
Map of the Heart Process | Chapter 1 | Pencils so far (pages 1-9)

Published: November 12th 2021, 2:33:43 pm

wise_mommy main image
wise_mommy image #0
wise_mommy image #1
wise_mommy image #2
wise_mommy image #3
wise_mommy image #4
wise_mommy image #5
wise_mommy image #6
wise_mommy image #7

Hey everyone! There's 3 new pages this week, but I made some edits to older pages, so I thought I'd include everything I have done so far. I'm really excited to move on to the next scene so I can start drawing some new characters >:)

I'll be back in two weeks with more! Because there will be more time between this update and the next, I should have at least 6 new pages by then. 

Thanks for reading! <3