
Recap , future plans, and thoughts, come have a read!

Published: December 4th 2022, 11:23:30 pm

vaevictisminiatures main image

Hey everyone! How are we doing! Image is just for attention haha!

 Been a while since I haven't made one of these posts, always good for you to know a bit what is happening in the background!

1 - Future releases plans :

Using your suggestions, and what we want to do, I'll give you a rough list of what I think will happen in the following months!

To be really clear, it's not in any specific order! We'll pick what we feel like doing at the time being!

So, you can expect :

-Human knights set

-Human bandits set

-Rat folks set

-Dwarves soldiers set

-Modular worker set (farmers, merchants, lumberjacks..)

-Non-human bandits set

-Modular mages set 

And more, but won't list them all it would be too long haha!

2 - Set part of the releases revolving around a ''range'' mentality :

As you have seen with the guards ,I want to have a rotation in the sets system (randomized though, not all the time the same I think), where I can have themes done a second time, to had more options.

So for exemple, in 6 months maybe I could be doing another set of gnolls, so the Gnolls range is increasing in size. Same with Goblins, I could do a V2 , etc etc.

Ruffians for exemple fits the Human range, since they are compatible with guards. Future humans will also add to their range.

3 - Set size, and content!

As you have seen since we started this Set / heroes / scatters, system last year, the set size is usually between 6-10 modular - pre-builts.  

For September and October, I tried adding mounted troops, at the expense of scatters. Sadly, even though it was a huge amount of work, it wasn't really popular and made no change to our following, it happens :D

After spending time analizing our statistics on MyMiniFactory, I realized that scatters are widly apprecaited, so I think it would be great to have them back, and honestly it's stuff I use myself too on the table, so it's just fun to do more.

 So they'll now be up again on the menu as much as possible, instead of going to far with mounts and such (so far, who knows in the future how it could go if we gain people etc)

I'll be focussing on warband style, instead of trying too much to be wargaming inspired.  That's where I think I can offer my best quality and selection.

Hard capping the set will allow for scatters to be back, and maybe room for hero or side bonus! (As I did in November with the Knight) And just in a few less late night haha!

4 -
Modularity and pre-builts : The return of the drama

Now, the spicy topic :D

As you maaay have read here a few times, and often on Discord, having to do both Modular and pre-builts, while being extremely unproductive,is quite a taxing process over time! And let's not talk about the pre-supporting budget!

I had a good look on our MyMiniFactory store and turns out that :

-Modular set are very popular
-Pre-builts set aren't, at all
-Some individual pre-builts have never sold, not even once!

While I can see it being interesting for humans, since heads and arms are all in parts, I'm not sure it's as much worth it for sets like the Gnolls for exemple, where only hands are modular and it's a 30sec job to glue it.

Even for humans, it's a huge amount of work that could be used for MORE stuff, but I understand that it's annoying for merchants!

Annnd that will be it :D 

As usual, if you want to help, please share our links around you! Post prints, painted models, talk about us, etc!

Thanks a LOT everyone for your huge support over the years, or months, we are really lucky to be able to do this for a living, wouldn't be possible without you all, obviously!