
Community help

Published: December 14th 2020, 11:38:23 pm


Dear Sexpla(i)nauts,

I find myself thinking about you a lot. I write long messages to you then delete them and write new ones. I wonder how you’re doing and if any of you are interested in driving the RV around (instead of it being parked in snowy Montana). I wonder if you can help me with the book I’m writing and if that’s even appropriate to ask. It’s 2020 and my social schema is all misshapen. I’m not really sure how to engage right now.

To try, I’ve wrapped myself in soft, warm clothes, eaten, talked to friends on the phone, pooped, and cuddled with my pup. I’ve made a list of how I need community right now and if you’re able to participate, great. If not, I still really like you.

As you may know, I’m finally writing the book version of Sexplanations. I’ve turned in the first half to beta readers and I’m working on the third draft of the second half now. Some of the things I’ve decided to include I need help with. I can’t sort them out on my own. This is where I'm hoping for your guidance. 

  1. Should contraception have its own chapter or would it be better to include it with other sexual accoutrements like sex toys?
  2. Do any of you have connections to a laboratory where we can officially determine the chemistry makeup of fluid known as “squirting” or “female ejaculation”? I don’t even know the science behind determining the composition of a fluid but I assume it needs a microscope. Thoughts? Suggestions?
  3. I’d also like to connect with an institution that can give me access to images or cadavers where I can see the actual structures of the internal clitoris for myself. I feel like everything we think about it is based on one illustration and no one’s really questioned it or verified it. Catscan? Anyone going through surgery? I will fly to where you are with a KN95 mask.
  4. I would like the book to have a comprehensive list of sexual behaviors. Or reasonably inclusive. Here is a googledoc if you’d like to contribute/help build this:
  5. Any other thoughts?

There are some other things I'm curious about. Like what to do with all the merch I pulled from DFTBA and how I can best utilize the RV but I'll probably have more clarity on these in the future. I’m all for feedback! either way.

Off to write more. I’m sending you positive thoughts.