
Feb'olous Spoiler !

Published: January 30th 2018, 1:45:11 pm

zephyrosu main image

Hello Patrons and Fans you are MANIACLY MENTAL!! :D 

Thank you for the January's Pledges and all Support through years. Now we will step for february stuff, and i already got few SPOILERS......  

1. Valentine's Day (slimy interfaith love). 

2. Chinese's New Year (YEAH! it's DOGGO'S YEARS) 

3. PUNK GURL in hijab! (femdom alert).

what do ya think..?!

Statistic tells that, more and more Patrons came to support! and, I trying hard to finish these faster as possible, so i can get some extra time for extra STUFF to come! 

HOPING that can achieve. let me know YOUR FREAKIN' IDEAS!?  comment here, or discord me fam!
I open my all ears like hell's door! open for sinners!  ahahah.. joke. (sorry).

and sorry for the cover. i know it's sucks..  

Best, Zephyr