Published: January 13th 2021, 7:28:54 am
I've been coming up with ideas to make this page better. One very recent member asked, "Where are the videos?" And I realized how hard they are to find unless you scroll through everything. So I went back and added tags to all the videos as well as renders, and belly expansion and such. Now everything should be much easier to find by using the tag boxes above.
I will also be doing more video game videos on here more so than youtube, also I created another youtube channel so tutorials and such and video game work called 'stormrx'. Just do a Youtube search for that name. That channel I hope to gain my 1000 followers and watch time needed to monetize.
This patreon page and anything my new youtube page generates goes back into the game and 3d programs. So basically the more patrons the bigger the game gets.
My goal is to gather 1000 constant Patreon subscribers. once that happens I will quit my day job and work on further video games and animations full time.
So please help out and join up. The video game "Expanding WeirdsVille" will be available on this page, and only patreons will have the full version of the game. The free for all version is merely a demo. Patrons will have a updateable version and every version there after of the same game will be free to patrons. And the game will always have something new. I have a story adventure project to incorporate, inventory system, which allows use of picking up potions to decide belly, breast, or butt expansions and so forth.
So please sign up and enjoy all I have to offer. Download the game once available (aiming for end of january 2021). then stick around for the new updated versions please.
Belly Forth my friends!