Published: April 22nd 2022, 12:00:05 pm
Victoria hardly realized she was backing away until Sawyer grabbed her by the arm, leaving her flip-flops digging useless into the sand, getting no further away from the diaper waiting for her, despite how much she wanted to.
"N-No," she shook her head numbly. "I-I was in the water... I-I... Y-You were watching me!"
They had been keeping an eye on her while she was trying, and failing, to build her sand castle! They had to know the truth! Or, rather, the version of the truth she was attempting to push on them, to escape her padded fate. "Come on!" she pouted. "You know it wasn't my fault!"
Sawyer and Taylor exchanged a look, and, for a split second, Vickie thought it might be working... Then Taylor sighed. "Vickie, I felt it when I patted your bum."
Vickie's mouth opened and closed uselessly a couple times, cheeks darkening. That was exactly what she'd been afraid of... She should have known better than to try to fool them! "W-Well, that's not fair!" she pivoted quickly. "You surprised me! You snuck up on me! A-And it was only a tiny bit!"
She pretended she hadn't been considering making it an even bigger accident, since she hadn't... Though that barely mattered in the moment, seeing as her pants were supremely squishy anyway.
"Well, we can't tell that anymore, can we?" Sawyer gave Vickie's trainers a swat. "We have to assume it was bigger than that, as wet as your trainers are now..."
"She knows!" Vickie stomped her foot, pointing at Taylor. "She felt it! Tell her, Taylor! Please!"
Taylor stared at Vickie, fumbling helplessly in the sand, tears shining in her eyes, fighting tooth and nail to avoid the fate laid out on the blanket for her. She'd had the power in their relationship for a while now - it was why Vickie had let her buy herself a computer with her laptop, which was why she was testing all these drugs - but never had that been more clear than right now. This was it, her last hope...
"It could have gotten worse than that," Taylor shrugged. "That's what tends to happen when little girls like you go a tiny bit... They go a tiny bit more, and then a tiny bit more, and then, before they know it, they're soaked."
"But I didn't!" Vickie insisted, again ignoring her own memory about wanting to do that very thing.
"Maybe," Taylor conceded. "But there's not way for us to tell now, is there?"
Vickie whimpered, struggling in Sawyer's grip. Had it been a bad call, letting herself get splashed by the wave? If she'd come to her sitters right away and confessed, would they have gone easy on her? Or were they just trying to make her think they would, so she would regret her choice all the more? It wasn't like they'd shown her mercy any other time... And their rule had always been crystal clear - one more accident, of any size, and...
"I-It's only for today, right?" she sniffled, as Sawyer began to slide her swimsuit bottoms down, revealing her drenched trainers to the world. "I-I can go back to my training panties tomorrow?"
What was she trying to do? She'd already heard Sawyer say it today, and the first time they'd given her the verdict had been echoing in her nightmares ever since... But, while Sawyer pulled off her trainers, for perhaps the last time, it was all that she had left, all she could think to do as she stood there, half-naked, Taylor wiping her clean in the middle of the sunny beach, for anyone to see.
They didn't answer her out loud; the smirk on Sawyer's face told her everything she needed to know. "B-But I've done so well until now!" she wailed.
"Have you?" Taylor tilted her head. "It's not like this was your first and only chance..."
"We've tried, over and over, to make you use the potty," Sawyer cooed, pushing Vickie down onto the blanket, onto the bulky, crinkly diaper waiting for her there, Vickie flinching when her bare backside rested on it, as if she hadn't been spending her nights in them lately... But this was something else entirely. This was the end of anything even slightly resembling big girl panties, the end of being allowed to use toilets, the end of the last shred of her adulthood... "You just won't listen, so we have no choice, except to give you what you want..."
"Th-This isn't what I want!" Vickie squawked, for the benefit of herself almost as much as it was for anyone who might have overheard. "I-I don't want any of this!"
"Then you should have learned to keep your pants dry," Taylor told her. "It's pretty simple, really... If you're not a baby, deep down."
"I-I'm not!" Vickie whined, nose wrinkling as she smelled the scent of baby powder in the air, head turning to see Sawyer having opened a bottle, dumping a healthy amount onto Vickie's waiting crotch.
"You've certainly been acting like an immature little brat," Sawyer said. "At least if you were a baby, it would be acceptable... Any big girl who behaved like you would need a nice, long spanking...."
That shut Vickie up, finally. She didn't want to believe they'd spank her, too, right on the beach, but if they were going to diaper her here, without bothering to even take her to the bathroom, or the car.... Well, why wouldn't they?
"That's probably a good idea," Taylor agreed, kneeling down on the edge of the blanket. "She did try to hide her accident, and lie to us about it... And she'd been throwing a tantrum ever since you brought her over here..."
"N-No!" Vickie shook her head. "Pl-Please, no... D-Don't spank me... Y-You're right, I'm a baby..."
It hurt to say the words, but knowing that admitting it might be her one ticket out of this soothed the pain ever so slightly. And if she was going to be wearing, and using, diapers for the rest of summer... That made it awfully hard to deny that the label fit.
"Well, in that case," Sawyer's eyes twinkled as she reached for the diaper bag, "I have to assume you're being so fussy for another reason..."
She pulled out a small, plastic bottle filled with liquid, a spout on the end held shut with a bright orange cap. "Wh-What is that?" Vickie frowned. It didn't seem big enough to be something for her to drink, or at least to do much to quench her thirst, compared to her juice...
"Don't you worry about that," Sawyer patted her on the stomach, removing the cap. "Just lie there and relax..."
It wasn't until the long nozzle on the end of the bottle was revealed, and slid towards her wriggling bottom, that she put it together. "No, no," she shook her head, eyes widening even before she felt it being pushed into her. "S-Sawyer..."
"It won't hurt," Sawyer promised. "It might feel a little weird at first, but that'll go away soon..."
Sure enough, there was a brief rush of liquid as Sawyer gave the bottle a squeeze, Vickie squirming at the unfamiliar sensation, and then the invader was removed, the diaper tugged up between her legs quickly, taped tightly into place, Sawyer working so fast that Vickie worried the enema was going to work right away. It was probably her imagination, but she was certain she could feel it sloshing around inside her as Sawyer sat her up, the diaper shifting beneath her, following her every move, inescapable...
"Up you go!" Sawyer urged, before just picking the girl up beneath her armpits, lifting her to her feet, ensuring that everyone around, if they hadn't overheard the girls' arguments, or spotted what was happening on the blanket, could now see what Vickie was wearing. Vickie's head spun, her knees almost giving way, Sawyer having to help her step into the second pair of plastic pants Taylor had produced from the diaper bag, holding out for her. "Maybe this time you'll stay away from the water in these," she teased.
Maybe... But what did it matter now? Her diaper was going to get wet either way, and it wasn't like they could get mad at her for it anymore... That's what they wanted from her, what they expected from her... If she didn't get it wet, that was when they'd be upset with her. Who cared if it was from the ocean or her bladder? The end result was going to be the same...
"Do you even think these are going to go on?" Taylor giggled, picking up Vickie's discarded tankini bottoms.
"Yes!" Vickie squealed, grabbing for them.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Sawyer gave the girl's diaper a rub. "These are pretty thick..."
"N-No, they will!" Vickie nodded. She knew Sawyer was right - she was the one wearing the diaper, after all, so it would have been hard to miss that fact about them - but it was more about her desire than the truth of the matter. The bottoms had to go on, had to hide her diaper... Even if they'd been tight over her trainers, and she'd never managed to fully cover her plastic pants with them... They had to, or else everyone was going to see her diaper! Everyone, not just the people around them, who had seen this entire, shameful display... Everyone, including Graham...
"We can give it a shot," Taylor shrugged up at Sawyer.
"Yeah, why not?" Sawyer replied, with a casualness that made it clear what she thought was going to happen, while Vickie broke free from her grip, stepping into the swimsuit herself, almost ripping the fabric away from Taylor, who was pulling it up her legs too slowly. She had to know, to prove to them, and herself, that it was going to work...
But, of course, it didn't. The tankini was old, and never meant to be worn with this much padding... Try as she might, there was no stretching it over the bulk... And she did try, yanking on it with all of her might, until she could see the seams straining, starting to rip... Still to no avail. It was impossible.
She whimpered, staring down at herself. She was far more covered up than anyone else at this nude beach, and yet, she felt much more vulnerable, seeing that the plastic pants did nothing to disguise what she was so obviously wearing. She couldn't spend the rest of the day like this!
"C-Can we go home?" she asked, looking up at her sitters with big, wet eyes.
"We drove all this way!" Taylor reminded her. "And we haven't even been here that long!"
"B-But..." Vickie pouted.
"Maybe you'd feel more at home," Sawyer suggested, "if we got rid of this, too..." She bent down, hooking her fingers around the bottom of the tankini top, peeling that away from Vickie's flat chest.
She might have been right; Vickie was still the only person she could see on the beach who was wearing anything, so that made her stand out. However, even without that, she couldn't imagine the girls were going to let her get rid of the diaper, especially after they'd just given her an enema, so that wasn't going to change. And, from her experience in her closet, trying to find a suitable swimsuit, she knew that going bare-chested wasn't going to make her look any more mature compared to her sitters.
At least, from a distance, it might seem as though the diaper was part of her swimsuit. It wasn't exactly the same shade of pink as the frilly tankini top, but it wasn't too far off. Of course, as soon as somebody got close, saw how thick it was, and the tapes, they'd know what it was... From a quick glance, if she was sitting, there was a chance, as long as she had the top to go with it, to help camouflage it...
"I-I'm sorry," she shook her head. "I-I'm fine.... W-We should stay!"
"Well, duh," Sawyer chuckled. "But is this going to stay?" She let the tankini snap back into place, playing with the ruffles.
"Y-Yes, please," Vickie said. "I-If that's all right with you, ma'am..."
Sawyer smiled, happy with the politeness Vickie had found in her desperation. "I suppose, if that's what you want."
"Y-Yes, ma'am," Vickie nodded. "Th-Thank you..."
"Okay," Sawyer shrugged. "Well, now that we've gotten your bathroom taken care of," she patted Vickie's diaper, "you can go back to your sand castles... Unless you're ready to eat?"
Vickie didn't really want to find out what they'd packed for her lunch, and she wasn't particularly hungry. Her tummy was rumbling, but not for that reason... She knew she'd eventually have to let herself be subjected to whatever they'd decided to bring, though she was more than happy to wait. "N-Not yet, ma'am."
"Oh, I don't know about that," Taylor smirked. "I bet I can think of one thing she'd love to gobble up..."
Vickie wasn't sure what she meant at first, but, following her gaze, she caught a glimpse of Graham and his friends, walking not that far away, her eyes immediately drifting to his crotch. "See?" Taylor giggled to Sawyer.
"I-I'm not..!" Vickie squealed, blushing at having been caught staring, and at how loud she'd heard herself get. Seeing the boys start to glance in her direction, she plopped down to the blanket, heart pounding, praying they hadn't seen her before she had sat down, all her reasoning about how the diaper might blend in and seem like part of her tankini flying out the window when someone was actually looking at her.
"Did you change your mind?" Taylor asked. "I guess it's not too early..." She dug into the diaper bag again.
"I-I..." Vickie attempted to say no, but if she did, would they make her stand up? Would they kick her off the blanket, with Graham so near? If he did come see her construction, he was going to see her diaper, inevitably... If she could get something built, though, perhaps he'd be distracted by that, and wouldn't pay as much attention to her padding...
She sighed as a large, pink plastic bib was tied around her neck. "We debated whether to bother with bringing this," Taylor told her, "but we didn't know how close we'd get to the water to rinse you off after you were done eating."
"I can eat without having to be rinsed off," Vickie sulked, although, when she saw what Taylor took out of the bag, she fell silent.
Baby food. They'd brought her jars of baby food. After the bottles they'd had ready for her, it was hardly a surprise, but it did make her wonder if they'd planned all this, if they'd assumed she'd be back in diapers by lunchtime, or if they had something else they'd have given to her if she'd been able to stay out of them. Now, she supposed, she'd never know...
"Come on," she groaned. "Y-You can't expect me to..."
Her words were cut off with a heaping spoonful of green mush, which doubled as a perfect answer to her half-finished protest. They did expect her to eat it, and they were going to make sure she did. She gagged at the texture, blushing as she felt some of the goo dribble down her chin.
"You see?" Taylor winked. "This is why I said we should bring the bib..."
"If you'd give me real food, I..." Vickie complained, stopped short once more by another spoonful of mashed peas.
"This is real food," Taylor told her. "Real food that's perfect for little diaper babies like you." She tapped Vickie lightly on the nose with the spoon, spreading residual mush onto it, making her look even messier and more childish. That one wasn't her fault, of course, and she knew it... Anyone else looking at them, however, wouldn't, and if she tried to tell them that, it would only make things worse.
All she could think of, as Taylor shoveled the baby food into her mouth, before moving on to the next jar, was her nightmare at the sleepover, how she'd been trapped in a high chair, force-fed by a teddy bear until she filled her pants... It had been years since she'd had baby food before then, but now she could tell that her imagination had been pretty much right on in reproducing what it was like... So soft, so bland, yet so disgusting in its own way as she endured spoonful after spoonful of it...
And, unfortunately, she knew she was in real danger of copying the rest of the dream, too, of her bowels betraying her and deciding to empty right then and there... They were roiling inside her, probably not helped at all by how much her tummy was being filled. She squirmed, diaper crinkling, growing warmer and warmer thanks to the heat trapped in her plastic pants, the bib draped over top of it not helping, either. It was happening quickly, she could tell... It wouldn't be long until...
No! She couldn't let that happen! She wasn't going to poop her Pampers right in front of her babysitters, the way they so clearly wanted! She was definitely going to be doing that plenty over the rest of summer, though if she could keep from doing it today... Well, it wasn't much of a victory, but it was something.
So she endured, swallowing her baby food dutifully, wiggling her padded bottom into the sand, fighting with all of her might to keep it clean, the pressure building up inside of her making her certain that one slip-up would be all it took...
Eventually, it was over, Taylor scraping the last bit of prunes from the final jar, looking, perhaps, a little impressed. "There you go!" she declared. "All done!"
"Well, then," Sawyer said, pulling Vickie to her feet, giving her a diaper check before untying the bib, "now that you've had your lunch, and we don't have to worry about running you to the potty... I guess we don't have to worry about you anymore."
"R-Really?" Vickie turned to face her, not sure what that meant.
"You have a bottle to keep you hydrated," Sawyer told her, putting a fresh one into Vickie's bucket, "and your diaper ought to hold up until we leave..."
"And if not, who cares?" Taylor shrugged. "You don't even have a swimsuit to get dirty anymore, just your plastic pants, and they're meant for that!"
Sawyer nodded her agreement. "So go play," she shooed Vickie away. "If you need a change, we'll give you one before we head for home."
Vickie's eyes widened, stomach lurching. "B-But..." They had to know she was going to use her diaper before then! They'd given her the enema! If she'd given in and gone during lunch, would they have changed her then? Part of her - including her severely cramping tummy, upset at her for asking so much of it - wanted to let go then, to see if they'd clean her up if she did that... The rest of her was convinced she'd already missed her chance.
"If you want a fresh diaper before then, you'll have to find someone else to do it," Taylor smirked. "We're going to enjoy our little vacation on the beach."
"Why don't you do the same?" Sawyer mocked, poking at Vickie's bloated stomach, proving that she was aware of exactly why she wouldn't be able to. "Good luck!"
Vickie stomped her foot in frustration, then bit her bottom lip as another cramp hit, the girls giggling to each other as they watched her squirm. Defeated, she slunk away as soon as she dared to move again, doing her best not to think about how she'd guaranteed a long, humiliating afternoon for herself here, trapped with the consequences of her actions until her babysitters decided it was time to go home...