Published: August 3rd 2023, 12:06:02 pm
Hello everyone! :D
August release is here! We're going back to the Landsknecht, this time with uparmored parts ,as well as women options!
Since we started this Swords for hire system, the support from you has been great! I hope we can continue in this direction and that you'll continue being here for it!
Let me remind you what is our new Swords for hire system!
Sets that will fall under this category will be fully modular sets, perfect for warband games, and people who love kitbashing!
These sets will have modular legs, bodies, arms, hands and heads, as well as props to fully accessorise your miniatures!
I plan on adding many options over time, so you'll have the perfect kit to build every mercenaries and soldiers possible!
In this set you will get :
Thanks again everyone for the great support! Always appreciated! We hope to continue doing this for a good while!
Click on the links below to get acces to the folders :
* $5 TIER * (Tier hidden, not available anymore, but you can still get the files)
* $10 TIER *