
๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒผ sweet lil care-alot ๐ŸŒธ ~ pt 1 ugh yesterday was so embarrassing.. i got all dolled up and cute for this shoot and was really happy with how my outfit had turned out until my Grammy arrived out of nowhere. [nobody told me we had company yesterday] she looked at me like i was a freak and said "what's with all of that?" gesturing at me. i said "it's me! its what makes me happy to wear." she continues by saying "well i just dont get it, especially the whole bandaid thing. you're not injured." i tried explaining it's my style, and that yes i do dress up like this for stream but really it's just something that makes me happy. i reminded her that ive always liked to dress up and she agreed on that. it seemed like i might have been getting through to her until my mom called me over and told me to dig my dead joints out of the ash tray. mind you im all dolled up and didn't want to get dirty but i listened, even though i was so embarrassed.. idk why my mom always has to humiliate me especially since she acted like im the only one who smokes joints here and in fact i smoke waaaay less than them so it's just silly. today my Grammy saw me come out of my room just in my pajamas and do you know what she said? im like sluggish, messy ponytail, in pajamas and she says "i like this you much better." thanks Grammy. and tomorrow is my mom's wedding which im already stressed for, but please wish me luck! i hope not to make a complete fool of myself. sending you guys much love in hopes your weekend is more peaceful than mine.
