
The free Demo download link

Published: January 27th 2021, 5:29:02 am


Here is the download link to the base demo version. Free for everyone. The file size is large at about 3.5 gigs. So it might take a moment or two lol...

Keep in mind the base version does NOT have the nude Vicky playable character or the character body adjust feature. If you want those consider being a Patron for $5 

An idea I had was to make the demo smaller, using just the neighborhood map, and populating like I have in this version, however using it as a new project and only migrating over what I need for the game. The original weirdsville project has so much stuff in it that it makes it a huge filesize. Plus the park map attached to the neighborhood is so heavy in the shaders and objects that it might make the game really slow on a low range or even mid range computer. 

So grab this baby while you can, next update will be lighter and quicker and smaller in filesize.

The game demo is for windows 64 bit only. Hopefully next version I can package for mac as well.

Download Expanding WeirdsVille Base Demo Here 

Download the game controls list below

Questions, comments or concerns. Please ask on my discord