
Devlog/May 5

Published: May 5th 2024, 6:00:06 pm

roses_forbidden_garden main image
roses_forbidden_garden image #0
roses_forbidden_garden image #1
roses_forbidden_garden image #2
roses_forbidden_garden image #3
roses_forbidden_garden image #4
roses_forbidden_garden image #5
roses_forbidden_garden image #6
roses_forbidden_garden image #7

Hello everyone.

It's been a while, the development is going well, nothing changes on this side.

It take so much time because right now I'm experiencing some new mechanics and minigames idea. I tried a lot of them, and most of them were not as I expected, but still it was funny to try to do them.

The difficulty now is the sound design, since I'm not a pro and that I want the game to feel alive, I need more time to do it the way I want it.

Again thank you for your support and especially for your patience. Enjoy your day.