Published: June 25th 2022, 12:25:20 pm
Hello everyone :D Big news today!
We're finally launching our loyalty rewards system!
Starting July 2022, if you have subscribed for 3 consecutive months on eitherour Tribes or Patreon, you'll get access to an exclusive rewards.
The 1st reward will be available in September, since the program starts in July!
Everything is explained in details in the images above, but I believe it is simple enough :
Whenever you join during a specific quarter, you're starting your streak, at the end of the 3rd month starting from the one you joined, you'll get the reward associated with the quarter you joined in.
And if you stay with us another quarter, 3 months from the end of your 1st streak, you'll get another reward!
What will the rewards be ?
They will be bigger models, something we never did for Patreon yet. You can expect trolls, giants, monsters, warmachines, scenes with several miniatures...
1st one will be a War ogre! I'll show you WIP shots very soon! He'll come with a scenic base, and is currently standing at double the height of a normal miniature !
The 3 months streak for him will start in July, meaning if you join in july, you'll get him in September!!
Let me know if you have any questions!