
Emily Goes to College - Chapter 8

Published: May 10th 2023, 12:00:02 pm


"Wow," Kayla chuckled. "Are you not planning on coming back tonight?"

Emily squeaked and turned around to see her roommate standing behind her, watching. "I-I thought you were..." she mumbled, feeling self-conscious.

"I was in the bathroom," Kayla finished the statement and answered it at the same time. "It doesn't take that long, though, when you can just pull your panties back up instead of putting on a whole new diaper... Has it been so long that you forgot?"

Emily blushed; how long had it been, at this point, since she'd used the bathroom? In the diaper stories she read, the ones that had given her the idea to try this in the first place, they liked to say that diapers were more convenient... And, in a lot of ways they were. They weren't necessarily quicker than just going and using a toilet, however, depending on how many times you used them, and how experienced the person changing them was. Kayla was so good at it, Emiy hadn't realized that fully until she'd started helping Angel out herself. 

Kayla went pale, a horrified look crossing her face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like... I know it isn't your fault! I wasn't trying to...." She shook her head guiltily.

"It's all right!" Emily reassured her. Honestly, it hadn't even occurred to her that it could have been taken as an insult until she'd seen Kayla's reaction, although she supposed it could be a sore spot for someone who truly did need diapers, who hadn't just chosen to start wearing them for fun. "I'm pretty used to it by now."

"I'm sorry you have to be," Kayla told her. "I don't want you to feel bad about it, or..."

"I don't," Emily smiled, a part of her almost convinced she should break character, let her roommate know how much it was the exact opposite... But, after so long, she wasn't sure she could pull that off without destroying Kayla's trust in her altogether. It had been, basically, the first thing Kayla had found out about her, the foundation of their friendship, in a weird way... 

Kayla nodded, finally seeming to calm down a bit. "Okay," she said. "If I ever do tease you too much, you can tell me, and I'll stop, all right?"

"I know," Emily resisted the urge to roll her eyes. It was a nice sentiment, and she didn't want to ruin that, and she knew she was incredibly fortunate to have a roommate that felt that way, that didn't just mock her, either to her face or behind her back to her friends. After spending so much time with Kayla's friends, and one in particular, she knew for a fact that the other girl wasn't doing that. Even so, it did sometimes feel like Kayla was the older sister she'd never had, one who was determined to never let anything bad happen to her baby sister, which was another good thing at its core, except for revealing how little she thought Emily was capable of handling on her own.

"So, what DO you need all those diapers for?" Kayla inquired, peering around Emily, into her backpack. "I thought you said you were just going to come back to the room and chill tonight..."

Emily fidgeted, having hoped Kayla would forget about that, both what Emily had said the previous day - after which Emily had gotten a message from Angel - and her curiosity over the contents of the bag. "Angel and I..." she started.

"You and Angel, huh?" Kayla chuckled. "Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"Wh-What?!" Emily's face turned bright red. "Th-This isn't... Th-They aren't...." She glanced over at her backpack, stomach churning, wondering if she'd ruined Angel's secret. She wanted to think Kayla, of all people, wouldn't care, but she'd been nice to Emily because she thought she needed her diapers, that she had no choice in the matter... It was hard to tell if she'd feel the same about someone simply choosing to wear them for fun, even if that was, in reality, what Emily had done this whole time.

"Angel is very pretty," Kayla smiled encouragingly. "I didn't think either of you were into girls, but if you are..."

"What?!" Emily squeaked again. "N-No, we're not dating! We're just going shopping!"

Kayla's smile didn't vanish entirely. "Okay," she said in a sing-songy tone. "Well, I'm glad you're having fun, anyway. I thought you were going to be here, but maybe tomorrow."

It wasn't like they'd spent every moment together before, though Emily was definitely away from their room more now than she had been in the past. She did feel a little guilty, as if she had found a new toy to play with and discarded her old one... They did still live together, however, and Emily didn't intend to change that, no matter how fun it was having someone to share her love of diapers with in a whole new way.

"Yeah, definitely," she nodded. "Tomorrow."

"You promise?" Kayla asked. "There's something I want to talk to you about..."

Emily paused, a nervous sensation bubbling up inside her as she heard how serious the other girl seemed to be. "C-Can we talk about it now?" Was something wrong? Had she figured out Emily's secret on her own, somehow? Was she going to ruin Emily's intentions of continuing to room together for the rest of college by being the one to find someone new to live with?

"Don't worry," Kayla assured her. "It isn't bad... But I want to do it right, and so it'll have to be in the evening, probably."

That didn't exactly sate Emily's curiosity, although, since wasn't being forthcoming about her own secrets, it didn't seem fair to push Kayla too hard about hers. She chose to trust Kayla's assessment that it wasn't a bad thing and not fret over it, as much as she could avoid it. It stuck around the back of her mind through most of her first class, only to start to fade afterwards, and vanish almost completely at lunch when she saw Angel waiting, alone, at their usual table.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Angel asked, giggling with excitement.

"Uh-huh," Emily grinned. "I'm already packed and everything!" She gave the backpack she'd slung over the back of her chair a nod.

Angel's eyes twinkled. "You are? Did you bring plenty?"

"Oh, yeah," Emily told her. "There's no way we'll run out."

"Well, in that case..." Angel wiggled in her chair, nibbling on her bottom lip, mentally debating with herself. "What if we... started now?"

Emily's eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why not?" Angel shrugged. "I only have a couple more classes today, and they're in pretty big lecture halls, so I can sit where nobody is probably going to see, or hear, anything..."

"Okay," Emily smiled. She didn't really need convincing; if Angel was willing to do it, she wasn't about to stop her! "Lainey is usually here around now, so we can have her keep an eye on our stuff."

As soon as Lainey showed up, they excused themselves, barely able to contain their giggles as they hurried off to the bathroom, cramming into one of the stalls. There was nobody else there, but, obviously, they closed and locked the door anyway, just in case somebody walked in... If they did, and saw both of their legs there, heard them tittering away in there, they might make the same assumption Kayla had that morning.

"Do you want to be a big girl and wear your panties over them?" Emily teased, once they had the diaper all taped up.

Angel blushed, wiggling her bottom, listening to her diaper crinkle, making Emily smile as she recalled how exciting that had been, before she'd grown so accustomed to it, before it was just part of the constant soundtrack of her life. "Did you bring bags to put used ones in?"

"Yeah, of course," Emily rolled her eyes.

"Can I have one?" She bent down, picking up her underwear, putting them into the bag Emily handed her, twisting the top and tying it into a knot, trapping them inside. "Why don't you keep a hold of these until I'm ready to go back to my room tonight?"

"Really?" Emily took the bag, feeling very grown-up and powerful, being trusted with that. She could keep them, if she wanted - although, if Kayla saw them in her backpack and found out whose they were, that wasn't going to help convince her that Emily and Angel weren't dating - or throw them away, tell Angel she didn't deserve big girl panties anymore, or at least that pair of them, if she was so willing to give them up... It would be a pretty hypocritical thing for her to do, however, when she'd given up all of her grown-up undies at the start of college.

Angel looked almost giddy as she thought about it for a moment, then nodded, watching as the bag vanished into the depths of Emily's backpack. She could always go back to her room and change, but short of that - and with the knowledge that she didn't really have time to do that without being late for her classes - she was essentially stuck now.

Kayla was at the table when they returned, giggling to one another, and gave Emily a knowing look as she sat down and draped her backpack back over her chair. If anything, though, she surely assumed it was Angel who had changed Emily, not the other way around... Or, rather, that it was just Angel changing Emily, since that had, indeed, happened, too, once she was in a diaper of her own. Emily never made it to lunchtime anymore without winding up soaked.

Kayla's suspicions would probably have only been fueled further if she'd known how much of the rest of the afternoon Emily spent daydreaming about the evening's plans, waiting until she could get back to the cafeteria to meet up with Angel again, or if she could have felt the way Emily's heart skipped a beat when she got a message from Angel beforehand.

"Wow," Emily giggled when they met up in the bathroom they'd agreed upon, "you're drenched!"

"Yeah, I know," Angel blushed. "I was remembering what you told me about how tricky the tapes could be, and I got scared, and..."

"Aww," Emily teased, giving Angel's diaper a poke. "Is this what happens when you get scared?"

"Shut up," Angel stuck her tongue out. "Just change me before I leak."

"So fussy," Emily smirked. "Maybe we ought to double you up for the store... They wouldn't appreciate you dripping all over their carpet..."

"Emily, no!" Angel squirmed. "My pants wouldn't fit over that... Would they?"

Emily surveyed Angel's pants, giving it a moment of thought. "They'd probably fit," she surmised. "But I bet there would be a bulge..."

Angel hesitated. "M-My shirt is pretty long..." she said, clearly searching for an excuse, a justification for what she wanted to badly to do.

"I don't know if it would be long enough," Emily warned her. "I don't know if I'd risk it around Kayla or Lainey. They know what my diaper bulge looks like..."

"Right," Angel nodded, sounding a bit disappointed before perking up. "We could always skip supper here and hit a drive through."

Emily smiled, reliving her own enthusiasm from back when this had all began, seeing how eager Angel was. "Sure," she nodded, taking another diaper out of her bag. "Let's do it."