Published: December 3rd 2023, 1:37:52 pm
Hi all my cute little Otters and Cuddlebuns <3
I'm a little sad making this post but I think I need to be upfront and fair to everyone here.
I'll be 'closing' the DMs here on Patreon starting today, same goes for my regular email inbox.
This means I won't be able to reply to anyone contacting me through either.
This is definitely not because anyone has sent anything inappropriate, have been rude, overbearing or anything even close to that. You're all nothing short but amazing.
It is simply because I can't keep up and it is effecting my presence in the chat, comments, YouTube aswell as my ability to create audios because I'm trying to be everywhere and spreading myself to thin. It also sadens me to leave 'half answers' to anyone that takes the time to write me such wonderful things as you do.
I really do love talking to everyone but will instead do so in the comments, the Patreon chat aswell as having more regular Livestreams were we can all hang out and chat ^^
I'll also make soon open up a suggestion box again were you can send in suggestions for new audios if you have something you'd like to see!
Know that you're all super extra awesome and amazing and it means alot to have your support here on Patreon <3