
Emily Goes to College - Chapter 7

Published: April 6th 2023, 12:00:01 pm

"Everything okay?" Kayla asked when the pair returned to the rest of the group, giggling to one another. "Did something funny happen?"

That only prompted Angel and Emily to snicker harder. There was a part of Emily that wanted to announce what had happened, to brag about what she'd done, but she held her tongue. Angel had kept her secret pretty well, really... It wouldn't be fair of her to blab hers right away, and it wouldn't encourage her to do this again if the rest of the group didn't react nicely to it.

Plus, it dawned on her after a moment, it would raise the question of why they'd had a diaper in the first place. What were they going to do, claim they'd found it in the bathroom, and decided to put it on? Angel was tipsy enough still that Emily might be able to blame it on her, say she'd had it on hand; she also might, instead, tell everyone the truth without thinking.

"You had to be there," Emily waved her off. 

"You didn't make her go with you to get another drink, did you?" Shawna narrowed her eyes at Angel suspiciously.

"She can have a drink if she wants it," Angel shrugged. plopping back down on the sofa. "She's a big girl... Mostly."

Emily let out a squeal as Angel grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her onto her lap again, giving her tummy a tickle through her shirt, then, seeing how effective that was at making Emily laugh and squirm, sliding her fingers underneath that and redoubling her efforts.

"Hey!" Charli scolded, smacking Angel's hands away, Emily's heart beating a bit faster as she saw the girl's own hands getting so close to her diaper, one miss potentially revealing her secret to another in the group. "You're getting too handsy again!"

"Sorry, sorry," Angel apologized, pulling her hands out from within Emily's clothes, then squeezing her. "She's just so cute! I wanna eat her up!" As she was holding Emily close, she leaned down, whispered in her ear, "Did you pee your Pampers already? Maybe you're not such a big girl..."

Emily wiggled her bottom, blushing softly as she noticed Angel was right, that, intoxicated or not, she'd been able to tell before she had. And she'd given away her last diaper! How much longer were they planning on staying at this party?

It was, she reasoned, Angel's fault; she'd always been ticklish, although usually not enough to make her have an accident, especially after such a short time. Maybe she could blame that part on the infectious atmosphere of the party. Either way, she was definitely soggy again already, mere moments after sitting back down from her change.

She couldn't blame Angel, however, not out loud, not when she was supposed to have little enough control in the first place to have to wear diapers at all times. She was just teasing anyway, probably... But, as curious as Angel had been in the bathroom, it was possible she could do a bit of teasing back.

"Maybe I did," she replied quietly into her ear. "Maybe I like them this wet."

"Wait, really?" Angel looked surprised. "It isn't... gross or something?"

Emily smirked, shook her head. "You should try it. You forgot to go to the potty, didn't you?"

"What are you two conspiring about?" Lainey asked.

"Nothing!" Emily chirped innocently, pulling away without giving Angel a chance to respond in secret. She could feel the girl underneath her shifting uncertainly, not knowing what to do, whether to listen or not. Emily didn't want to push too hard, to risk scaring her away, and yet... If not now, when?

Kayla narrowed her eyes slightly, seemingly suspecting something was up, though how could she guess what? Maybe, with as long as she'd been rooming with Emily, she'd spotted the extra padding under Angel's pants... She was also the only one, other than Emily, to be totally sober, so she would be the one most likely to be equipped to work it out.

What would she think, if she did? Would it make her question Emily's 'condition', what her true motives were for wearing diapers all the time? Or would it strengthen her belief in Emily's lie? After all, if she actually needed her diapers, wouldn't it make sense that she'd feel better having someone else around in the same predicament? 

Drunk or not, it was difficult to tell if she was going to be able to convince Angel to cross that bridge her first time in diapers. Emily had managed it, but she'd been dreaming of doing exactly that for such a long time... As far as she knew, this was all relatively new to Angel, unless, of course, she'd tried stealing her brother's diapers. She didn't think that was the case, judging from the girl's reaction in the bathroom, though she couldn't rule it out completely. There was a big difference having a diaper that truly fit, rather than a baby diaper you were attempting to make work despite being too big to really wear it.

She was going to leave it at that for the time being, to let it soak in, marinate in the girl's mind, but after only a minute or two, Angel pulled her in close again. "I can't," she whispered. "What if I leak?"

"You won't," Emily told her. "I know what I'm doing."

"No, you don't," Angel scoffed, seeing through her in a moment, regardless of intoxication. "How many diapers have you changed, other than your own?"

Emily blushed, nibbling her bottom lip. She had no siblings, and nobody had ever trusted her to babysit, mostly because she'd only been interested in it when she was far too young to be trusted to be in charge of herself, much less anyone else. And if she was true to her lie, if she'd needed these diapers for a while, that made her seem even less qualified. Who wanted to hire someone shorter than many of the kids in her neighborhood, who still had to wear diapers of her own? If her charges ever found out, they'd never have enough respect for her to do as she told them again, and would probably tell all their friends...

She squirmed on Angel's knees, shaking her head, trying to banish that particular train of thought. "I-I've changed my own a lot," she said instead. It wasn't quite the same, but it had to count for something. "Besides, I bet you wouldn't be the only drunk girl here to pee her pants tonight."

It was obvious right away she'd struck gold from the way Angel's cheeks lit up, her head bowing. "Wait, have you peed your pants before when you're drunk?" she ask, scooting around on Angel's lap to look her in the eye more clearly, wincing as, in her excitement, she heard her own volume raise, and she got a response from someone other than Angel.

"Yes, she has," Shawna let out a dramatic sigh. "You're not going to do that again, are you Angel? Emily just took you to the bathroom! Could you please not pee on the poor little thing?"

"Are you guys never going to let me live that down?" Angel pouted. "I haven't even had that much to drink tonight!"

As far as Emily could tell, the others didn't suspect anything, but that was because they weren't like Emily... Or Angel, apparently. Emily let the gentle mocking die down, waited for the conversation to shift to another topic, before, as quietly as she could, asking Angel, "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Another time, Angel probably would have attempted to deny it, though, now, it would have been pointless, the expression of panic Emily saw flash across her face plain enough to answer the question for her. "Come on," Emily giggled. "You did it then... You can do it now! You have way more protection now..."

"W-Well, yeah..." Angel admitted, wriggling in her seat.

"And you know Lainey and Kayla, at least, won't mind," Emily pointed out. Angel frowned uncertainly. "They don't when I need a change."

"Y-Yeah, but you can't help it," Angel protested. "You're a..." She stopped herself short of calling Emily a baby, changing it to, "Y-You have a condition..."

"And so do you," Emily reminded her. "You're drunk. And if they ask why you were in a diaper, you can tell them you were worried about a repeat of that time... And it's a good thing you did, because you're going to have an accident, aren't you?"

It was more assertive than she was used to being, but she sensed that was what Angel needed. There was no doubt she wanted this, that she was curious... All it would take was enough of a nudge. 

And, evidently, Emily had given her that. "Y-Yeah," Angel nodded, sounding almost dazed, as if she couldn't believe what she was saying, what it meant. "Y-Yeah, I think I am..."

Emily's heart skipped a beat. Had she done it?! It was cheating, really, considering where Angel had started from, how she'd wanted it in the first place, but it still felt like such an accomplishment, getting someone else to try this, potentially earning herself a little friend.

She wiggled on the girl's lap, seeing if she could repeat Angel's trick, tell when she'd done it, however, from on top of her, she couldn't feel any difference, and, as much as she might have wanted to, she wasn't going to reach between her friend's legs and check her in front of everyone. 

She waited, instead, until they decided to head back to the dorm, trailing at the back of the group with Angel, holding her hand. "So?" she asked. "Did you do it?"

Angel bashfully stared at her feet a moment or two, then nodded. "Y-Yeah," she confessed.

Emily smiled proudly, bouncing in place. "And?" she demanded.

Angel blushed, bit her bottom lip. "You were right," she said simply. 

She'd done it... Emily knew she had her now, hook, line, and sinker. "Do you want me to see if Kayla will change you?" she grinned excitedly. "I bet she would!"

Angel wasn't ready for that, though, shaking her head. That was okay... Emily didn't mind the idea of this being a secret between them, at least for now. "Do you want to come up to our room?" she tried. "I bet she'll go to the bathroom, and I'll have time to give you a spare so you can change yourself... I wouldn't want to risk you wetting the bed tonight after all you've had to drink..."

They both knew Angel hadn't had any alcohol for most of the party, that there wasn't really any risk of that, most likely, but it still gave Angel an excuse, a reason to nod, her own grin slowly spreading across her face. "Yeah," she agreed. "That would probably be a good idea, wouldn't it?"