

Published: September 11th 2018, 5:40:52 pm


Hey all! 

I've been thinking about making some alterations to this Patreon. I love making art for you all, but I also have a strong desire to work on more personal projects. 

So, I've decided to streamline my rewards and change things up.

Reward tiers are now divided into four options: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Bronze and Silver are for those who want SFW work, while Gold and Platinum will be for those who want NSFW work. There are additional incentives for pledging to higher tiers, but I'll get to those in a bit!

Doodle packs remain unchanged. The new doodle pack poll will still allow you to personally suggest characters each month, of which I'll choose a selection to use! 

Streams remain unchanged. Same deal as before: I post a key, and patrons of sufficient tiers will have access to the key and said streams.

As you may have noticed, there are no tiers which include commissions. Unfortunately, commissions --while a good extra source of income-- are burning me out, so for now I'm going to discontinue them as part of my reward tiers. To compensate, the two previous rewards which offered them --Massmonster and Beefgod-- are no longer available. 

Now, here's the biggest change: monthly art. 

While I don't mind developing my painting skills, I find it eats up way too much of my time each month --limited time I'd rather be spending on smaller and more personal projects. In order to free up time and reduce my workload, I'm going to ease up on the rendering, perhaps limiting the coloring of said pieces to cel-shading or touched-up flats instead of full-fledged painting. As a further attempt to streamline rewards, greyscale versions of each artwork will no longer be offered. The goal here is to find a balance between Patreon and personal artwork each month, and hopefully this helps me find that! 

As an additional change, the characters chosen for monthly art will now be decided...from the doodle pack poll! This way, patrons have even more control over what characters they'd personally like to see, rather than choosing characters that I happen to select. 

Lastly, the final change to monthly art: each piece will have TWO characters instead of one! Patrons will have a much better chance of seeing their favorite character included! 

Okay, that's the gist of it! Changes are effective immediately, so please read over the new tiers and pledge accordingly! Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll try to explain things to the best of my ability! 

Thanks for reading!