
Today I went to visit Hanazono Shrine in the twilight ⛩ The contrast between the pale blue of the sky and the fresh green leaves was beautiful 💖 Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, I was healed by the calm and quiet space that felt like I was in a different world 😌 A series of torii gates is said to be an "Inari Shrine", and there is always foxes are messangers of Inari god there 🦊 Let's enjoy Japanese tradition together! 【番外編ぶたまんちゃんのまんまんお散歩】 今日は薄暮の中花園神社に参拝に行ってきました⛩ 空の色の淡青と新緑の緑の葉のコントラストが美しかったです❣ 周りの喧騒の中ここだけは異世界のような静けさでパワーをいただけました💪😋 鳥居が稲荷神社の千本鳥居のようになっていたのでもしかしたらと思ったらちゃんとお稲荷さんも見つけました🦊✨ そういえば花園神社は邪神ちゃんのゆりねの実家ですの!

Published: May 2nd 2023, 11:01:56 am

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Today I went to visit Hanazono Shrine in the twilight ⛩ The contrast between the pale blue of the sky and the fresh green leaves was beautiful 💖 Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, I was healed by the calm and quiet space that felt like I was in a different world 😌 A series of torii gates is said to be an "Inari Shrine", and there is always foxes are messangers of Inari god there 🦊 Let's enjoy Japanese tradition together! 【番外編ぶたまんちゃんのまんまんお散歩】 今日は薄暮の中花園神社に参拝に行ってきました⛩ 空の色の淡青と新緑の緑の葉のコントラストが美しかったです❣ 周りの喧騒の中ここだけは異世界のような静けさでパワーをいただけました💪😋 鳥居が稲荷神社の千本鳥居のようになっていたのでもしかしたらと思ったらちゃんとお稲荷さんも見つけました🦊✨ そういえば花園神社は邪神ちゃんのゆりねの実家ですの!