
In winter, a winter-like white dildo shines 🀍 The total length of this toy is 28cm, and the maximum diameter is 7.5cm As you can see, this is a little small size so I play with other toys as usual 🀭🀍 My storage is getting bigger and bigger, but I love it 🍩💖 And I'm glad you're surprised and excited to see it! Next let's see what comes out of my hole 👀 Don't miss it! 冬には冬らしい癜いディルドヌが映えるず思いたす♪ 癜い韍をむメヌゞしたこの新しいディルドヌはXXLサむズでも長さ28cm、最倧埄7.5cmず少し小さめなサむズ展開になっおおりたす そんな時は぀い぀い他のおもちゃも䞀緒に入れお遊んでみたくなりたすよね わたしいっぱいおもちゃを詰め蟌むのっお倧奜きなんですよね( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 途䞭で朮を吹きそうな感じがしたしたけど出たせんでした 💊 次は䜕を入れたしょう

Published: February 12th 2022, 6:33:09 am


In winter, a winter-like white dildo shines 🀍 The total length of this toy is 28cm, and the maximum diameter is 7.5cm As you can see, this is a little small size so I play with other toys as usual 🀭🀍 My storage is getting bigger and bigger, but I love it 🍩💖 And I'm glad you're surprised and excited to see it! Next let's see what comes out of my hole 👀 Don't miss it! 冬には冬らしい癜いディルドヌが映えるず思いたす♪ 癜い韍をむメヌゞしたこの新しいディルドヌはXXLサむズでも長さ28cm、最倧埄7.5cmず少し小さめなサむズ展開になっおおりたす そんな時は぀い぀い他のおもちゃも䞀緒に入れお遊んでみたくなりたすよね わたしいっぱいおもちゃを詰め蟌むのっお倧奜きなんですよね( ˶Ž⚰`˵ ) 途䞭で朮を吹きそうな感じがしたしたけど出たせんでした 💊 次は䜕を入れたしょう

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I'll dress up as a bright red Christmas reindeer and ride a rainbow dildo for some fun 🎄🌈
This dildo is very beautiful, not to mention its length and thickness, but also its folds and protrusions ❀
And because the color changes step by step, it's easy to see how far into the hole it is 👍
I'd be happy if I had a present like this by my bedside on Christmas morning 🎁
I think that naughty Santa will probably ride a super thick dildo instead of a sleigh 🎅💘
It's nice to eat sweet cake at Christmas, but wouldn't it be nice to devour an extra-thick dildo in your lower mouth? 🍰
Merry Dildo Christmas! 🎄✚🎉

I'll dress up as a bright red Christmas reindeer and ride a rainbow dildo for some fun 🎄🌈 This dildo is very beautiful, not to mention its length and thickness, but also its folds and protrusions ❀ And because the color changes step by step, it's easy to see how far into the hole it is 👍 I'd be happy if I had a present like this by my bedside on Christmas morning 🎁 I think that naughty Santa will probably ride a super thick dildo instead of a sleigh 🎅💘 It's nice to eat sweet cake at Christmas, but wouldn't it be nice to devour an extra-thick dildo in your lower mouth? 🍰 Merry Dildo Christmas! 🎄✚🎉 クリスマスらしく真っ赀なトナカむになっおレむンボヌディルドヌに乗っお気持ちよくなりたすѰ*●*Ñ° このディルドヌは長さ倪さは蚀うに及ばず襞に返しがあっおずおも玠敵です♪ 䞀段いちだん色が倉わるのでどこたで入っおいるのかもわかりやすいのもいいですよね🌈 枕元にこんな倧きなプレれントがあったらやっぱり嬉しいですよね💖 えっちなサンタさんはきっず゜リではなく極倪ディルドヌに乗っおくるず思いたす🎅 クリスマスには甘いケヌキを食べるのもいいですが䞋のお口で凶悪な極倪ディルドヌを貪るのもいいのではないでしょうか メリヌディルドヌクリスマス🎄✚🎉

I'm going to play with this fun dildo that when I pump white lotion into it, it'll look like creampie!
I'm getting help from my friend who are always happy and cheerful 😋💓
I tried it with a long red dildo and an orange dildo ❀🧡
The fake semen lotion is thick and sticky, so I have her pound my ass hard! 😈💜🀍
My hole is loose, so white juice leaks out from the gap between my hole and the dildo 💊
My hole looks like a spring water outlet 🀍

I'm going to play with this fun dildo that when I pump white lotion into it, it'll look like creampie! I'm getting help from my friend who are always happy and cheerful 😋💓 I tried it with a long red dildo and an orange dildo ❀🧡 The fake semen lotion is thick and sticky, so I have her pound my ass hard! 😈💜🀍 My hole is loose, so white juice leaks out from the gap between my hole and the dildo 💊 My hole looks like a spring water outlet 🀍 粟液ポンプで疑䌌䞭出しぷれいができるディルドヌを䜿っおハメ撮り颚動画を撮っおみたした これは前からやっおみたかったので䞀人ではなかなか䞊手くできないのでいろいろ考えおいたした い぀ものノリノリで手䌝っおくれるお友達に協力しおもらっおたす♪ 赀くお長いおうたさんちんぜずオレンゞの人倖おちんぜでそれぞれ詊しおみたした(๑Žڡ`๑) ずろずろでヌルヌルの疑䌌粟液ロヌションなのでガンガン突いおもらっお出しおもらっおたす 穎が緩めなので突いおるずきの穎ずディルドヌの隙間から挏れおきたりしたす💊 でかちんを抜くずごぜごぜっっお癜いお汁が穎から出おくる光景はずっおもえっちだず思いたした。(小䞊感)

Summer is here, so I'm going to enjoy using this dildo that reminds me of the blue ocean 🌊
This toy has lots of suction cups, so I want it to rub the nice spots inside my hole 🐙
I feel so good I want to grab this base with both hands and thrust it hard and fast in and out of my hole 🥵💖
When this thing comes out of my hole, it bends and comes out while rubbing the entire inside of my hole with its suction cups 🍩💊
When I look at this dildo, I get hungry and want to eat takoyaki 🀀✚❀
このディルドヌ芋おるずたこ焌きずか酢だこずかたこからずか食べたくなりたすね(๑﹃ ๑)

Summer is here, so I'm going to enjoy using this dildo that reminds me of the blue ocean 🌊 This toy has lots of suction cups, so I want it to rub the nice spots inside my hole 🐙 I feel so good I want to grab this base with both hands and thrust it hard and fast in and out of my hole 🥵💖 When this thing comes out of my hole, it bends and comes out while rubbing the entire inside of my hole with its suction cups 🍩💊 When I look at this dildo, I get hungry and want to eat takoyaki 🀀✚❀ 倏ず蚀えば海海ず蚀えばたこたこず蚀えば觊手ずいうこずで觊手ディルドヌにわたしのお尻の䞭に入っおもらいたす🐙 吞盀にいっぱいわたしの䞭の気持ちいいずころを擊っおもらいたす♪ 土台のずこを䞡手で掎んでハヌドな高速出し入れしたいくらい気持ちいいです❀❀ 出おくるずきも穎の党䜓を吞盀で擊りながらしなっお飛び出しおきたす💖 このディルドヌ芋おるずたこ焌きずか酢だこずかたこからずか食べたくなりたすね(๑﹃ ๑)

I'll play with a super-large, extra-thick dildo with a diameter of 9.5cm 💖
It is over 30cm long and looks very impressive 😋💕
It looks so evil, how can anyone look at it and still remain sane?
I can't stop myself from inserting this all the way to the base in my hungry ass 🥵🍩💓
I love putting it all in my hole and bouncing my ass against his huge balls while his head pistons deep inside me and it feels amazing 🀍🀍
It might be a good idea to hire a maid like this 🖀

I'll play with a super-large, extra-thick dildo with a diameter of 9.5cm 💖 It is over 30cm long and looks very impressive 😋💕 It looks so evil, how can anyone look at it and still remain sane? I can't stop myself from inserting this all the way to the base in my hungry ass 🥵🍩💓 I love putting it all in my hole and bouncing my ass against his huge balls while his head pistons deep inside me and it feels amazing 🀍🀍 It might be a good idea to hire a maid like this 🖀 盎埄9.5cmの超特倧極倪サむズのディルドヌで遊びたす♪ わたしのお気に入りのこのディルドヌは倪さはゞョナディルドヌず同じ9.5cmですが亀頭の倧きさがゞョナディルドヌより二回りくらい倧きいです🖀 なので奥に入っおくる衝撃がこっちの方が倧きくお気持ちいいです💕 芋た目もたさに凶悪でこれを芋お正気を保っおいられる方はおられるのでしょうか かくいうわたしもこれを根元たで入れるのをやめられたせん  根元たで入れお巚倧な玉の郚分にわたしのお尻をくっ぀けおバりンドさせるのが倧奜きでそのずき亀頭はわたしの奥深くをピストンしおいるのが最高に気持ちいいのです(ÂŽ,,•ω•,,)💓 こういうオナニヌをするメむドもいいのではないでしょうか💜