
Game version 0.3.1 - Tweaks and tricks

Published: April 21st 2022, 5:44:46 pm

valorandglory main image

Citizen version: Here

Knight version: Here

This one has mainly been minor additions and some updates to old material. I was bugged down through march with real life work :S

Important: This version has seen some code changes and updates to the unity version, and if you experience any crashes please inform me

New features:

  • New gladiator: The combatant named Zak has joined the fiery of the arena.
  • Clover is now romance-able after you've helped her find her old pal.
  • New smut scene: Clover and the player with a wanger
  • New smut scene: Clover and female player
  • "New" smut scene: Brownie missionary is now an animation
  • "New" smut scene: Brownie x Ratling is now an animation (only flat colored)
  • "New" smut scene: The red slime titty time has received shading
  • New item: Sloans mixture - adds an amount of lust when drinking it. Sold by Avius
  • New item: Winged dagger - A dual wieldable weapon sold by sister Remorse in the church (Made in union with the community)
  • New companion skin: Doggy can now become "Shark-doggy" 
  • New story images. The farmlands are all done with store images, and I've moved on to the market district of Wetlock.
  • New sounds effects added to the monsters, like the skink, lure viper, kobold(partial), skeletal dragon and the toad twins. And Dzeron in the arena.


  • Feron has received a new updated look, with animation.
  • The gate guard of Wetlock has received animation to his portrait.
  • When practicing in the arena, a menu will now present all the fighters, and you can choose who to engage.


  • Certain status effects can now not be dispelled. These are status effects neccesary for character scripts not to break.
  • The Jacko x Naomi scene where missing its shaded. I dread to think for how long.
  • Old grumps idle animation wasn't working
  • Fixed that a players health/lust bar wouldn't change on a deathblow
  • Fix for pregnancies not triggering labor. Now there's a hard set time period where the birth will take place no matter what.