Published: June 2nd 2023, 12:00:02 pm
A sequel to these captions from my old site, commissioned by an anonymous Patron.
Tessa gasped as she stopped her protests, as it began to dawn on her that she was about to be trapped here in this crib, in this wet diaper, until Janie's mother returned... And then, when she quieted down, realizing that was already happening.
"No!" she groaned, even more certain of that as the sound of an engine running outside was replaced by a car door closing. Her heart raced, her mind reeling, wondering how she was going to explain this; she didn't understand any of it herself, so what was she going to say to Janie's mother?! She was supposed to be the babysitter here, and somehow here she was, looking far more like she needed a babysitter than Janie did, locked into an oversized crib that she had no hope of climbing out of before the woman found her this way.
Her last effort had not gone well, but she had no choice now... She had to get out of the diaper, and fast! How she was going to get rid of it, she didn't know, and it felt wrong to wear nothing beneath Janie's pajama bottoms, especially when she didn't have anything to clean herself up with beforehand, however, it would be better than letting her client see her in a soggy diaper.
Tessa shoved down the pajama shorts, grabbing desperately for the tapes of the diaper, only for things to get exponentially worse as soon as she touched them, a cramp immediately hitting her tummy, doubling her over... And sending a wave of thick, warm mush into the seat of her pants. "No!" she grunted, scrunching her face up as she struggled to wrestle her muscles back into obeying her, force them to stop this mortifying act...
But it was utterly useless. It was too far gone, the mess slowly yet surely growing, spreading through her padding, swelling out the back of her diaper, and her shorts over top of it, no matter what she did. This should have been a nice, easy night of babysitting, one she probably shouldn't have even had to do, considering Janie was bigger than her, and quite possibly older as well, though, given how much she was being paid, she wasn't going to complain.
Never in a million years had she imagined it would end like this, with her diapered, in PJs, and helplessly - and thoroughly - filling her pants inside of a crib. Her cheeks were already burning, and they heated up all the more when she heard the front door opening, accompanied by a surprised squeak of, "Mommy!" in the other room from Janie.
"What do you think you're doing up past your bedtime, young lady?" the woman demanded, the tone of her voice making Tessa's spine stiffen all the way in the bedroom, recalling how pretty, yet stern, she had seemed when she'd met her at the start of the night.
"I-I'm sorry, Mommy!" Janie sniffled. "I-I tried, but the sitter wanted to sleep in my bed!"
"Oh, she did, did she?" Tessa whimpered at the sound of footsteps approaching down the hall towards the bedroom door, two sets of them. She fought to compose herself, to seem as put together as possible, though that was a challenge, to say the least, when she was still actively pooping her Pampers. In a moment of desperation, she decided the best course of action would be to push harder, to speed it up, get it over with... Her diaper was already filthy, there was no point pretending otherwise, and this way she wouldn't be making it worse while she attempted to talk her way out of this.
She had enough time to wrinkle her nose, reaching behind herself to give the large lump in her pants a poke, disgusted and humiliated to discover it was not only as big as she'd feared, but actually bigger, before the door swung open and she yanked her hand away like her diaper was on fire, it, and her other one, moving to the bars, gripping them, staring out between them with watery eyes to watch as the woman who had hired her, and the young woman - who Tessa was even less certain was younger than her 'Mommy' now, seeing them together again - she'd been hired to watch stepped in, gawking at her.
"See?" Janie grinned.
Her Mommy arched an eyebrow, sniffing the air. "Janie, did you...?" she began to ask, stopping herself to simply spin the girl around, tugging out the back of her pajama shorts and trainers.
"No, Mommy!" Janie whined. "Of course I didn't! I'm a big girl! Not like Tessa!"
Tessa shrank back as the other woman's attention shifted back to her, head swimming with embarrassment as she began to approach, drawing closer and closer to finding the truth, although Tessa had to assume she already knew. "I-I didn't..." she stammered. "I-It's not..."
The woman unlatched the side of the crib easily, lowering it, sitting down on the edge of the mattress and pulling Tessa over her lap all in one smooth motion, leaving the wriggling girl's swollen bottom on full display, earning a giggle from Janie, while her Mommy pushed her hand down over top of the mass firmly. Tessa groaned, feeling the mush squelching, spreading further. "Are you really trying to tell me you didn't mess your diaper, young lady?"
"N-No!" Tessa shook her head, pretending that hadn't been her first instinct, despite how absurd that would have been, even before being moved into this position. "B-But... I-It's not my fault!"
She cringed, hearing herself blubber out those words. As an experienced babysitter, she knew how hollow they were, how childish... Every little kid used them, almost solely when it was, indeed, their fault, and they were just too scared to admit it. It seemed like that was what was happening with her, too, unfortunately... She didn't understand it, couldn't fully comprehend why it had happened, why, when she hadn't had issues with her potty training in years, decades, even, yet she was certain that, somehow, it had to be her fault. Who else could have done this to her diaper?!
"Oh, Tessa," Janie's Mommy sighed, giving Tessa's diaper another pat, slightly softer this time. "I know."
"Y-You do?" Tessa frowned, squirming to turn her head, to look at her, shocked that she was buying it.
"Yes, of course," the woman chuckled. "I am the one who set Janie's schedule, and cast the curse to help her keep it."
"The... curse?" Tessa furrowed her brow in confusion, peering over at Janie, who smirked and gave her a shrug.
"That's right," the woman nodded. "She's usually a pretty good girl for me, but sometimes she doesn't like having such an early bedtime, and she has to be reminded of her place in the family."
"I'm the baby," Janie chirped in with a practiced tone, one that made it clear she'd had to announce it many times before.
"She is," her Mommy smiled. "And she's going to be even more of one now, aren't you, dear?"
Janie nodded her head obediently. "If I'm not in my pajamas," she eyed the PJs she'd tricked Tessa into wearing, "and in bed by 8:30, then I lose the privilege to have any big girl furniture, and I hafta wear a diaper to bed that night. If I try to take my diapers off, then my punishment goes for a whole week... And I forget how to hold my pee-pees at night after I'm in my diaper."
"And if she's silly enough to try again," her Mommy took over, as Tessa laid there, splayed over the woman's legs, hardly able to believe anything she was hearing, except that everything seemed to be corroborated by what had happened that night, "she'll lose all of her potty training at night, and it will last for a whole month."
Tessa gulped, wiggling her bottom, recalling how mortifying it had been, messing her pants, unable to stop it, imagining being like that every night for a whole month... "W-Wow..." was all she could mutter.
"My little girl is very clever, though," Janie's Mommy continued, "and she realized I put the curse on her pajamas, rather than her, which meant that if she could find someone even sillier than her to trick into wearing them, she could pass off most of the curse onto them."
Janie giggled mischievously while Tessa's eyes widened in disbelief. "W-Wait... S-So I-I...?!" This couldn't be happening! Most of her babysitting jobs went later than 8:30! Most of her charges were still awake then! If she lost her potty training then... And if her panties transformed into a diaper, the way they had tonight...
"I'm afraid so," the woman told her, patting the girl's bottom again, more comfortingly this time.
"No!" Tessa wailed, kicking her feet in frustration. "I-I can't...! Make it stop!"
"I'm not sure if I can," Janie's Mommy replied. "I'll do my best to reverse the curse. This is a very complicated situation, though, and, honestly, the way you're acting is making me wonder if it's even worth it."
Tessa froze, blushing. "B-But they aren't my rules!" she pouted. "It isn't fair! I-I didn't know! I wouldn't have...! I-I didn't wanna mess my diaper!"
"I know," the woman assured her. "And I'm not mad at you for having an accident, sweetie. You were supposed to be in charge, however. If you'd just gotten Janie to bed on time instead of letting yourself get tricked, none of this would have happened, so I'm still going to have Janie show you where the hairbrush is so you can bring it to me."
Tessa felt her diaper warming as she was lifted down off the woman's lap, set down on her feet, almost wishing she was still up there. "H-Hairbrush?" she squealed, staring up at Janie's Mommy. She flinched, feeling Janie's hand close around her, start to pull her away. "B-But she did it! It's her fault!"
"She'll get spanked, too," the woman promised. "You were the babysitter, though, so you're going first... Then I'll change your diaper, and put you in the corner to think about how you can do better next time, and Janie will get her turn."
"B-But..!" Tessa protested, her words completely ignored as she was dragged out of the room, tears already filling her eyes.
"It's all right," Janie told Tessa as she cheerfully led her towards the bathroom.
"I-I've never been spanked with a hairbrush before..." Tessa whimpered.
"Oh, it'll hurt!" Janie informed her. "You have all the padding of your diaper to dull it a bit, not to mention all the... extra... you added." She giggled, poking at the mess in her sitter's pants.
"Stop it!" Tessa glowered at her, swatting her hand away and stomping her foot. "That's not my fault and you know it! Even your Mommy said so!"
"Okay, okay," Janie replied. "Don't throw a tantrum about it."
"I'm not throwing a tantrum!" Tessa huffed, stamping her feet again. "This is so stupid! I don't know why I hafta get spanked, too!"
She might claim it wasn't a tantrum, but it certainly looked like one to Janie, and she knew it would to her Mommy... And to one of the other curses her Mommy had put on her to keep her from throwing any, since she'd been pretty cranky when this had all started. She was pretty confident she remembered that one... Tessa was mostly in Janie's pajamas, though, as she hadn't expected to go to bed so early, she hadn't taken off her bra first, making it a prime candidate. If Janie did it right, it ought to spread to the rest of Tessa's bras as well...
"It's right in that medicine cabinet," she pointed out, letting go of Tessa's hand and standing back, barely hiding a grin as the girl grumpily turned away to look for the heavy, wooden hairbrush, giving Janie plenty of time to mumble out the curse...
The experience of being given a hairbrush spanking across the seat of a dirty diaper in front of her babysitting charge, then stuck in the corner like a naughty child, was not one Tessa was going to forget anytime soon, and, as infuriating as the whole thing was, she wasn't exactly in any state to fight it afterwards, to insist that Janie give her a better answer than, "Soon," for when she was going to come over and try to get rid of the curse. All she'd been able to squeak out was a pathetic, "O-Okay."
"You can change your own diapers until then, at least," the woman had tried to comfort her. "Just be sure to always wait until the next morning to do it... If you do it after your bedtime, it'll only extend the curse, and make it more difficult for me to undo."
Being limited to sitting during the day, or early evenings, never after eight PM, to be safe, made her feel like she was a tween again... And put her in direct competition with them, as humiliating as that was. She was usually able to charge more, since she could stay out as late as she wanted, and because she needed the money more as an adult with rent to pay, but it was much harder to convince anyone to hire her when there were twelve year olds who could do the same thing as her for far cheaper.
So she was already not in the best mood when Janie and her Mommy finally did show up, especially when Janie's Mommy would say, at best, "I think I have an idea of how to fix it."
"You'd better have more than an idea," Tessa grumbled.
The other woman raised an eyebrow at her attitude, but let it slide. "Do you have something you'd like to say, Janie?"
Janie toddled up to Tessa, who did feel smug, seeing that her Mommy had clearly made her wear diapers, even with her bedtime hours away, the padding bulging beneath her leggings and slightly oversized t-shirt. "I-I'm really sorry about all this," she claimed.
"It's fine," Tessa made herself say, not particularly meaning it. How could she?! It was this brat's fault that she'd spent every night since that day in diapers, which were always wet by the next morning, if not before she went to sleep, and more often than she'd like messy as well, when she failed to make herself go before 'bedtime.'
"I need to gather a few components," Janie's Mommy told her. "Can you keep an eye on her while I do that?"
"Sure," Tessa sighed. She did feel more mature than the girl now, anyway, considering she was still in panties, and hopefully would be able to stay that way, and Janie was in diapers, and, apparently, stuck drinking from sippy cups, as that was what she retrieved from her diaper bag. Tessa ignored her, staring down at her phone impatiently, wondering if this was going to be over in time for her to hang out with her friends that night, something else she hadn't been able to do since this had all begun.
She didn't notice the girl moving closer, or fiddling with the top of the cup, not until it was too late, and the whole cup of apple juice had been dumped right on her lap. "Janie!" she exploded, jumping up in shock. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"It was an accident," Janie claimed, voice dripping with faux innocence.
"An accident?!" Tessa scoffed, stomping her foot, pointing at the sippy cup she could see the girl in the midst of reassembling. "You..!"
"What's going on in here?" Janie's Mommy asked, reappearing in the doorway. "Tessa! What did you do?!"
"I didn't do anything!" Tessa whined, stomping her foot again, frustrated. "She did it! It's not my fault!"
But, to her horror, the louder she got, the angrier, the more her words dissolved into baby babble, turning quickly unintelligible, which only made things worse as she groaned and stamped in confusion, while Janie's Mommy watched, hands on her hips, disappointed. "Tessa, I need you to stop throwing a tantrum and tell me what happened, or all I can do is assume you had an accident and tried to blame it on Janie, and now you're so upset that it isn't working that you can't even talk like a big girl anymore."
Tessa whimpered and burbled, her desperation not helping matters in the slightest as Janie's Mommy sighed and opened up Janie's diaper bag to get out a changing pad and fresh diaper, knowing that it was for her. A few spanks when she attempted to wriggle away from the woman later, she was back in the corner, sniffling as she stood there, padded up in her own apartment.
Janie was delighted at how well the curse had gone... And at what she had seen when she'd first arrived at her babysitter's apartment. She could understand why the girl hadn't bothered cleaning up, hadn't seen her or her Mommy as regular guests who she should have to do that for... It did make her living room the perfect target for another curse that Mommy had used on her in the past. Janie had never been good at cleaning up after herself, either, until Mommy had made her, had cursed her room to force Janie to keep her toys picked up for whenever Mommy came in to check on her.
"I can see you aren't ready for the spell today," Mommy told Tessa, who desperately attempted to babble at her, no doubt that she was, that she wanted to get this over with, just sounding like a dumb baby the whole time, too upset to form words. "Or maybe at all. We'll try again tomorrow."
Janie followed Mommy to the door, then stopped. "I forgot to say bye-bye!" she said sweetly. "Can I go do that now?"
"Of course, sweetie," Mommy smiled at her. "I'm sure she'd appreciate that."
Janie waddled back to the living room, mumbling the curse under her breath as she made her way to the corner where they'd left Tessa. "Bye-bye," she giggled, swatting her on the bottom with a loud crinkle. "See you tomorrow!"
Tessa was relieved that, the next morning, she was finally able to speak again, having started to worry it was somehow permanent. She didn't know what had happened, how she had possibly forgotten how to form them for so long, but she was more determined than ever that they put an end to this whole thing that afternoon. She wasn't going to let anything go wrong this time, wouldn't let Janie pull any more little tricks on her like with the juice. She couldn't give Janie's Mommy any more doubt about her deserving to have the curse ended.
So it was certainly a surprise when she let the woman in, politely guiding her to the living room, and she immediately looked around it in disbelief. "What is all this?" she demanded.
Tessa frowned, following her gaze, her cheeks lighting up bright red. All of the magazines, the jackets she'd taken off in there and tossed aside, too lazy to take them into her room to hang up, all of the junk she'd left lying around, was gone, replaced with blocks, and ring stacking games, and other baby toys.
"Th-Those aren't mine!" she insisted.
"You know, young lady," Janie's Mommy narrowed her eyes. "I'm starting to think maybe I misjudged you all along..."
Tessa furrowed her brow. "H-Huh? How?"
"I assumed Janie had tricked you, but I have to wonder if perhaps you wanted to be a baby, and you saw how cute her PJs were, and you decided to play dress-up, and..." the woman speculated.
"No!" Tessa squealed. "O-Of course I didn't! Th-These aren't my toys! They're.... for the kids I babysit! I-I'm way too big to play with them!"
"Hmm," the woman arched an eyebrow. "If you say so... Breaking the curse altogether is difficult... But transferring it is much easier."
"Tr-Transfer...?" Tessa shook her head, praying that the woman didn't mean what she thought she did, that the mystical words she heard her speaking, that filled the air with the same sort of static electricity she'd felt when she attempted to remove her diapers, weren't doing what she feared. When Janie's Mommy led Tessa and Janie into Tessa's bedroom, however, it had, indeed, turned into a nursery, the same as the one Janie's had become. "No!" Tessa shook her head, struggling not to get upset like she had yesterday, to maintain her composure... But she couldn't, not in the face of this. "No, it's not fair! It's not fair! Goo-goo ga!"
"I'm so sorry I accused you of all that," Mommy gave Janie a hug. "I should have believed you all along."
"It's okay, Mommy," Janie replied sweetly. "I understand..."
Behind them, Tessa was stamping her feet and babbling, looking very much at home in her new nursery... And over Mommy's lap in the rocking chair for a good, hard spanking, and even more-so on the changing table afterwards, whimpering while Mommy picked out a diaper for her.
"If you want to be a baby, that's totally fine," she told the girl. "I'm only upset that you lied about it, and tried to use poor Janie as a scapegoat." Tessa whined, shook her head. "You don't have to admit it, either... I know that could be embarrassing for you. I'll make it nice and simple for you... You still have most of a month left on the curse to help you decide for sure if this is really what you want. If it is, all you have to do is try to take your diaper off one more time... If you do that, all of this becomes permanent. I'll know, and I'll come get you, and you can be Janie's little sister."
Tessa groaned, wrinkled her nose at the thought... But Janie was thrilled. "Mommy," she smiled, after she had slid the diaper under Tessa's wiggling bottom, "Can I help diaper her?"
"Of course!" Mommy beamed. "I have a feeling you're going to have to help me with her quite a bit..." Janie did, too, especially after Mommy reminded her, "Don't forget the baby powder!"
"I won't!" Janie promised, digging into the diaper bag. "I brought mine from home, 'cause it smells so nice, and I wanted to share it with her!"
"That is so sweet," Mommy melted. "You're going to be such a good big sister..."
She would... She wouldn't even need another curse to do it, either. All she needed was the bottle of itching powder, and Tessa was certain, despite knowing the consequences, to try to get out of her diaper before morning, and guarantee that she'd forever be needing a babysitter of her own from now on... One who, perhaps someday, could be Janie herself...