
Childish - Chapter 3

Published: December 31st 2022, 1:00:02 pm

"Well, hello, there!" Violet squealed at Trevor with a huge smile on her face as she hopped down off of the sofa. "Aren't you a cutie?"

Trevor couldn't quite muffle his groan, glancing behind himself at Emilia, trying to tell if she was serious, if she was actually going to leave him with this girl. Seeing her on her feet made it really sink in how tiny she was... And that was with her Mary Janes on, the soles of which, he noticed, were unusually thick, giving her a bit of a boost. He wasn't a huge man, but even he could have easily picked her up, done whatever he liked with her... There was no question she was younger than him, too, by a good bit, and her appearance just made that gap seem wider still. Yet, she was the one in charge, the one who had complete authority over him.

"What do you say, Trevor?" Emilia demanded with a smirk, obviously recognizing his discomfort and relishing it.

Trevor sighed, fidgeting in place, feeling his soggy Pull-Up beneath his shortalls, a harsh reminder of how thoroughly his adulthood had been revoked. "Thank you," he mumbled.

"Is that it?"

Trevor's eyes widened, his toes starting to turn inwards, towards one another, his trainers growing a little warmer, at the sound of his Mommy's voice, sending him mentally spiraling down to childhood, shame flooding through him not at his accident, which barely registered, but due to his lack of respect, and being caught in it.

"Th-Thank you, Miss!" he corrected himself, stumbling over his words in his effort to prove he was a good boy.

"You're very welcome!" Violet chirped.

"That's better," Mommy said. "Now, you're going to be good for Miss Violet, aren't you? And do everything she says?"

"Yes, Mommy!" Trevor nodded, earning himself a kiss on the forehead, which felt wonderful... Until he saw Mommy turn and kiss Emilia on the lips. A wave of confused jealousy crashed into him, a part of him knowing that was something only adults did, while another knew she'd done that with him, as ridiculous as it seemed, as faint a memory as it was now...

"You'd better, young man," Emilia warned. "You're already on thin ice after that fib about keeping your Pull-Ups dry."

"B-But I didn't..." he tried to protest.

"Yes, you did," Violet spoke up in a condescending tone. "I heard you, Trevor! Are you really trying to tell another fib to get out of that one?"

Trevor frowned, shaking his head, feeling uncertain. "N-No, but..."

"That's right," his Mommy cut him off. "Not buts. We don't tell fibs, do we? Especially not about that... Believe me, the last thing you want is to get a diaper rash because you wouldn't tell the truth about whether you were wet or not. Now, are you going to be truthful with Miss Violet about whether you've had an accident, and ask her to take you to the potty so you don't?"

Trevor glanced down at Violet, the sight of her only amplifying his confusion. She was shorter than him, yes, but the idea he'd had a few moments ago about how he was so much more mature was another distant memory, like he and Mommy kissing like grown-ups. Her school uniform was far more grown-up than his shortalls, and there was no way she was in Pull-Ups... And she definitely didn't have to wear diapers to bed.

"He will," Violet answered for him. "Trust me... That, or we'll just deal with the consequences. You two had better hurry, or you'll be late for your reservation! Don't worry, we're going to be fine here!"

Violet took Trevor by the hand, leading him out to the front porch to wave goodbye to Mommy and Emilia as they drove away, Trevor feeling the hypnosis slowly wearing off as they vanished into the distance, each passing moment making it more embarrassing to be standing there, in plain view, in his childish outfit, clinging to this little girl's hand.

"Well, then, Trevor," she said once Emilia and Naomi were gone, "do you want to play outside?"

"No!" he blushed.

"Aww, come on," she teased. "I think it would be cute, seeing you sitting out there in the yard, digging in the dirt, where all your neighbors can see..." She giggled, watching his face turn more and more red as he imagined it, and the hypnosis faded further.

The benefit of that was he no longer felt intimidated by her, no longer thought her uniform was a mark of maturity, even if it was, undeniably, less babyish than his own clothes. In a way, it was worse, knowing he was still in her care regardless, though it did remind him that he could do something about it.

"No way!" he told her. He attempted to break free of her grip, but she managed to keep ahold of his hand... So, instead, he took her with him, giving her arm a hard yank and dragging her back inside the house.

"Ow!" she whined. "What do you think you're doing, young man?!"

"Listen," he said. "We both know how silly this is... I'm way older than you, and way bigger, and I just proved that, and..."

"You are," she replied, drawing herself up to her full height, such as it was. "You're such a big, strong man, aren't you?"

"I didn't..." he rolled his eyes at the exaggerated way she sneered those words out.

"No, you are," she repeated. "That just makes it all the more pathetic that you need a babysitter, doesn't it? And that the babysitter you got is me?"

The redness of his cheeks was enough of an answer for her. "That's what I thought," she sniffed. "Trust me, I'm fully aware of how I look... And how is that, Trevor? Like a twelve year old?"

He squirmed, positive it was no coincidence that she'd chosen the same age he had when he'd been talking to Emilia. She must have overheard... He had been awfully loud in his disbelief. "N-No," he shook his head, trying to play dumb, earning a raised eyebrow, and a tilt of the head from the girl as she put her hands on her hips. "I-I hadn't gotten a good look at you!" he protested. "Now..."

He struggled to think of something to say, some way to make it better, but everything that came to mind felt too condescending, too blatantly false and pandering, a simpering attempt to get back on her good side, if he'd ever been there to begin with.

"Now what?" she demanded, Trevor remaining silent. "Come on, Trevor... Say it." He still didn't. "I knew it," she flipped her hair back over her shoulder smugly. "If you're too scared to even tell me what you really think of me, that only proves what a baby you are, and how much you need me to look after you."

"I was just trying to be polite," he told her, scowling.

"Oh, please," she scoffed. "I spent a very long time getting bullied, and shoved around, and I was always so humiliated, because I knew I was older than all my classmates, yet I couldn't do anything to stop them. But I don't let that happen anymore, and I haven't for a long time... And I'm certainly not going to start again now, with you, some sad little boy who thinks not peeing his pants is something to brag about... And has to lie about it, because he isn't even actually capable of doing it."

He could almost feel himself shrinking with every word, until, as he let out a pouty, "I did!" at the end, the idea of her babysitting him no longer seemed quite so absurd.

"You'll have to forgive me if I trust Emilia over you," Violet smirked. "She's the one going out on a date with your wife, and you're here, at home, with your cute little shortalls, and your nighttime diapers just waiting in the dresser for me to put you into them." She had to reach upwards to grab the straps of his shortalls to pull him down to boop him on the nose, which only made the act more embarrassing. 

"Oh, and Trevor?" she told him, keeping her grip on his outfit, holding him so she could stare him right in the eyes. "When I was getting bullied by people younger than me, it would by a year or two... And they were bigger than me. I can't even imagine how much worse it must be for you. How long has it been since you graduated from high school? Or college? Let me guess, you don't want to answer that, either?"


He didn't. He hung his head, thoroughly cowed. "Well," Violet continued, "I will admit, you were right about one thing. It isn't right that a babysitter should be so much shorter than her charge... And you know how we're going to fix that?" He shook his head, baffled at what she could be hinting at. "You," she said, "are going to get down on your hands and knees."

"What?" he whined.

"Crawl!" she snapped, the authority in her voice making him obey instantly, as soon as she let go of his shortalls. "That's better, isn't it?" she patted him on the head. "Not so big like that, are you? Of course, there's still the matter of your punishment for pulling me around and almost dislocating my arm."

"It wasn't that..." he protested.

"Arguing, too?" she arched an eyebrow. "That's what I thought. I'm bored with my homework, so you're going to finish it up for me."

"Seriously?" he asked. "I bet Emilia and Naomi aren't going to think you're such a responsible babysitter if they find out you're using your charges to do your work for you."

"And who's going to tattle on me to them?" she glared down at him. "You?"

He gulped, staring up at her from the floor, no doubt in his mind now who was the one in charge, and who was the child here... Especially after he noticed he'd begun trickling into his training pants again under the weight of her intimidation, far heavier now than it had been when he was hypnotized, and actually believed she was older than him. Now he knew without a doubt that wasn't true, and almost wished he didn't.

"No, Miss Violet," he replied meekly, continuing to piddle in his Pull-Ups like the pathetic little boy he was, completely under his babysitter's thumb. "I-I'll go get started..."