Published: May 29th 2023, 12:00:02 pm
A continuation of this series, commissioned by an anonymous Patron. I wasn't entirely sure about what to do for the numbering, since the last part before this was a separate short story, but I decided to just count that one as Part 4 anyway.
There were, Cathy reminded herself, other ways to deal with this. She'd used them before this had all begun, and, sure, they hadn't worked that well, which was why she'd resorted to diapers, but that had been a while ago now... Perhaps the other options had improved by now, or her condition had improved enough where they could help more.
Khloe had, to her credit, not gloated, not said, "I told you so," even though she had done her best to warn Cathy away when she'd mentioned her plan. "Are you certain that's a good idea?" she'd asked, to be exact. "After all those stories..."
"That was a long time ago," Cathy had defended them. "I think they've chilled out some since then."
"Some," Khloe nodded. "But do you think 'some' is enough to keep them from making fun of you for wearing diapers?"
Cathy had shrugged, though, deep down, she'd been sure the answer was 'yes,' of course... Why else would she have taken the risk? It was true, her parents and her younger brother, Walt, had always mocked her and belittled her when she peed her pants around them. They hadn't even offered to take her to the doctor to see if there was anything wrong with her, just assuming the worst, especially when she'd been younger, fresh out of potty training, and Walt was starting.
"She sees how much attention he's getting and she's jealous," her mother had declared. "She'll outgrow it." And then Walt had made his way into big boy underwear, with few accidents, Cathy's very soon beginning to outnumber his, until he was able to stop altogether, and, to this day, Cathy hadn't. The theory had shifted from Cathy wanting attention, as she clearly didn't appreciate her little brother teasing her about it, or her parents not only allowing it, but encouraging it, joining in themselves, to her simply being lazy, having decided it was easier to wet herself and clean up rather than stop reading, or watching TV, or playing, and going all the way to the bathroom.
She supposed she should be grateful they'd refused to 'give in' to her, to make her wear diapers, apparently believing they could shame her into having better bladder control. She didn't think she'd have been able to enjoy her time doing this with Khloe for as long as she had if she'd had those memories in her past.
After she'd moved out, she'd begun searching for explanations, ways to stop it. She had, more importantly, neglected to tell them anything about it, letting them assume it had ended. The last time it had been brought up, Walt had joked, when she excused herself to the bathroom in the middle of watching a movie together, "What, you aren't going to just go in your pants?"
Cathy had blushed, fallen silent; she'd been trying incontinence pads then, and she had, indeed, already peed a bit. Thankfully, since she was around them, she was extra aware of how soggy it was getting, noticed and went to go empty her bladder and change it before disaster struck.
She hadn't had to say anything. "Of course she isn't," her mother had replied for her. "Now that she has to clean up after herself, she's learned to actually keep her pants dry. Imagine that."
Cathy certainly wasn't going to correct the record then, either about her continuing accidents, or the number of times she had, in fact, taken care of the results of the ones she had in the past while living here. She'd simply stayed quiet and went about her business, and vowed never to mention any of this to them again.
Until they'd told her they wanted to all go on a family trip together over the next summer, and she'd felt like she had to confess. Khloe had done her best to warn her away, and Cathy, stupidly, had blazed on ahead regardless. "If we're going to be traveling together," she'd said, "you all probably should know... I-I've been wearing diapers to deal with my wetting problem for... I'm not even sure how long now."
Telling them immediately, or as soon as possible, seemed the most honest thing to do, and, in a way, the smartest, so that if they had issues with it, they could air them now, or have time to get used to the idea.
"Wait, are you serious?" Walt had snickered. "Diapers?!"
"I knew it," their mother had shaken her head. "That's what you wanted all along, isn't it? That's why I never bought them for you when you were younger, because I was sure it would encourage you to keep doing it."
"I-I'm not doing it by choice!" she'd whimpered. "I-If I didn't have them..."
Shockingly, her father had stepped in with, "Maybe this is a good thing," giving her hope that she could have been right about one of them, at least. That is, until he continued. "I wonder if we could get her in to places free with all the other diaper babies."
"No," she'd tried to stand up for herself, feeling smaller and younger with every passing moment. "I-I'm not a baby! I-I just..."
"Are you going to have to bring a diaper bag with you everywhere?" Walt had asked. "Do you already? I thought that was your purse... Do you keep a binkie in there, too?"
He'd reached for her purse, and she'd yanked it away quickly, not confident that there wasn't a pacifier in there for Khloe. As tears began to spring to her eyes, she'd excused herself, rushing out the door, hearing them laughing behind her.
And that was when Cathy had made her decision, once and for all. She'd thought she was telling her family so early for their benefit, but, really, it was for her own... Now she had time to get rid of her diapers for good, and find another solution to her problem. Surely one of them would work... Right?
Things got off to a rough start, to put it lightly. Khloe had done her best to talk her out of it, but Cathy was having none of it. "You can keep wearing them," Cathy told her. "You can have all my old ones, for that matter."
"But they're so boring!" Khloe whined, apparently forgetting about her main goal completely at the prospect of being stuck in Cathy's plain, medical diapers.
"Then I guess you'll have to wear them underneath yours," Cathy shrugged. "There's no point in letting them go to waste, is there?"
"D-Double diapers?!" Khloe fidgeted on the couch, the look on her face a dead giveaway of how turned on she was despite her token protests. "I-I haven't done that since Halloween... They're so thick like that, Mommy..."
It was a good thing, Cathy had to remind herself, that one of them was getting something positive out of this, enjoying themselves to some degree... In the moment, she couldn't help being annoyed at Cathy being able to feel that way when Cathy was so anxious about what she was going to do for herself.
That didn't ease up as she put her plan into action, either. She'd spent so long in diapers by now that, if anything, her control was worse than ever, and none of the drugs, or more discrete forms of protections, were enough to overcome that. There was rarely a day that went by that she didn't have at least one accident, and all she could do was pray they happened when she was at home, or doing something at work where she could easily slip away into the bathroom to change.
Today had not been one of those days. She'd had two accidents before her lunch break, during which she'd had to run home because she was out of spare outfits, having never thought she'd need that many extra clothes for a single day... And then, in the middle of a meeting, it had happened again, and she'd had to stay sitting there in the room, waiting for everyone else to trickle out, terrified of getting up and out of her chair with any of them around.
So she hadn't exactly been in the mood for Khloe's trademark cheerfulness as she came practically skipping back from her own job. "Mommy, I need a change!" she called nonchalantly. "I had an accident!" She peered into the living room, where Cathy was sitting and seething, and had the audacity to giggle. "Looks like you did, too, Mommy. That's not what you were wearing this morning, was it? Where did you even dig that up? I haven't seen you wear that since..."
"Why don't you change yourself for once?" Cathy snapped. "Why do I have to do everything for you?! You aren't really a baby, you know!"
Khloe froze, eyes wide. "I-I know," she said meekly.
"Then why am I always having to cook, and do the dishes, and do the laundry, and... And everything?!" Cathy fumed. "I might as well have adopted an actual toddler! At least she would grow up one day!"
Tears began to glisten in Khloe's eyes. "I offered to cook last night," she pointed out. "A-And I did the laundry last week, and..."
Cathy took a deep breath, having to look away from her girlfriend's face, seeing the reaction she'd caused. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean any of that..."
Khloe wiped her eyes and nodded. "I-I'll go put some panties on, and then I can help you..."
"No, don't do that," Cathy shook her head, forcing a smile. "You'll just end up making more laundry for one of us to have to deal with. Mommy will get you into a nice double diaper, okay?"
But 'okay' didn't seem like the right word for the moment, even if Khloe accepted her extra thick diapers, spent the evening toddling after Cathy, doing her best to assist with any and every thing she could, to the point where Cathy took her to the living room and sat her in front of some cartoons to get her out of the way.
"I can..." Khloe told her.
"No, I've got it," Cathy insisted. "I owe it to you for yelling at you for no reason earlier anyway." It didn't take long after that, however, for Cathy to feel an all too familiar warmth running down her thighs, and she let out the loud curse she'd wished she could have used at work, stomping her foot in frustration.
When she calmed down and turned around, Khloe was standing in the doorway, waiting. "I think we should have a talk," she said quietly.
"Yeah," Cathy sighed. "I think you're right." She got cleaned up and returned to the living room, sitting down, struggling to come up with the right way to start.
"I don't want to discourage you," Khloe spoke up first. "I understand that you want to find another solution, and I'm doing my best to be supportive, but... I-I don't think this is working."
"No," Cathy admitted. "It isn't. I'm miserable, and I know I'm making you miserable, too, dealing with me." Khlow couldn't bring herself to agree out loud, though Cathy was certain that was what was happening in her mind. "I just don't know what to do..."
"I don't either, really," Khloe said. "But... I do have some ideas."
"Great," Cathy nodded. "I'd love to hear them."
"Well, they're going to take some time," Khloe warned her. "And you're going to have to trust me..."
"I do," Cathy interrupted. "I have plenty of time off banked up, and I don't really want to see anyone there for a while after today. Do you think a week would do it?"
Khloe smiled. "I think I could make that work... You're sure you trust me?"
"Of course I do," Cathy assured her.
"All right," Khloe replied. "In that case, I think it's time to stop playing dress-up, sweetie... Why don't you let Mommy get you back into your diapers, where you belong, and a cute little baby outfit?"
Cathy frowned, feeling her nose crinkling up. "No, you're not the Mommy, I am!"
"Not for the next week, you aren't," Khloe giggled, kissing her on the forehead. "I'm going to show you how much fun the other side can be..."