

Published: August 6th 2020, 10:34:30 pm


Today I'm feeling more vulnerable on Patreon than ever before. There has been an influx of patrons who believe that by supporting me here they will unlock nude photos and videos or at least feel justified in asking for them. This has made being on this platform and my email inboxes uncomfortable. I want to check and reply to messages but requests to buy my sexual attention have become a deterrent.

To be clear, I'm not definitely opposed to propositions but I think that as society shifts to be more sensitive to their effects, especially on women, there are schemas being created to make requests less harmful. And the aforementioned propositions are not in line with them. Guideline: If I want to be asked out, I go on Tinder. Otherwise, let me exist in my day-to-day life without sexual or romantic advances. Please.

I should say too that part of the frustration is that I try to give so much on Sexplanations, even sexual attention, and to be asked for more of me reads as ungrateful. I love my audience. I love that the personality I project onto you is curious, smart, gentle, thoughtful do-gooders who value my wellbeing and appreciate my work. I want to keep it that way. I don't want to feel like I'm inadequate because I don't show my nipples. Gah. 

Alright so that's where I am with Patreon. Where I am in general is also a bit crunchy. I'm working on an abuse case. I can't talk about it yet. Just know that it is messy and throwing me off in a lot of ways. I haven't been able to work as usual and that includes the book I'm supposed to be writing. More on this with time. Meeting with a lawyer Monday.

In other news, I'm back in Missoula, Montana for the summer enjoying myself immensely in nature -- swimming and hiking, eating delicious food, visiting at a distance with loved ones, and gardening. The Sexplanations RV is getting a lot of attention. My dog and I have been going everywhere together and the scooter I ride in an early episode of the show is a welcome freedom. 

There's a lot to talk about with you, in the meantime please know that I haven't forgotten about you or your incredible generosity. I'm excited to let you in on more of my happenings but I have some processing to do first. 
