Published: December 9th 2024, 10:30:01 pm
This is like one of those swimsuit specials, but instead of pin-ups the girls are getting railed. An improvement overall I'd say.
Last week was miserable in terms of AI work. Really didn't get much done, I was sure I was going to be able to finish a set that was almost ready to go but alas, life happens sometimes. I had most of this done and unpublished and I needed to get back on track with something easy so I just went ahead and made Jean, something quick for Laura and this was done.
This might come as a surprise to some of you but a bunch of these characters don't have any data whatsoever. Kitty, Magik, Jubilee, Jean and Mystique are pretty much made from the ground up. I tried to draw some stuff, like Kitty's bangs to make her look closer to her evolution counterpart or Jean's Phoenix symbol, the rest was just praying that the AI picked these details up. I even made Psylocke's pikachu swimsuit for lore accuracy.