Published: June 13th 2023, 12:06:25 am
Really tried to channel the same zest I had for drawing whatever the fuck when I was a kid lol. Before we moved away from GA, my husband's coworker gave him a giant bag of markers and pens and shit. I usually really hate coloring traditionally. The only time I think I've ever done it has been for a class (and then my leftover paint would go to Oscar, who thankfully actually uses it). But working with cheap shitty materials unlocks something in my brain where I don't really care if it looks good or not, as long as it's fun and at least turns out to be a little bit interesting.
A lot of the traditional drawings in this sketchbook I messed with digitally after scanning them...Treating my CLIP brushes like they're Also a ziploc bag full of 10 year old highlighters, lol. It's different from what I usually include in these sketchbooks, but I hope you enjoy <3