
Victoria's Secret - Chapter 30

Published: June 18th 2022, 12:01:01 pm


"Vickie!" Victoria looked up with a start from the Play-Doh she'd been given to entertain herself with, flinching slightly as she saw Sawyer standing over her, looking stern. "Are you wet again?"

Vickie blushed, shaking her head; there was no way she could be! She didn't remember peeing... Then again, she reminded herself, there was no reason for the sitter to be upset at her if she was. Sawyer was the one who had decided she deserved to be back in diapers full-time, after all, even if she justified it by saying Vickie had used up her last chance to prove she was potty trained... Vickie had no choice but to go in her pants now, like a little baby.

"Yes, you are," Sawyer rolled her eyes, kneeling down, wiping Vickie's chin off with a napkin. "You drooled all over yourself, silly!"

"Oh." Vickie glanced back down, seeing the wet spot spreading out from the collar of her t-shirt. That hadn't came to mind... Which was, she supposed. It never did... It had never really been something she'd had to think about, but now, if she was concentrating too hard on something, like she had been with her clay, it just seemed to start... 

She was grateful that was all that had happened, however, despite Sawyer, without a moment's hesitation, yanked off her shirt, leaving her in only her diaper. Almost as if the idea of not being allowed to use the bathroom had told her bladder there was no point in holding it, she'd also found herself involuntarily letting go of another liquid while her brain was occupied, more often than she liked to admit, or think about.

In fact... Sawyer draped the shirt over the edge of the coffee table where Vickie was playing, then slide a hand down the girl's bare stomach, Vickie fidgeting as she felt her sitter's fingers rubbing against the crinkly padding of her diaper, noticing, at the same time Sawyer surely did, the patch of dampness there. Vickie whimpered, shifting in place, noticing the cool, clamminess beneath her now, feeling how far it extended, how much she'd gone this time, completely oblivious.

"What a naughty girl," Sawyer purred, giving the diaper a squeeze. "Maybe I should strap your paci into your mouth and fill it with some soap for lying."

Vickie shook her head. "N-No!" she sniffed. "I-I'm sorry!"

"Are you?" Sawyer raised an eyebrow. "I'm not so sure... I think you were just trying to trick me."

"I wasn't!" Vickie promised. "I-I didn't mean...!"

"Then why didn't you just tell me?" Sawyer demanded, standing back up straight, towering over Vickie. "You know you can tell your babysitters anything!"

She could, that was true... Whether she wanted to or not was a different question. She could tell them that she needed to use the bathroom, for instance... But that would just lead to them forcing her to stay around them until the inevitable happened, mocking her the whole time as she did her potty dance, and then, ultimately, lost control. She could tell them she wasn't sleepy at naptime, or didn't like what they made her for lunch, but neither of those ended well for her, either.

In this case, though, when she'd already used her diaper, there was no real reason not to speak up, especially if they were asking. They were going to check her anyway, they always did, no matter what she said... They might tease her a bit, but it wouldn't be as bad as if she hadn't done it yet, both in terms of how aggressive they usually were with it, and because she'd already gone through the embarrassment of using the bathroom in her pants, probably in relative privacy, which was the best she could hope for.

"I-I don't know," she shrugged quietly.

"You don't know?" Sawyer repeated. "That sounds like what someone would say when they didn't want to admit to being a naughty little liar."

"I'm not!" Vickie whined.

"Then why else would you do it?" Sawyer asked. "Give me one other reason."

In her panic, Vickie couldn't come up with anything... Except the truth, as mortifying as it was. "B-Because I didn't know..." she admitted, staring bashfully down at the table in front of her.

From the corner of her eye, she could see Sawyer grinning, knew that was exactly what she'd been waiting for her to say. "You didn't know? You're soaked! Are you telling me you're such a leaky baby that you didn't feel that?"

"I'm not soaked!" Vickie defended herself, wiggling in her seat. She was wet, yes, but that was exaggerating! Wasn't it? The more her bottom moved, the less confident she was about that... It really was pretty soggy. 

"Maybe you're right," Sawyer took her by surprise by agreeing. "You could stay in that a little while longer, so it isn't totally soaked."

Vickie pouted; now that Sawyer had made her aware of the state of her diaper, it was impossible to ignore. Asking for a change when she'd already been told she wasn't ready for one, however, never worked, so, like any other toddler, completely under the thumb of her babysitter, there was nothing she could do about it.

"That's just as well, though," Sawyer told her, "because we need to go on a little shopping trip."

Vickie's face fell. "Shopping?" She enjoyed it, usually, but she doubted there would be much 'usual' about it... She shuddered, remembering the trip to the mall, and everything that had happened to her there. "D-Do you really need me there?"

Sawyer rolled her eyes. "Of course we do! We can't leave you home alone! And we need you anyway, because we want to get you something!"

Vickie forced a weak smile, seeing that Sawyer was looking for a reaction... She almost wished she still believed that any present the sitters might get her would be something she'd actually want, but she knew better. As she resigned herself to whatever this was going to be, she saw her shirt, folded up over the table. "Well, why did you take that off me, then?" she whined, pointing.

"Do you really want to go to the mall covered in drool?" Sawyer scoffed. 

"O-Oh." Vickie blushed, feeling stupid for not having thought of that, having already forgotten... Was that how often she was dribbling on herself, and how little she paid attention to it? That was certainly worrying... "N-No..."

"I didn't think so," Sawyer said. "Come on, we'll get you into something dry." Vickie's eyes lit up for a moment. "On the top half, at least," she clarified.

She led Vickie to her room, searching through her clothes. She pulled out a few different shirts and tried them on the girl. They fit perfectly, so much so that Vickie assumed, for a moment, that they must be some of her things from college, until she glanced down and saw otherwise, recognizing the designs from her childhood. 

It was odd how big they felt on her now, how much space she had... Even her flat chest ought to be making it more difficult for her to wear these things, yet it was almost like what little breasts she had devolved back to the way they had been when she'd worn these clothes originally. There was a tiny part of her that wondered if she were shrinking, or regressing, turning into a little girl for real...

That was silly, though, as was demonstrated to her when Sawyer finally settled on a shirt and moved on to searching for pants for Vickie to wear with it. She had Vickie step into several pair of shorts, and every one refused to button up over her diaper. She would have liked to blame that on the bulk of the diaper itself... She was positive she'd worn some of them in the recent past, however, with her diapers, and, while it had been a tight fit, she had gotten them on. Why couldn't she now?! Was her butt getting bigger, somehow? She had to assume the real reason her breasts appeared to be getting smaller was that she was losing weight, so why wouldn't her backside be shrinking as well?

"Oh, look at that," Sawyer glanced at her phone. "It's time for your medicine... Now, if you'd just get dressed, we could take care of that."

Vickie couldn't say that she was sad to be postponing that for a few minutes. The drugs themselves weren't that bad... Like most pills, they didn't taste like anything, in fact. She didn't love not knowing what they might be doing to her, of course, and she didn't love the process itself, which she was almost positive was a big contribution to why she had so many accidents nowadays.

She wasn't a fan of Sawyer acting like the delay was her fault, though. "If you'd let me do it on my own, I would," she grumbled.

"Well, that's not going to happen," Sawyer chuckled. "I saw how you used to dress, before Taylor and I started taking care of you... That's definitely not appropriate for a little girl like you. We'll just have to go with a dress. That'll be easier!"

She grabbed a breezy, yellow sundress from the closet, one that, like so many of the things in there, Vickie hadn't worn in years. It did fit, but, thanks to her diaper, only barely, constantly threatening to force her to flash her crinkly underthings if she moved the wrong way, or the wind got too strong.

"Perfect!" Sawyer declared, which was not an assessment Vickie agreed with, even if she was grateful to be done getting dressed up like a doll. "Now, let's go take care of that medicine, so you can grow up big and strong!"

She might not know what the drugs were doing, but she was pretty sure that wasn't the goal. It didn't matter, however... She needed the money she was making from testing them so she could pay off the credit card bills the sitters had racked up, and, in her current state, she didn't know how else she was going to get it, so she obediently toddled after Sawyer to the kitchen.

"Here we go!" Sawyer cooed, shaking a pill out of one of the bottles, handing it over, along with a bottle full of water. Vickie had made an attempt, once, to hide the pills in her mouth, to avoid swallowing them, but there were so many of them, and Sawyer had quickly caught on, and spanked her for not taking her job seriously. She hadn't worked up the courage to try it again, especially now that Sawyer was onto her, and watched her all the more closely to ensure she didn't.

"This is a small one," Vickie observed. "I bet I could take another with it, and..."

"No, you can't," Sawyer told her. "I don't want to risk you choking."

Vickie very much doubted that was her reason... No, she almost certainly forced Vickie to take them all, one by one, no matter what size, was so she could make her drink each time. Vickie popped the pill into her mouth, following it up with the nipple of her bottle, sucking down the water. She glanced up at Sawyer, watching her gleefully, and blushed.

"N-Next one?" she tried, popping the bottle out.

Sawyer shook her head. "You barely drank anything! Have a few more sips, sweetie, so we can be sure it went all the way down to your tummy!"

Vickie whined, but obeyed, knowing it wasn't worth the fight - or, rather, that she wasn't going to win it. Every time she had to take the pills, she went through a couple bottles of water, 'just in case,' and today was no different, even with the mall trip looming. She regretted saying anything about how wet she was now, nibbling nervously on the bottle's nipple, praying she didn't have another accident before her next change, not sure her diaper could handle another without leaking after she'd guzzled down this much liquid.

As always, after her 'medicine,' Vickie felt a little woozy, a bit light-headed, whether that was from drinking so much so quickly, or whatever was in the pills themselves. She didn't feel up to any protests about not wanting to go as she was taken out to her car, where Taylor was waiting, buckled into the back seat. She whimpered when she saw the pacifier come out, and, brain too foggy to think of any way to avoid it, felt herself start to cry, tears trickling down her cheeks. "I-I told you," she sniffled. "I-I didn't know! I wasn't lying on purpose! Please, please, don't..!"

"Aww," Sawyer stroked her hair. "It's okay, little crybaby... I'm not going to put any soap in it... I'm just giving it to you so you can suck on it, so you hopefully don't drool all over you pretty dress."

Vickie blushed. "Oh." The plug was still in the pacifier, making it look almost like a regular one, with nearly no indication of what else it could do, how it could be used to force feed her whatever her caretakers wanted. Sawyer didn't even have the strap attached to hold it in place, so Vickie should have known she didn't have anything nefarious planned....

"Such an anxious baby," Sawyer teased, holding the paci up to Vickie's lips, the girl obediently opening her mouth, letting it be pushed inside. "I can't imagine why," she giggled. "I'm sure this will help, though." 

Vickie hated to admit it, but it did. When it wasn't filled with something, when it was just a normal pacifier, there was something soothing about the action of sucking on it... And it really did help her with her drooling problem. As long as she had that in, even if she was busy doing something else, she stayed dry... Her top half, anyway. Perhaps that was why it made her feel better, too, knowing it gave her that protection... 

It was not as comforting when she thought about it in the long term, when she considered what it might mean for her future. All of this stuff... It wasn't permanent, was it? It couldn't be! Her parents already knew that her sitters were keeping her in diapers, so seeing her with a pacifier as well wasn't that strange for them, and they trusted that Sawyer and Taylor knew what they were doing with how they were treating her, as insane as it seemed to Vickie. And at the mall... Well, as long as she got lucky, and didn't run into anybody she knew, hopefully everyone would assume she really was a toddler, and not give her a second look. It was embarrassing to think that was a possible mistake they could make, much less to hope they did, yet she still preferred it to the alternative.

Summer wasn't going to last forever, though. Some day, she was going to go back to college... If she had to run around nursing a pacifier to keep from drooling on herself, she doubted people there would be as understanding... And if she was still having accidents then, and needed to wear some protection... She shuddered, recalling what Sawyer had said about the way she'd dressed, before the sitters had taken over picking out her wardrobe for her. 

She was right that it wasn't suitable for a baby, and that was because Vickie wasn't a baby... She had no idea how well any of it would fit now, thanks to whatever weird weight loss she was going through, but that wasn't her big concern... Because she wasn't a baby, and had thought, back when she'd bought all of it, that she was the furthest thing from one, none of it was meant to be worn with a diaper under it. Whether she had any extra junk in her trunk now or not, the bulk of a diaper was definitely going to be trouble for a lot of her regular clothes. She had a bad feeling that, if she did need to keep wearing them after the summer, she'd be faced with a very similar scene to what had played out a few minutes earlier...

But that wasn't going to happen, she assured herself. The drugs almost definitely were to blame for some, if not all, of her accidents, and when she stopped taking them - surely she'd have made enough to pay off her bills by then! - she wouldn't have to worry about that any more... And, even if it took a week or two to wear off, once she had control over her own car again, and could go do things on her own, it would be simple to buy herself something that would hide her padding. She hoped it didn't come to that, of course.... If it did, however, she could deal with it.

A drooling problem was going to be harder to hide. She whimpered, imagining herself in class, paying close attention to her professor, jotting down notes like a good little student... And, at the end of the class, looking down, seeing the whole front of her dress soaked, her teacher eyeing her with disgust, the other students giggling to themselves when they saw it, as she blushed, wiping her face off with her arm, fumbling to come up with an explanation...

"I-I was just so into your lecture!" she could hear herself trying, shuffling her feet as she looked up at Dr. Tilbury, one of her younger, cuter, professors. "It was so interesting, and..."

"That's funny," he replied. "Usually, when I see a student drooling on themselves, it's because they fell asleep."

"No!" she shook her head. "I didn't!"

He smirked, one eyebrow arched as he looked down at her. "Then tell me one thing I talked about, young lady."

She gulped, feeling herself get a little lost in his eyes. "Umm... I-I took notes, and..." She reached into her bag, but he stopped her, putting one hand over hers. 

"No," he said sternly, sending a shiver down her spine as she was reminded how big he was, and how little she was, how he was very much the one in charge... "Just tell me what you remember, if you were paying so much attention."

"Umm..." she squirmed, her mind blank. "Uh..."

He sighed, marching to his desk, opening up one of the drawers and pulling out a paddle. "Tell me just one thing, Vickie," he ordered. "Right now."

Vickie's heart sped up as she looked around the room, seeing the other students watching, knowing that, if she didn't think fast, they were all going to see her get bent over his desk, her pants pulled down... And then, to her horror, she felt a warmth in her pants, glancing down in terror to see a wet spot forming on the crotch of her jeans, quickly spreading downwards...

"I've seen enough," Mr. Tilbury sneered, grabbing her by the hand. "I know how to deal with your kind... I'm going to spank you silly, and then put you back in diapers, you disgusting little brat!"

"N-No!" Vickie shook her head, desperately trying to dig her heels in, to keep herself away from his desk, looming larger and larger, to find some way to avoid this... "I-I'm sorry!" she blubbered. "I-I really am... L-Let me make it up to you!"

There was a part of her that hated that this was where she went, that this was her first thought, especially with her classmates still there, still watching... But there was another part that was excited by it, that was curious, and almost eager, despite how long she'd said no to this very thing... She reached for the waistband of his pants, starting to undo his belt. Sure enough, that stopped him in his tracks, and he let go of her... She could have tried to run away, to avoid this... Instead, she found herself unzipping his pants, reaching for his underwear as she knelt down, mouth opening...

"Her face is so red!" Taylor giggled, snapping Vickie out of her naughty daydream.

"I bet she's thinking about Graham!" Sawyer chanted mockingly. "Isn't that right, Vickie?"

"N-No!" Vickie squirmed, feeling a fresh squishiness in her pants, realizing she really had wet herself again, like she had in her fantasy. She poked at her diaper nervously, letting out a sigh of relief when she didn't feel any leaks; it was very close now, but at least she hadn't gotten any wet spots on the back seat of her own car.

"I think she was," Taylor teased. "Just look at her expression!"

"I'm not!" Vickie insisted. She hadn't... Though, considering what she'd been about to do, in her daydream, and how Graham was the one person she'd ever done that with in real life... Well, it wasn't too far off.

"Whatever you say," Sawyer's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Either way... We're here! Are you ready to hit the mall?"

She wasn't, but she knew it didn't matter; she was just a baby until summer was over, after all, so she had no choice but to go, and do, wherever her sitters wanted, no matter how humiliating it would inevitably wind up being.