Published: January 18th 2020, 10:34:54 am
Ahh, finally the weekend is here. In the future, I probably shouldn't release on a Sunday - rather bad timing on my part, not being able to make fixes before the next weekend due to work. For that I apologize.
The fixed versions have replaced the patreon- and the knight versions in their previous posts, so you'll have to re-download them for the latest fixes.
Patreon version:
Knight version:
Well, on to the fixes
Fixed bugs
- Losing to the skink now shows the proper scene
- Fixed that the burn debuff now properly damages the monster rather than the player
- Fixed a couple of missing text when changing from the 2nd to the 3rd dragon catacombs level, and the other way around
- Fixed an issue where leaving the 3rd level of the dragon catacombs, placed you on the wrong tile in the 2nd level
- Fixed a bug where the mend spell would try a divide by zero, resulting in it not working
- Resting in the tent now properly resizes the health-, mana and lust bar at the top of the screen
- I've changed the textboxes in the inventory screen to be "best fit" to help avoid the item description texts cropping. Let me know if it has helped~
- The dragon couple should no longer go to the quest reward scene, when starting the interaction from the map
- Having not finished the quest "Bone bringer" before the final encounter with the toad twins, now makes in unfinishable and removes it from the quest journal.
- Buffed the enemy "aroused" status effect buff from 10% more to 50% more damage
- Fixed that the manamagnet perk rank 2 now rewards the proper 5mp per movement on the map
Sadly, I haven't been able to replicate the crash when saving, not being able to change race when creating your character or the ambient sound bug. I'll have to look more into those.