
Pausing the March payment cycle

Published: February 7th 2023, 7:37:44 am


Hey, everyone. I hope you're all doing well!

I wanted to let you all know that I'm pausing the billing cycle for the month, possibly next month's as well. I have far too much personal stuff going on and I just can't balance work and life properly anymore.

I apologize that I am often having to make posts like this, but I've been struggling with a personal matter for a long time now, and I think I've reached a point where I need to really take time for myself, really get offline aside from an odd post here and there, and focus my energy on my mental health.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with PTSD as I am, or any other mental health issues, you are not alone. People often battle it alone and many peoples' struggles are unseen and unknown. It truly changes you as a person. Your sense of self is challenged in a way I hope most people will never have to go through. Please take care of yourselves. Do not hold it in because you are not and NEVER will be alone. You can do it.

Thank you all for everything. It means so, so much to me that there are people who support me despite my inconsistency as a creator. I wish I were more consistent, but in truth, it's simply not always possible to make art when you aren't in a good mental health space, especially when you're struggling for a prolonged period of time. No one should ever suffer for their art, I truly believe this. So please, take care of yourselves and take care of the people you hold close. Thank you for reading <3 I hope to be back sooner rather than later.