

Nurse or Teacher? Lost My Virginity With Huge Load 浓精射爆! 处男应该选护士还是老师? PPV37 剧情简介【storyline behind the scenes】 男主是学校的篮球队队长,一次比赛中不小心扭伤了膝盖。他本以为只能独自忍受伤痛,却没想到两位特别的人都先后找上了门。 第一天,校医小姐姐手里拿着专业的护膝进来了男主的病房。她一边检查一边尝试固定受伤的部位,但他受不住疼痛晕了过去。在梦里仿佛看到了校医换了一套性感护士制服,把他的裤子满满地脱掉了…..醒来的时候发现自己内裤上湿了一大片,浓浓的精液让校医脸红不已 第二天下午,班主任老师拿着一本性教育书籍和避孕套敲开了他的家门。她温柔地为他补课,叮嘱不要逞强,她的每一句话都像是关怀,又像是暗藏某种无法说出口的情感…… This is a story of a captain of the highschool's basketball team, he accidentally sprained his knee during game. On the first day, the school nurse came into the his dorm with a knee brace in hand. She tried to stabilize the injured part while checking on him, but he couldn't stand the pain and fainted. In his dream, he seemed to see the doctor changed into a sexy nurse uniform and taking off his pants... The next afternoon, his homeroom teacher knocked on his door with a sex education book and condom in her hand. She was there to help him catch up with homework and the sex education class he missed during the week.…..


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