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Sprites for the player races!
Patreon buy #2
Pleased to make your acquaintance...
Version 0.1.1s - 01/12/2017
Knight version 0.1.1s - 01/12/2017
Game version 0.1.1s - 01/12/2017
Last call on polls!
Bucky Belle
Uthgarr: combat ready
Uthgarr sketches
The Belle "sisters"
Character: Uthgarr
Poll: New patreon-only race
Might or magic poll
Poll: Might or magic
Version 0.1.1r - 30/10/2017
Knight version 0.1.1r - 30/10/2017
Game version 0.1.1r - 30/10/2017
Dusk the pole dancer
Boozin' Boob bobbing
Things heating up
Rodham's counter
Upcoming scenes (NSFW)
Rodham the barkeep
Poll winner
Version 0.1.1q - 02/10/2017
Game version 0.1.1q - 02/10/2017
Knight version 0.1.1q - 02/10/2017
Second bunch of characters
First new character batch
Coming for you, Charlie Brown!
Status effect icons
The "Inn and out" brothel
Version 0.1.1p - 09/09/2017
Game version 0.1.1p - 09/09/2017
Knight version 0.1.1p - 09/09/2017
Patreon poll: new scene!
Moohmin face sitting scene
Ratling Blowie
Brothel Layout
Sketches for scenes with art missing
Bandit bumming
Game version 0.1.1o - 19/08/2017
Knight game version 0.1.1o - 19/08/2017
The Tcharn~