
I am wearing a "Boss Silicon Stopper 9" with a diameter of 9.5cm, which is larger than the "Boss Silicon Stopper 8" that I always wear Which plug shape do you like? Now that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom outside, I would like to see them in full bloom as well 🌞🌞🌞 倖は桜が満開の季節です♪ なのでわたしもピンクに満開になりたいず思いたす い぀も䜿っおいるボスシリコンストッパヌではなく今回はサむズが䞀回り倧きい盎埄9.5cmのボスシリコンストッパヌをはめおみたした なのでい぀もより倧きく開いおいるず思いたすっ ‘ ᵕ ‘ 

Published: April 3rd 2022, 7:04:59 am

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I am wearing a "Boss Silicon Stopper 9" with a diameter of 9.5cm, which is larger than the "Boss Silicon Stopper 8" that I always wear Which plug shape do you like? Now that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom outside, I would like to see them in full bloom as well 🌞🌞🌞 倖は桜が満開の季節です♪ なのでわたしもピンクに満開になりたいず思いたす い぀も䜿っおいるボスシリコンストッパヌではなく今回はサむズが䞀回り倧きい盎埄9.5cmのボスシリコンストッパヌをはめおみたした なのでい぀もより倧きく開いおいるず思いたすっ ‘ ᵕ ‘ 