

I finally could transfer the files that were on my phone but I'm still unable to transfer longer files than 3 minutes while recording on 4K. There's a couple of huge dirty talk cumshots that totally breaks my heart not being able to share them with you. Until a few weeks ago, I was getting rid of 1 problem to face 2 immediately moments later. Recently, I've been getting rid of 1 to face 3 or 4 right after. Every time I was planning to organize myself and catch up, I was surprised with short deadlines of cut warnings of bills (still related to the times I was sick and with health issues, which affected my earnings tremendously) and to be able to pay them in time I had to totally focus on something else. I even experienced some delays on the payments, but fortunately they were available in time. Right now, it's happening again, but if everything goes well and there's no delays, I will pay them in a few hours, 1 day before the deadline. It's been a challenge; things are getting better, but it's a gradual process that requires attention on what's urgent while what's important ends up temporarily on the background. I was frankly embarrassed for not being able to post because there was always something happening. For example, I experienced issues with the videos on 4K again, but I was able to find another encoder and the results seems even better now, so that was a good thing out of a problem. However, I know that my laptop has been acting up, but it's a really lengthy process - just this boxers video took me 1 hour and an half to convert, export and upload. It's just crazy! I got good new tho: I'm expecting to dedicate the upcoming week to make up for the dirty talk videos that I'm unable to transfer and catch up with everything, from posting, DM's to archive. I also have a surprise to share soon that I believe you're going to love. I'm going to share what I was able to get done today and I'm expecting to share a few more tomorrow. I also would love to reply to a couple of DM's before get some rest, at least. I'


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