Published: January 13th 2022, 3:53:26 pm
Aaand we're back!! There's less than 10 pages left to go in this chapter, and I'm really excited to wrap things up with this final scene. (I might add a ~3 page hook to the start of this chapter, but I'll see how I feel after I thumb that out).
That being said, these pencils have taken a lot longer than I anticipated since I've been very fortunate to have a lot of contract work atm. A late Spring release date for Ch 1 doesn't really seem feasible anymore. That doesn't change anything for you all, since I'll still be uploading process as I move along, but I wanted to give the heads up that this comic will be available publicly later than I expected. I don't want to set a concrete date until this chapter is complete. The plan is still the same -- complete 2 chapters, then publicly post chapter 1.
Thanks for reading, as always!
Quick edit: Bashkir patterns on page 27 are referenced from this article (in English) and this book (in Russian).