
CYOA: A Thief's Holidays - Chapter 1 (Story)

Published: November 2nd 2022, 12:00:06 pm


Since my last CYOA ended right before Halloween, I didn't really have one to go back to for this month, and it seemed odd to start one up now when I was probably going to do one for Christmas, I thought I'd try this approach, where I have one that encompasses both holidays. We'll see how it goes. Not sure what the schedule will be, exactly... I'm not going to try to do a chapter every week this month, but it might switch to that for next month.

"No, I didn't do anything wrong!" Sydney whined, thrashing wildly against the grip of the Amazon girl, to no avail. "This isn't fair!"

"We'll just see about that, you little brat!" Amber scolded, giving her a hard swat on the bottom. Sydney couldn't help letting out a yelp, her heart pounding already. Sure, Amber was mad at her, but that had barely seemed like she was trying, and it had hurt way more than Syd had been expecting... If she were to give her an actual, proper spanking...

"Th-This isn't fair!" she repeated, panic starting to set in as Amber stopped at the RA's door and pounded on it.

"Why don't we let Hannah decide that?" Amber smirked. 

In a way, that should have been better... Hannah was a 'tweener, so if she did decide Sydney needed a spanking, it wouldn't be as hard as anything Amber could deliver... However, as a 'tweener, she was far more likely to side with Hannah, to want to get on her good side, and there was nothing stopping her from turning Syd over to the other girl for punishment.

"Is everything okay?" Hannah opened up the door, blinking sleepily. 

"No, it isn't!" Amber declared, pushing her way in, dragging Syd with her, not letting her go until she'd closed the door behind herself, standing between it and her, as if she was daring the little to make an attempt to get out through her. "I caught this thief breaking into my room and going through my stuff!"

"I was not!" Sydney insisted. 

"Yes, you were," Amber crossed her arms. "Who do you think you're fooling? I saw you! I was in there!"

Sydney squirmed. That was true... She'd been so sure Amber was still going to be off at a party, like she usually was on Saturday nights... It had been quite the scare, seeing her sit up in bed, grab her by the wrist before she could react... "I-I was confused," she stammered. "I had a little too much to drink, and I thought it was my room, that's all! You must have left your door open or something!"

It was a dangerous ploy... Obviously, the college didn't want any of their underage students drinking, even if it happened all the time. When it came to their few little students, however, they were extra strict, since it took such a small amount to get them drunk. Syd was almost twenty-one, just a couple months away from it, and, if she were any other size, she would have expected some mercy because of that... She doubted she was going to get it, but it would still be better than being punished for the alternative.

"You're drunk?" Amber scoffed. "Who would give you alcohol?"

"I can't tell you that!" They would get in nearly as much trouble as her, if it was true. It could be a good way to get back at somebody... As long as she picked somebody whose word wouldn't be believed over hers.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Whatever... You aren't even drunk!"

"W-Well, you scared me!" Sydney complained. "That sobered me up quick!"

"Really?" Amber raised an eyebrow. "You were tipsy, and got spooked enough that it sobered you up... And you were able to keep your pants dry? Or does she wear protection?"

"Hey!" Syd turned bright red, seeing the Amazon directing her last question at the RA, and not her. Sure, if she needed any padding on a regular basis, she was supposed to let her RA know, but it felt too much like too grown-up discussing her fate over her head, not involving her in the conversation whatsoever. "That's a harmful stereotype, and you know it!"

"Take your pants down and let us see," Amber demanded.

"Y-You can't make me do that!" Sydney fidgeted, looking to Hannah. "R-Right?"

"It doesn't sound like a bad idea to me," the 'tweener shrugged. "Honestly, if I was in that position, I'm not sure I wouldn't have had an accident myself."

Sydney swallowed, staring between them. Probably the only thing that had kept that from happening was the fact that, as always, she'd been expecting the worst, bracing herself for it, though she'd gotten a good jolt of fear regardless. "Fine," she huffed, fumbling with the button of her jeans. "If you want to see my panties sooo bad..."

She pretended to struggle to get it undone, while, inwardly, she was struggling with something else. It would be difficult, forcing herself to go, but stopping short, letting out just a few dribbles, enough to be obvious, without leaking through her pants... If that happened, it would be obvious she was doing it now, rather than it having happened in Amber's room, and her cover would be blown... She couldn't let herself react, either, couldn't let her nose wrinkle as she felt the fabric of her panties growing wet and warm around her, as she fought to control her muscles, to clench them closed again...

"There!" she 'suddenly' managed to get her pants unfastened, shoving them down to her knees. "See, I didn... Oh." She stared down at herself, acting like she was shocked at the thing she'd just done. "M-Maybe I did go a little..."

"See?" Hannah spoke up. "It looks like an honest mistake to me. Don't you think so, Amber?"

Amber glared at Sydney, and her soggy panties. "Well, she still should be punished for drinking!" she grumbled. "And wetting herself!" 

"Don't worry, I'll handle it," Hannah assured her. "But, since those don't directly involve you, I'm afraid I have to ask you to give us some privacy."

Amber conceded, even if she didn't look happy about it. She spun, stomping out the door, Hannah pausing and listening for a moment to be sure the Amazon hadn't simply waited right outside to eavesdrop. 

"Well," she said finally, "that was pretty impressive, I must say."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Syd blinked, feigning innocence.

"Don't try that act on me," Hannah scolded. "We both know what just happened. And I have a feeling I know what actually happened in Amber's room, too... I've been getting a lot of complaints from people on Sunday mornings about things that have gone missing overnight..."

Sydney bit her bottom lip, her stomach twisting. "Y-You know how it is," she shrugged. "People go out partying, and then they come back, and they move stuff around, and forget about it by the time they sober up..."

"It's a good story," Hannah agreed. "I think we both know that's not the truth, though, don't we? I suspected something was going on a while ago, but I could never get any evidence, or figure out who might be behind it..."

"W-Wait," Syd put her hand to her chest. "Y-You don't think..."

"Seriously, Syd," Hannah snapped. "Don't try that on me. You're caught; accept it."

Sydney's face fell, the last bit of hope draining out of her. "Y-You're not going to turn me in, are you? You have no idea what they'll do to me, if..."

"You're already in enough trouble for drinking," Hannah reminded her. "Your birthday isn't quite here yet, is it? And having an accident, too... If it was only that, you'd probably be able to get away with Pull-Ups for the rest of the year, but since it supposedly happened because you were drunk... I have a feeling they're not going to go that easy on you."

Sydney groaned, well aware of exactly what Hannah was getting at. She was lucky, getting to stay in a regular dorm for this long... There was a 'special' littles' dorm, one where anyone foolish enough to admit to being a bedwetter on their admittance form was assigned, and where almost every other little wound up eventually, once they fell afoul of some authority figure or another... If they had too many accidents, or failed too many tests, or any one of a hundred other rule violations. It was, to say the least, a big step down from this dorm, and the independence it had provided her...

"Or," Hannah said, after giving Sydney a long few seconds to ponder that, to stew in it, "you could help me out with something."

"W-With what?" Syd asked.

"Well," Hannah grinned, "I'm going to need you to say yes before I can give you any details."

That was ominous, but given the alternative, Sydney didn't see what choice she really had. "O-Okay," she nodded. "If you can make all this disappear..."

"Of course," Hannah nodded. "I'll deal with Amber, and we can forget all about this... I'm going to have to borrow you for the holidays, though."

Syd frowned. "Borrow me...? The holidays?"

"We could maybe get away with just Christmas," Hannah shrugged, "but I think it'll go smoother if you're there for Thanksgiving, too. It'll seem less suspicious that way."

"What will seem less suspicious?" Syd asked.

"Me bringing you," Hannah replied, sounding as if the answer were so obvious that Sydney should feel silly for even needing it. "We'll say you're one of the students from my floor - which is true - and you're too little to go all the way back home on your own. They'll feel sorry for you, and fawn over you... And Thanksgiving break is so short, I doubt they'd have time to get over how cute you'll be. At Christmas, though, we'll be there longer, and there will be more people around, more chaos, we'll be there longer..."

"Be where?" Sydney demanded. "Who? H-How cute am I going to be?"

"That's up to you," Hannah told her. "If it were up to me, I'd have you in diapers, because there's no way they'd suspect anyone who showed up like that, but if you'd rather only go back to Pull-Ups, we can work with that."

"Wh-What about... not?" Syd blushed. "C-Can't I wear panties?"

"Definitely not," Hannah shook her head. "Trust me, they're not going to trust a little to run around with no padding whatsoever."

"Who are they?" Syd asked again.

"My family," Hannah said. "You're coming with me to my aunt's place for Thanksgiving, so they can get used to you, and you can case the place... And, at Christmas, you're going to rob her blind."

"Seriously?!" Sydney squeaked. "Wh-Why do you want...?"

"Trust me," Hannah sighed. "You don't want to know. Now, you're in, right? Or do I need to submit a report on what happened tonight to...?"

"No!" Sydney cut her off quickly. "I-I'm in." She couldn't say she was excited about it, exactly... But, like it or not, she was in. All she had to do now was decide how in she was, how far she was going to take this.

Should she wear...



Or risk panties?

And is Hannah's aunt...

Super strict?

Or super nice?