This toy isn't too big even though it's XXL size, but the colors are so cute that I can't help but play with the dildo "Torben" 😊 This is the XXL size, but the thickest part is only 8.7cm in diameter and 23.5cm in length, so it's petite 💕 Over and over again I want this cute dildo to pound my ass and put a big eggs in my womb 🥵💖 There is a custom of not wearing underwear when wearing a kimono, so I respect that and I don't wear underwear either 👘 When I'm not wearing panties, every time I move my ass hard, my clitty swings up and down, so I'm excited 🔥 I recognized my butt as a very good sniper 🔫😋 サむズ的にはXXLサむズでもあたり倧きくはないですが色合いがずおも可愛いので぀い぀い手を出しおしたったディルドヌ"トヌベン"ちゃんです♪ 倧きさは最倧のXXLサむズでも䞀番倪いずころで盎埄8.7cmで長さも23.5cmしかなく小柄です💕 Nothosaurさんのディルドヌはディルドヌ䞀぀ひず぀に結構詳现な物語が付いおいお楜しいです🥰 このトヌベンちゃんは元はサヌカスの芋䞖物だったのが逃げ出したくたさんの蚭定のようです🧞 着物では䞋着を付けないずいう習慣に敬意を衚し今回はノヌパンです💗 パンツを履かないず腰を激しく動かすたびにおちんぜが䞊䞋に揺れるので勝手に興奮しお昂っおきたす( Ž꒳​` )💝 最埌は卵がカメラにぶ぀かっお次回䜜を予感させる倧䜜のような終わり方になりたした😋

The cold weather is coming and there are many places with snow, so how are you doing? ⛄ Since it's Sunday, I'll keep my room warm and relax in my loungewear 😋 Personally, I like wearing a hoodie on top and wearing no panties on bottom 💜 If you put the plug in your ass, it will warm you up from the inside and make you feel better, so I recommend it 🔥 My bangs have grown so I rarely show my forehead with a heart hair clip 💗 Even if it's cold outside, it's always warm inside my hole 🍩 Chikawa and Rilakkuma are always waiting for you, so come visit my warm room to play 😈 寒波がやっおきお倧雪のずころが倚いですがみなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか わたしは日曜日なのでお郚屋を暖かくしお郚屋着でお郚屋でく぀ろぎたす♪ 個人的に奜きなファッションは䞊だけパヌカヌを矜織っお䞋はノヌパンな感じなのが奜きです💕 プラグを入れおおくずさらに身䜓の䞭から枩たっお気持ちいいのでおすすめです🥰 前髪が䌞びおきたのでレアなおでこを出すスタむルです( ➝➝•᎗•➝➝ ) 足を閉じおいるずアナルずたたたたの間の筋がすじマンに芋えなくもない気がしおきたす わたしの堎合はそこはダミヌでた〇こに匹敵するのはアナルの方ですけど  倖は寒くおもその䞭だけはい぀でもずろずろで暖かいです💖

Hi! Did you enjoy the new year enough? In my country, we go to shrines and temples for hatsumode on New Year's Day ✹ Then we pick a fortune slip which tells their fortune of the new year 🙏 I want you to draw an omikuji(fortune slip) too, so for your sake I will change into a shrine maiden uniform and put a lot of omikuji balls in my ass 💖 A shrine maiden must be a virgin, so a chastity cage is standard equipment 💜 Guess which color ball will come out last Wins will be lucky all year round this year! ✹ There were 8 toys in all in my hole! From my experience, if you put a lot of ball-shaped toys in, they may get stuck in the hole and not come out (even so, they will come out naturally after a few hours) If you put a dildo-shaped toy in the deepest part of your hole, it won't go any further into the hole, so you can stuff as much as you want without worrying about it 🥰👍 早いもので2023幎も䞉が日もあっずいう間に過ぎ今日で束が明けたすがみなさたは初詣には行きたしたでしょうか ただ行けおいない方のためにわたしはちゃんず巫女服に着替えボヌルお神籀をたくさんアナルの䞭に入れおおきたす💗 巫女さんはノァヌゞンなので貞操垯が暙準装備です⛩ どの色のボヌルが䞀番最埌に出おくるか圓おおくださいっ ‘ ᵕ ‘  圓たった人はなんず今幎䞀幎䞭倧吉です✚ 黒ちんこ型ディルドヌ1、゚むリアン卵3、楕円圢たたご倧2楕円圢たたご小2、合蚈8個入ったこずになりたす🎱 ちなみに経隓䞊ボヌル型のおもちゃをたくさん入れるず奥に入っお結構出おこなくなるこずがありたすが(それでも数時間したら自然ず出おきたす)䞀番奥にディルドヌ型のを入れおおくずそれ以䞊奥に行かないので安心しおいくらでも詰め蟌むこずができるのでもし耇数挿入をする方がいたらこの方法はオススメです♪

I am Astolfo, one of the Paladins of Charlemagne! If you summon me as a servant, I will punch you with my "sword" as a saber or ride you with my "sheath" as a rider! Then I will say to you, "I ask you, are you my master?" And give me experience points to grow my body! 💪😋 Let's explore together deep into the dark "caves" and slay the dragons, or go on an adventure to the moon to find our vaporizing reason, as legend has it 🌝💜 アストルフォはセむバヌクラスずラむダヌクラスで召喚できたすけどそれは"責め"ず"受け"ずいう暗喩なのでしょうか 薄い本だずいろいろなアストルフォくんがいたすがわたしは断然受け掟です🀀 ラむダヌクラスで召喚されお総受けでいろんな巚倧ちんぜに階乗しおほしいです (ゲス顔) お尻の穎の倧きさにステヌタス党振りしたアストルフォくんがいいず思いたす🀀 ああ、勝手に心の声が挏れおたした お恥ずかしい ((*uεu*))

This is a video for all the huge strap-on lovers 😘💗 I asked a friend (yaoi fan) who is interested in big anal again to help me 😋 As soon as I take out the plug and hidden dildo that I always have in my ass, it's pussy anytime, anywhere 🍩💕 First is the longest sky blue long dildo with a total length of 36 cm, then (smaller in my toys) 32 cm dildo + fisting, and finally a 9.5 cm thick Jonah dildo with strapon! My hole is completely beaten over and over by a very huge strap-on 🥵💕 Those giant dildos no mercy plow my hole all the way to the root 😈💜 Even with such a play, I can not stand it and reach the climax many times 💕 巚倧ペニバン愛奜家のみなさたに莈る動画です♪ たたたた倧きなアナルに資料的に興味を持っおいる腐女子のお友達に手䌝っおもらいたした( ⁰̷͈̎ ꇎ ⁰̷͈̎ ) 垞時入れおいるボス8ず隠しディルドヌを取り出せばい぀でもどこでもケツマンコです💕 たぶん長さはもっずも長い党長36cmのスカむブルヌのロングディルドヌ、(圓瀟比では小さめの)32cmのうたちんディルドヌ+フィスト、倪さ9.5cmのゞョナディルドヌの極倪ペニバンオンパレヌドです😋 自分のペヌスでするオナニヌずは違っおバックからお尻を叩かれながら容赊なくガツガツ思いっきり犯されるのもいいものですよね  党郚根元たで思いっきりピストンされおたすけどだいぶ䜙裕がなくなっおたす 💜 極倪ペニバンを抜き出すずきの肛門の皺の郚分が勢いで火山のように思いっきり突き出しおいるずころも芋どころです🌋

I think there are various standards when choosing a toy, but I like interesting shapes besides thickness and length 🧐 The toy I used this time is the "Anthurium plug", which is unique because it looks like it's been cut in half from the middle 💗 This plug is a type that can insert a bump with a thickness of 8.4 cm, so it is large enough 😋 And what's worth mentioning is that it's a fun way to use this plug to fill the half-missing space with another toy! I was also looking forward to it, so I tried it immediately, but it feels like I can enjoy it comfortably... 🀀 When I put two of them in at the same time, the 8.4cm-thick hump hits my insides even more and it's the best...!!! Personally, I feel that this feeling is thicker inside than a single thick dildo 😳 おもちゃを遞ぶずきの基準はいろいろあるず思いたすがわたしは倪さず長さの他にはおもしろい圢のが奜きです♪ 今回䜿っおみたおもちゃは"アンスリりムアナルプラグ"ですがこれは真ん䞭から半分切り取られたような圢をしおおりナニヌクです💕 それでいおしっかり倪さ8.4cmのコブ状の金玉を挿入できるプラグタむプになっおいるので倧きさも十分です😋 そしお特筆すべきはこのプラグがアナル奜きな方に掚奚しおいる面癜い遊び方であるその半分欠けおいるスペヌスに別のおもちゃを入れおみるずいう䜿い方です わたしもそれが楜しみで早速詊しおみたしたがこれはなかなか気持ちよく楜しめる感じですね 🀀 二本同時に入れるず倪さ8.4cmあるコブの郚分がさらに内偎を抉っおきお最高です 💜 個人的には䞀本の極倪ディルドヌよりも䞭で倪く感じたす💕

At first glance, it looks like I'm wearing normal loungewear and short hot pants, but when I took them off, I was wearing no underwear, womb tattoo, a chastity cage, and plug...😈💜 Moreover, these hot pants have a zipper on the back, so I can expose my ass and hole without taking them all off 🍑 If the backside of my body were to look like this while we were playing games together in the room, wouldn't that be naughty...💖 By the way, with this 8.5cm diameter plug, I can keep it in my hole all day long After taking it out, my sphincter is definitely loosening and my hole is drooling 🀀 䞀芋、普通の郚屋着ず短パンに芋えたすが実は脱いだらノヌパン、淫王、貞操垯、アナルプラグ付きでした  しかもこの短パンゞッパヌがお尻の方に付いおいるので党郚脱がなくおもお尻もアナルも䞞出しにできたす🍑 サむズ的には倧きめブカブカで緩い感じのパンツです💕 郚屋で普通にゲヌムずかしお遊んでたのに服の䞋がこんなになっおたらなんだかえっちですよね ♡(ÂŽ,,•ω•,,`) ちなみにわたしはボス8だず䞀日䞭穎から出さないで入れおおくこずが可胜です 出した埌は確実に括玄筋がずろずろに緩みたくっおたす🍩

January has already passed and February begins today 😳💊 It's still cold days, but don't let your guard down and stay warm 🥰 If you take a hot bath and warm up from the core of your body, you won't feel cold 💪😋 My recommended way to take a bath is to put a plug in your ass and warm up in the bathtub 🛀 By relaxing your buttocks and taking a warm bath, the circulation in your body will improve and you should be able to experience the relaxing effect! Nipples and dick that have become smaller due to the cold will also become healthy 😋👍 I made a hot bath for you so let's warm up together 🔥 䞀月は早くもむっおしたっお今日から二月ですね ただただ寒い日が続いおいたすが油断しないように枩かくお過ごしくださいたせ🥰 あたたかいお颚呂に入っお䜓の芯から枩たるずぜかぜかになっお寒くなくなりたすよね🛀 わたしのオススメの入り方はプラグを入れながら入るこずです♪ お尻をほぐし぀぀枩かいお颚呂に入るこずで䜓䞭の血行がよくなっお拡匵効果も期埅できたす 寒さで瞮こたっおいた乳銖やおちんぜさんも元気になっおくれたす💗 䞀緒に肩たで浞かっお枩たりたしょうね()

Recently, I've been getting a little overweight, so let's change into gym clothes and exercise🀞‍♀ It's hard to tell whether this costume is a gym suit or a swimsuit, but it's easy to move 😋👍 The string on the side supports my panties 💜 Especially the lower part of the body is covered only with strings, so it is easy to exercise 💝 Even so, the blue fabric with a small area covers my clitty and hole well 👍 Both are definitely exposed when I moving
 My nipples are sticking out and greeting you cheerfully! 🍒 Let's work up a good sweat together before you run out of exercise! 最近、少し倪り気味なので䜓操服(?)に着替えお運動をしたしょう🀞‍♀ 䜓操着なのか氎着なのかわかりづらいデザむンですが䜓は動かしやすいです😊 サむドの玐から䞋半身の玐に結べるデザむンになっおいたす 特に䞋半身はほが玐だけなのでいろいろしやすそうですね💕 それでいお青い面積少なめの生地がおちんぜずアナルはしっかりカバヌしおくれおいたす💜 動いおいるず確実にどちらも䞞出しになりたすが  トップスも仕様なのか乳銖だけはどう着おも完党にはみ出したす🥰 これ着るずなんだかむちむち床がアップしおいるような  䞀緒に気持ちいい汗を党身(特に䞋半身)から流したしょう➜( ˶Ž⚰`˵ )➝💕


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