Published: January 8th 2025, 10:30:02 pm
Hey everyone, hope you all had a very nice holiday season. Me? I was crippled by the anxiety of not being able to work on AI projects while away, but what can you do. There are a bunch of things I want to talk about so let's get started.
Set Remakes and Patches
Let's address "patches" first. What I mean by this is kinda what I do when I don't need to remake a whole set and instead I just add and fix here and there. Pretty much what I did with Jessica Rabbit. I toyed with this idea for a bit but ultimately I think it is a bit of a waste of time. I'll release some of the ones I've already finished (Mai, Aqua, Ryuko, Satsuki) But I'm pretty much done with these.
Now for the remakes, at first I thought this was a good idea, a lot of my older sets I consider to be a bit terrible. That being said, I feel like you guys might get frustrated by seeing the same characters over and over instead of something new. I'll be hosting a monthly remake poll from now on, three characters as always. I already have Lucy Kushinada on the pipeline so that'll happen sometime this month.
XL sets
A couple updates regarding XL sets. Most of them I've been kinda spontaneous about. These will most likely become a monthly thing too for my sanity's sake unless it is a character I really like, like Yukiko. Next is 2B which should be out sometime later this month. I'm also aiming for Lyn on late February, after that we'll see.
That should be all for...Hey, hold on, what's this?!
AI Database Update
Gonna be very upfront about this. This update doesn't really allow me to work freely with these characters but they're coming, eventually. Here's a taste of what's coming. Again, these characters aren't ready to get full sets but they'll soon be, alongside a bunch more.
That's actually all for today for realsies this time. hope you all look forward to the new characters.
Last year was a bit challenging in terms of maintaining this account. Both because of personal stuff, and because when you're running this kind of fetish content (is it actually a fetish to like big boobs and to grab them though?) It's sometimes a bit hard to strike a balance between what kind of content your audience is into. Either way, there will be plenty of grabbing during 2025 so stay tuned! Again, thanks a lot for your support.
Also I kinda lied again lol. Here's a decently sized dump including most of the pictures above plus a bunch of new ones.