Published: November 22nd 2024, 2:14:12 am
Just want to give everyone a heads-up on some much needed vacation time I'll be taking. I'll be taking the long weekend over Thanksgiving, Thursday and Friday. I don't normally take those extra days around holidays, but for various reasons it makes sense to do this year.
I've been doing some professional video production work again this fall. The extra income helps a lot, but it also eats up a lot of time during the week. In order to keep up with Patreon too, I've been working most weekends since October. So an extra couple of days off next week will help me immensely. |>
I'm also going to be taking my usual 2 weeks off around Christmas and New Years. I try to let people know ahead of time since that might be a light month.
To be honest, I probably should take a full month between December and January. My plan to do that in July was thwarted when I ended up with vertigo and then couldn't do anything for several weeks anyway. So I might end up extending my time off over the holidays. Either way, just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to pause your pledge and catch up later.
(I know almost nobody does, which I really appreciate so much! But I still feel it's fair to be open about my schedule. :> )