
Monthly Breakdown June 2024

Published: July 5th 2024, 6:28:54 pm



The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p5

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p6

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p7

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p8

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p9

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p10

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p11

The Witch of Kurikuto #2 p12


This is the last month I'll be sending out the new Final Days covers as the POTM so I GUESS I gotta start working on more cool art now, gosh

June Sketches


A ton of my time was spent editing Chain Unbroken. I am very close to finishing this now and I'm hoping for a release in August. This probably also means it's time to work on the interior art, so look forward to that!

In other news, I did a very inadvisable thing and got into VR Chat. Don't worry, I've managed to push through the honeymoon phase so it should not kill my productivity or anything (...anymore...), but it has inspired me to start learning how to actually use 3D tools. Maybe we'll start seeing some of that in the future~

Thanks for all your continued support!