Published: November 20th 2022, 6:39:17 pm
Hey fellas, here’s what I’ve been working on for my next image set. I resumed work on my Cyberpunk models and decided to make a Rogue Amendiares model next. Making Rogue was a fairly standard process as usual; the only complication was adding her body Cyberwear, but I managed. Later on, I think I might add a ‘switch’ to cycle between Rogue’s old and young appearance, but as of right now, I only have her old version done. Here’s how she looks.
And here’s her Thicc version, for research/reference purposes.
The first environment I thought about using for this set was the Afterlife from Cyberpunk 2077. In the game, this place is Rogue’s bar, and it’s where you can always find her in the game. The Afterlife itself is a very large and complex map, and ordinarily, I wouldn’t have been able to port an environment like this because it would be impossible to accurately build piece by piece. But fortunately, while making the Meredith animation, some smart people in the Cyberpunk modding community figured out how to import streaming sectors into Blender. And long story short, this allowed me to import a nearly 1-to-1 Afterlife into Blender, and all I had to do was fix materials and instances. That’s not to say it was easy, because finishing the map must have taken at least 40 hours. Anyway, here’s how it looks.
I also decided to set up a bunch of background characters for this image set. These characters are mostly meant for decoration and world-building. For reference, look at how I used background models in the “Girls_Night_Out” image set I did a year ago. These models are meant to look high quality while using few resources to process. Here’s how they look.
So, that’s about it. I’ll start working on the set soon, maybe I’ll have pics to post in 3-ish days.