Published: January 16th 2023, 5:05:00 pm
Hello from the past! I'm writing this before I write my twitter and discord announcements on the matter.
By now you should be aware that I'm long gone. After 4 years of doing NSFW 3D artwork I've decided it's time to move on. I'm not gonna recycle what I will have said in the other announcements, but please know I am soooo grateful for your support for all these years, especially those of you who have been around since the early tumblr days.
I will be unlaunching this page as to not receive anymore money from Patreon. Unfortunately that means you all will lose access to the content on here.
I urge all of you to drop the habit of consuming this kind of content. It's destructive and warps your mind in all the wrong ways. I've definitely seen an improvement in myself.
As for sharing patreon content, the old me wouldn't want you to. I obviously would wish you all to not consume lewd content anymore, but I know not everyone will or wants to. And quite frankly I don't care what is done with my artwork anymore, and it's best I don't for my own sake.
This is technically the first and last message you'll hear from me since the announcement. I hope you all take care <3