Published: October 23rd 2020, 11:09:43 pm
Here are the full inks for this illustration! Or at least as full as they'll be until I move onto color...I tend to be fairly conservative with black placement in full color illustrations like this until I have a better idea of how I want to light it, As for the border, I haven't decided if I want to paint it or not! It's easier for me to paint than it is to do really precise inks, so it would be less work to try painting first than it would to try inking.
Looking at this as a black and white illustration, I don't think it could stand on its own! The cast iron on the pan and the pot in the background draw far too much attention. I know I want to light this drawing from above (an unseen hanging light), but it's hard to visualize that in inks that will be colored (at least for me!). So that's why I'll likely end up adding more spot black while I color (likely to the backs of chairs, dramatic shadows, and within Vitya's and Shamil's hair - the characters second to the left and farthest to the right).
That said, I'm estimating one or two more updates for this 'til it's done -- flats and render. I've defaulted uploading these to the same res I would for social media, so for the final I'll upload every phase at the resolution it was drawn at.
Flats should come soon! I don't have an ETA, but the illustration will be finished in full before the month ends. Thanks for following the process on this! It has def made me think more critically about how I go about illustration.