
About modular and pre-built! I need your thoughts!

Published: May 23rd 2022, 11:32:30 am


As some of you might know, we changed our way of doing releases last september.  NPC / heroes on one side, and ''unit / props '' on the other, more or less.

My side of things was supposed to be 5+ minis. When the mercenaries sets arrived,I started to do a bit more (thanks to the pressure of numbers). BUT, because I also did modular, and I was worried about the people who don't like it, I also added pre-builts.

And you can see where I'm going with this I bet.

It is a SHIT TON of work, for basically in the end, two times the same product.

For exemple, body 01 modular and pre-built 01 one will basically be identical in some ways, if assembled the same. (not counting in this stuff like sleeping etc)

And it's actually scaling up badly, I'm realizing this by working on the Kobolds.  I did 7 bodies. Yeah, good job John, that's 7 pre built to do! Which means 7 minis to prepare, export, support. That's clearly not ideal.

But I understand how easy is it to use, and that it's great for merchants. So I'm not wanting to stop it, I'm just thinking out loud, but also..It is what it is.  It's a huge chunk of my monthly work.

So let's imagine, either modular or pre-built weren't on the menu. I would have a LOT more time to maybe :

-improve my sculpts (been pushing it these past couple of months, hope it shows haha) 

-Propose other stuff aside for the 5+ minis, like monsters? Boss? Whatever! There are a lot of stuff I would like to do, but when I did the modular + pre built, well I have like two days for props and that's it! 

-Work on side projects, Kickstarter and whatnot? (I have a LOT of ideas for small projects, would be great to work on it in the shadows :D  ) 

-More importantly, work less and avoid burnout ?(I'm seriously really overworked these days, it's not a good situation to be for long)

So I'm very interesting in hearing your thoughts, if you have preferences between modular and pre-builts etc!