Published: September 29th 2021, 2:10:19 pm
So I never tried drawing manga before.
I would like to try it once in a lifetime.
I know that drawing manga, minding nothing but drawing for 24 hours/30days will significantly increase my drawing skill.
I'm aiming for 16~24 page manga for the next month's reward.
BUT if you guys still want the animation, I can push it for later in my life.
I have a discord server if you haven't joined them, please do!
I decided to keep the ENG subtitle, since vast majority of you guys speak English.
I'm sorry I delete previous post becuase didn't set the "Allow only one response per person"
If Manga wins, it's just ONE time thing.
I will keep making animation forever after this one time.
It's almost 50:50.
I will save the manga plan for later in future, so NO MANGA
We are keeping Animation for next reward!