Published: May 20th 2022, 12:00:06 pm
Victoria had hoped that, once she was away from her babysitters, she'd feel a little better about her situation, but, if anything, that made it worse. At least when they were nearby, if somebody who wasn't a part of Graham's group of friends, who had seen that Vickie was with those two, spotted her, she could blame her outfit on Sawyer and Taylor. That didn't mean the girls wouldn't deny it, of course... It would still seem more possible that she was telling the truth if they were right next to her, however, rather than being somewhere across the sands, as if she were embarrassed of her decisions, and picking someone random as a scapegoat.
No, now that she was toddling around on her own, it looked like she'd made the choice to leave her house and come here in a thick, crinkly diaper and a tankini top... That, or she appeared young enough that it was still an appropriate outfit for her, in which case, she was too young to be on this beach in the first place.
There was absolutely nothing she could do to disguise her diaper, no way for her to hide it, other than the small, plastic bucket, which wasn't big enough, and would only cover either the front or back of it at any one time anyway. She'd already stuck out like a sore thumb, but now, with the padding around her bottom even more bulky, it was even more obvious how much she didn't belong here.
The water was still there, obviously, and it didn't matter anymore if they failed to hold up... Except that, whatever happened, she'd be stuck in her diaper until her sitters were ready to leave, and the idea of spending the rest of the day with it absolutely drenched in ocean water, probably swollen up even more from it, wasn't exactly appealing.
And... Well, Graham was still, theoretically, coming to see her sandcastle. Or he was going to pick up the bucket, at any rate, and he'd see her castle then... Then what? What did she think was going to happen if he saw she could build a nice sandcastle? Was that going to impress him? Make him see that she was still an adult, especially now that she was back in diapers, and not even trying to disguise that fact?
But she had told him that was what she was going to do... And what else was there for her to do here? She went back near the tide line, plopping down in the sand, wincing as she sat down too fast, the jolt of the sudden stop at the end making her tummy lurch. Her toes curled in her flip-flops as she bit down on her bottom lip, sure she could feel something shift inside her, wondering if this was it, if it was over, as she wriggled frantically in her diaper...
Fortunately, and somewhat to her surprise, the discomfort ended... Or, rather, faded back to its former intensity. There was no forgetting the enema she'd been given, or how impossible escaping its effects would be, but she wasn't on the verge of them anymore, not quite. Only a step or two away, sure... Still, she had managed to back away a little.
"Castle," she mumbled to herself, barely realizing she was speaking out loud, just trying to concentrate as hard as she could, to forget everything else. "Gotta make a castle..."
She reached for the shovel, almost considering leaving the bottle in the bucket when she saw it, having forgotten all about it, but she had no doubt the sitters would make her find it if she claimed to have lost it, and would probably make her drink it, no matter how much sand had gotten on the nipple. She pulled it out, reluctantly taking a swig of prune juice. She wouldn't say she'd gotten used to the taste, or that she was starting to like it... The sun was beating down now, however, and having anything to drink was nice, which was another reason she didn't really want to bury the bottle.
She scooped sand into the bucket, having a difficult time not envisioning the bucket as her tummy as it filled up, bit by bit, getting heavier and heavier... They were both feeling completely full by the time she was done with the former, but the latter didn't get any emptier when she scraped the excess off from the top of the bucket, leveling it out so that it would hopefully stand a little better.
She didn't dare move from her spot, a part of her scared to even lean too far forward to turn the bucket over to dump it out. It held up pretty nicely, so she started again, her belly, once more, feeling fuller and fuller with every shovelful of sand she emptied into the bucket, as impossible as that seemed, since she'd been sure she had already been at her limit before.
The next cramp was absolutely brutal, though she was grateful it hit when it did, as she leveled off her bucket once more, rather than a few moments later. She groaned, concentrating on clenching every muscle, desperately driving her diapered seat into the sand as hard as she could... And, even then, she could feel something escape, a hint of sticky squishiness oozing into her pants. "No," she shook her head, feeling the sweat dripping down her forehead from the exertion. "N-Not now..."
To her surprise, it stopped. Not completely, of course, but the worst of it was quelled, for now. With a sigh of relief, and a sense of pride, she got up onto her knees so that she could place her next turret at an appropriate distance from the first one...
And then, it was over. She almost didn't have time to feel it start, it came so quickly after the last, and by the time she noticed her body pushing, it was too late. There she was, bending over, bottom in the air, bucket ready to be overturned... Helplessly filling her diaper.
"No!" she squealed, with far less success, feeling light-headed as her diaper ballooned behind her, the warm mush rushing out of her all at once, having been contained for too long. Her precarious position didn't help, either, as she frantically tried to decide whether she should sit back down, to see if she could stop it from getting any worse - though, by then, it was already mostly over - or just keep going, and pretend nothing was happening, praying she hadn't already drawn too much attention to herself.
Instead, in her confusion, she lost her balance, falling forward onto the beginning of her castle, feeling it smash beneath her bare tummy, her still-expanding diaper sticking straight up, a pink beacon in the sand. She should roll over, to try to hide it, but she was exhausted, humiliated... And it felt so pointless, now. All that struggling had been for nothing... She had still ended up trapped in this dirty diaper, from now until Sawyer and Taylor decided they were ready to go home, surrounded by all these naked, beautiful people...
"Oh, no!" Vickie winced as she heard the voice behind her. "Is something wrong, sweetie? Did something happen?"
Vickie turned her head, cheeks burning at the sight of a young man and a young woman standing over her, holding hands. "We heard you," the woman told her, kneeling down. "And saw you fall over... Is everything okay?"
It certainly wasn't, but what could they do about it? Would they be willing to change her? Did she want them to? They were strangers! That would be so humiliating... More humiliating than staying in this thing, though? That she wasn't positive about... "Umm..." she wiggled.
"Did something happen?" the woman asked, giving the lumpy seat of Vickie's diaper a pat, Vickie squeaking as the mess shifted against her backside. "I think something happened, didn't it?"
"M-Maybe," Vickie replied, knowing there was no point in lying, but still too mortified to admit it out loud.
"Maybe?" the woman raised an eyebrow. "Well, why don't we see for sure?"
"Wh-What?!" Vickie gasped, shaking her head. "N-No!" But the woman was already sliding her hands beneath the waistband of the diaper and plastic pants, peeling them out. What did she think she was doing, checking her like that! They didn't even know each other! Did this woman think she was so little that she didn't deserve privacy?
"Oh, that's not so bad," she cooed.
"I-It isn't?" Vickie furrowed her brow. It felt like it... But what did she know about dirty diapers, at least from this end? Fortunately, she hadn't had that many of them, that she remembered, though she knew that was going to change now.
"What do you think?" the woman asked, pulling the diaper open a bit more, Vickie wiggling and blushing helplessly as the guy, surely her boyfriend, or husband, took a peek inside as well.
"Nah, not too bad," Vickie barely saw the wink he gave his companion as he knelt down, too. "There's still some room in there."
Before Vickie could do anything - if she really could have, flat on her stomach, with both of them over her - he grabbed the shovel she'd stuck into the sand, scooping up a healthy portion of wet sand and emptied it into her diaper. "H-Hey!" Vickie exclaimed, wrinkling her nose as the woman let go of the diaper, letting it snap back into place, cradling the warm mush and gritty sand closer against her skin.
"That's better," the woman giggled, giving Vickie's diaper another, harder swat. "Now you're full!"
"H-Hey!" Vickie repeated, staring up at them as they walked away, laughing and kissing, clearly pleased with themselves. Had Sawyer and Taylor put them up to that?! Or had they just happened to walk by and see her degrading herself by pooping her pants, and thought she deserved to be taken down another peg for doing that in public, as if it had been her idea? Either way, there was nothing she could do about it now as she sat up, whining as she felt the sand trickling further down her diaper, making it that much more uncomfortable to consider spending the rest of her day in.
She couldn't bring herself to sit down now, though staying on her knees meant that the seat of her diaper was that much easier for people to see if they glanced in her direction, and she was worried that was going to invite more bullying. She glanced back towards their blanket, wondering if there was a way to convince her sitters to take pity on her, but they were gone, off doing as they'd said, apparently, and enjoying their time at the beach. Maybe they hadn't even seen what she'd done, she thought hopefully... It wasn't like it was a surprise, however, especially to them, so she had little doubt they'd been watching. And she hoped they'd sent that couple, because, if not, that might mean everyone on this beach thought she was beneath them, that she deserved to be teased and tormented for showing up to a nude beach, looking like that...
Flaunting her diaper was probably only going to make that worse, certainly now that it was full. She thought about going to grab their blanket, to wrap herself up in it, but, instead, she came up with another solution, as she went back to her sandcastle building, digging down in the same spot, making a bit of a hole that she could kneel in. It wasn't deep enough to completely hide her diaper, though she told herself it was enough to maybe make it not quite so obvious from a distance.
It did absolutely nothing up close, however... And, to her horror, that was exactly where Graham appeared, after she'd lost herself in her work for a bit, draining her bottle, and trying to ignore her uncomfortable diaper.
"How are you doing there?" he asked, smiling down at her.
She blushed, squirming in her little hole, making her seem even smaller than him, even more pathetic. She crossed her arms awkwardly in front of herself in an attempt to hide her diaper more, but she knew, deep down, it wouldn't make a difference. The bucket and shovel were his sister's, and, considering he'd still had them in his car, they were probably not that old... And they were the sort of thing someone very young would play with, so he was almost definitely used to the sight of diapers, would be able to recognize them, even when they were hidden under other clothes, much less out in the open, as she'd been forced to wear hers...
Was that how he thought of her? An equal to his little sister? Or even more immature, since she might be out of diapers by now? It wasn't fair! He was so cute, and so obviously not a kid anymore, glancing at him now, standing there, totally nude... She couldn't help staring, nibbling her bottom lip, her cheeks warming...
"It's looking... nice," he said diplomatically. It was a far cry from what he'd said before, when he'd given her the bucket, from how he'd said he was sure it would be impressive... But it was fair. 'Impressive' was not the word Vickie would have used, either, to describe the few piles of sand she'd plopped out of the bucket, and the crooked walls she'd been trying to build between them. The turrets had started out nice, when she'd first made them, though by now, they were starting to crumble more and more as she'd struggled to figure out how to do the rest of the castle.
"O-Oh, you know," she shrugged, "I-I was just messing around."
She turned bright red, cursing herself for that stupid choice of phrase. She did not want him thinking of those words while looking at her... She tugged at her diaper, wrinkling her nose as the contents shifted.
"Well, I hate to say it, but my friends are getting ready to head out, so I need my things back."
"R-Right," Vickie nodded, peering down at her castle. She'd wanted so badly to use it to impress him, to show him that she was a big girl, even if it was a silly way to do it... If he walked away now, with that being his last impression of her... But what else could she do? How else could she prove it, when she was looking less like a big girl than she had since she really wasn't one?
All of those dreams she'd been having lately started to come back to her, making her blush harder as she looked up at him. There was one thing she could do, even now... And maybe, if she was good enough, she could even convince him to change her afterwards, to get her out of this yucky diaper... He probably had plenty of experience with that, too, so he'd know how to do it... It would be embarrassing, but wouldn't it be worth it, to get a clean diaper?
"Y-You know," she blinked up at him, "I really want to thank you for letting me borrow them."
"It was no problem," he shrugged. "I wasn't going to use them!"
"No," she shook her head. "I mean... Really thank you..."
She stretched up as much as she could, but she was too low in her hole, so, unfortunately, she had to clamber out of it, revealing her full diaper to him, and anyone else on the beach who might be looking. From his expression, it was obvious that, if he'd spotted the diaper at all until then, he hadn't seen that she'd used it, and he took a possibly involuntary step back, nose twitching.
"I-It's fine," he told her. "N-No worries..."
Now, she really had no choice... Now, she really had to prove that she was a big girl, to overcome the sight of her bulging, messy diaper in his mind when he thought of her. As embarrassing as it was, thinking of doing this now, dressed this way, she could also feel a jolt of excitement, a warmth between her legs... Other than in her dreams, she hadn't gotten to do anything this mature since summer had started. She hadn't even been allowed to orgasm in a while now... Maybe she could get him to help her with that, too...
But first, she had to impress him. She knelt down, knees sinking into the sad ruins of her castle, one hand sliding up his thigh, towards his crotch. "Is it... okay?" she asked, though she could tell just by looking at him, as he realized what was happening, that he was into it. He blushed, looking around, and she felt a rush of shame, wondering if he'd have said no if his friends were around, if he was too ashamed at having her be the one doing it if they knew. And then he nodded.
She heard herself giggle, shocked at how turned on she felt. She'd never done this before, not even for her boyfriends... It had always seemed so gross, and she didn't see what she'd get out of it, yet now, for some reason, despite being in the middle of a beach, and wearing a dirty diaper, and doing it to someone who was practically a stranger, she was more excited than she had been in a long time. It was probably just because she was still frustrated from this morning, when Sawyer had denied her the chance to get off... But now, she was already in a messy diaper, and she was horny, and she only needed one more thing.
"Could you just call me princess potty pants?" she asked, opening her mouth wide and starting to suck.
Sawyer loved to tease her by calling her a diaper slut, but never had it felt more true than right now, on her knees in front of Graham, happily blowing him as she squirmed in her dirty diaper, hoping this would earn her a change. She'd never done this before, but the memories of the sleepover, with Kelly and the bananas, came flooding back to her, and it just felt so natural, so right... If only her old boyfriends could see her now, so happily doing what she'd always refused them, trapped in her poopy diapers... She'd never live that down, and that thought, somehow, made it even more hot to her.
"Call me princess potty pants!" she moaned, words coming out muffled as she bounced in place, every time her diaper touched the ground driving her a little more wild.
"I-I'm not sure..." he said uncertainly.
"Just say it!" she begged.
"Oh, come on, Vickie," Sawyer smirked, stepping out from behind her, arms crossed. "You know better than to try to speak with your mouth full... Nobody can understand you like that."
Graham blushed, eyes darting over towards her. "I-I didn't make... Sh-She wanted..." he panted, short of breath.
"No, no, it's fine," Sawyer patted him on the shoulder. "I have no doubt this is how little Vickie wanted to play... She's had a crush on you from the moment she saw you." Taylor slid in beside her, giggling as they watched Vickie's display, Vickie unable to stop herself now, to pull her mouth away, despite her audience.
And then, suddenly, it was over, and Vickie was sitting there, feeling dazed, sticky, and a bit dirty, but more than a little excited, as she wiped her mouth, writhing in the sand, not caring who was around, who saw her as she humped her diaper desperately. "Say it," she gazed up at Graham.
"You're a... princess potty pants?" he said uncertainly, and, almost immediately, Vickie let out a loud moan, back arching as the orgasm rushed through her, more intense than any she'd ever had before.
"I apologize for her," Sawyer patted Vickie on the head, retrieving the bucket and shovel and handing them over. "She's kind of a little perv, isn't she? But we love her anyway..."
Vickie wanted to point out that this was all Sawyer's fault, but she knew that wasn't true... She wouldn't have been in a messy diaper, sure, but what she'd just done was all her idea... And, to be honest, as humiliating as it was, she wasn't sure it would have been fun any other way. She definitely wouldn't have gotten to cum herself at the end if she hadn't been...
It wasn't until Graham excused himself and rushed off that Vickie remembered her other goal, and realized that she'd forgotten to see if he would change her. She blushed, glancing up at her babysitters, though she couldn't quite bring herself to look them in the eyes. "I-Is it time to go?" she asked, knowing that would mean a diaper change anyway, one she would have gotten even without having to give anyone a blowjob.
"No, we just wanted to check on you and make sure everything was all right," Taylor told her.
"O-Oh," Vickie fidgeted in her dirty diaper. "Umm... C-Could I...?"
"Why would we want to take that away from you, when we all just saw how much you love it?" Sawyer mocked. "Besides, we already told you... No changes until it's time to go, at least not from us... And your little friend is already back to his friends, though if you hurry, maybe you can go ask him, in front of all of them."
Vickie wasn't going to do that, of course, and she no longer had her tools to make sandcastles... But, as degrading as it had been, it was still a massive relief, finally being allowed to get off again, despite the circumstances, and the sun was so nice and warm... She slunk back to their blanket to lay down and enjoy it, quickly dozing off, completely oblivious as the cheap, glitter sunscreen Taylor had used on her started to fail, leaving her with tanlines in the shape of her diaper and tankini top as a souvenir to help her remember this day at the beach.