Published: July 31st 2019, 6:01:08 pm
Drive link if you prefer:
This sketchbook ended up being all one thing! Which is cool! I hope you think that's cool.
I've been spending pretty much all my free time on this story this month. It has a long way to go until I'm ready to actually start working on pages, but it's starting to form the shape of something that looks like a coherent story.
For August I'll try and branch out into some other stuff but these folks will definitely still be included, so I hope you like them!
Also: there's a little disclaimer at the start of the .pdf but I'll say it here as well: there are a couple of pages in here where a character is referred to by his deadname and she/her pronouns prior to his transition. It's not malicious, but if that's something you'd rather not see, you can skip to page 8 of the .pdf. There will be less doodles from that point in the story's timeline next month, that's just what I've been working on writing in July.
As always, thank you thank you thank you!