Published: July 22nd 2021, 2:01:23 pm
A short story/caption commission for Invada. Picture property of ABDreams.
Lola squirmed, frowning, deep in thought. It wasn't so much a question of how she'd gotten here... She could remember that journey very clearly, seeing all the steps that had landed her here; but what was she going to do next? Was she ready to take this next step, and seal her fate, or was it time to put a stop to this?
Perhaps the time she should have asked that was back when this all began, when all of her little friends had started signing up for trial adoptions, just to see what it was like. There had always been something about those that creeped Lola out, that felt like they were a human version of a carrot under a precariously balanced box, waiting to catch a rabbit... But if everyone else was going it, maybe there was more to it than that? Besides, as they'd reasoned to her, wasn't it better to get a taste of it now, since it was so likely that they'd end up in this position at some point eventually anyway?
There was no real reason for her not to do it... Her office job was going nowhere, and paying her almost nothing, so she was more than happy to have an excuse to quit, certain that, if this didn't work out, she could find something better, even with a gap in her resume of the mandatory month she'd have to stay with the Amazon she was assigned to. A month had felt like such a long time, more than enough for the Amazon to do whatever she wanted to Lola, craft her into a perfect, mindless toddler, the way so many of the littles Lola saw out in public with Amazons were...
But that wasn't what happened. The Amazon refused to let Lola call her anything except Mommy - which had been a huge red flag, one that had almost made Lola want to bail out of the program right away - however, that was basically it. For an Amazon, Mommy was pretty amazing, willing to feed and clothe Lola, and give her a room that on its own was almost as big as the crappy apartment she'd been renting, and never once had she made Lola wear a diaper, or sit in a high chair, or do anything babyish at all.
At first, she felt superior to her friends, when they all got together to talk about their experiences, and she was the only one not padded, and not wearing a onesie, or shortalls, or a tiny dress and frilly tights. She knew they probably hadn't had any choice in the matter, but it still made her think that it must mean she was the most mature out of all of them, the one with the best chance to make it out in the real world without being forcibly adopted.
And there were definitely things she missed about the real world... Mommy was nice, and a great cook, but Lola enjoyed the independence of living on her own, and she really liked dating. She hadn't asked Mommy if she could do that, though, even if she could, one of the few strict guidelines of the trial adoption was a curfew, so she couldn't go over to anyone's house, and bringing anyone here would be awkward.
Still, in a way, she started to feel left out among her friends, being the only one not in diapers, and by the time the end of the month rolled around, and she had to make a decision about whether to keep going or return to her old life, she decided to give it another month... And ask Mommy if she could try diapers.
Mommy had been predictably thrilled, and willing to buy whatever brand Lola wanted. She had plenty to choose from, having seen a lot of cute designs on her friends, and on her neighbor little, Mandy, who was pretty far regressed. Lola had tried avoiding her initially, but there weren't many littles in the neighborhood, and Mandy had been fascinated with seeing another one, and always wanted to visit. Lola had gone to visit the first couple of times solely to be nice; before long, she'd realized it wasn't all bad, and it was kind of fun to be seen as the cool, 'older' girl next door, even if, chronologically, she suspected she was younger than Mandy.
Mandy was ecstatic to see Lola finally give in - and excited that the first brand she tried were the ones she wore most often, since Lola had always thought they were cute - and Lola's friends teased her, but in a playful way. Lola quickly moved on from Mandy's diapers, finding them too big and bulky for her, especially because she had no intention of using them, on to something a bit thinner.
Mommy respected Lola's independence, and she probably would have been happy to let her change herself, but all of the cutest diapers came with little-proof tapes, which meant that Lola could put them on after taking a shower... She just couldn't get them back off on her own. Mommy was always willing to lend a hand, however, on the mornings when Lola woke super early, with a full bladder, Lola felt guilty making her wake up to let her out of them... So, one day, when she was too uncomfortable, and it was too early, she gave in and wet herself.
She'd expected to be disgusted, and horrified, and that she'd end up crying for Mommy anyway, but it wasn't nearly as awful as she'd thought. In fact, it was quite convenient not to have to wait for Mommy to untape her, then go to the bathroom, come back, put it back on... She started doing it more often, so she could just let go, fall back asleep, and have Mommy deal with it when they were both up. Mommy never said anything, though Lola had no doubt she was pleased with the arrangement, too.
That was so convenient that it wasn't long before she began using them during the day when she was out, and the bathroom felt like it was too far away. She had a couple brands of diapers she would wear when she was on her own that she could untape, but they were all so boring, and scratchy, that she'd never choose them otherwise, especially not to sleep in... And, as she discovered the first time she made the decision to be lazy and simply pee her pants rather than trek back to the opposite side of the store, they didn't hold much.
That was humiliating, yet it wasn't enough to stop her. Instead, she started wearing her house diapers out in public, not caring that she couldn't get them off by herself in a pinch... They were all absorbent enough to get the job done, and she could go visit Mommy at her job for a change if she couldn't wait until the Amazon got home. Or she could see Mandy and let the girl's Mommy or Daddy, or one of her babysitters, do it for her.
By the end of her second month, she realized it had been almost half that time since she'd bothered to pee in a toilet. Already, she was starting to wake up in the morning to find her diaper already wet, with no memory of getting up earlier to do it, unsure whether she was legitimately wetting the bed, or if her body was so used to her new routine that it was becoming second nature to wake up for a few seconds, use her diaper, then drift back off. Either way, the end result was the same.
Signing up for the third month of the trial was tricky... For the first two, she was allowed to change her mind at the end and - supposedly, anyway, according to the rules - leave, whether her Mommy liked it or not. After the third, however, and anything beyond that, if she wanted to go back to her old life, both she and Mommy would have to agree that she was still capable of living on her own. Mommy had been more than patient with her, but even so... Leaving that decision partially in the hands of an Amazon was always dangerous.
Then again, if Mommy only wanted a baby, she could have forced Lola into diapers right off the bat, declined to help her out of them when she came to her every day to help her get them off so she could poop in the toilet, brainwashed her into telling the workers at the trial adoption service in that first month that she was ready to make this permanent... She had no reason to think she wouldn't continue to be fair.
Besides, Lola had finally found her favorite brands of diapers, one for daytime, and one for night, and they both required Mommy's help to get off. She wasn't ready to give them up... Especially at night, when she was going to need to keep some on hand, and didn't trust the ones with little-safe tapes to protect her bed.
"Well then," Mommy told her when Lola informed her that she'd decided to stay with her for at least one more month, "I think it's time you decorated your room a little, don't you?"
Lola's tastes had definitely began trending towards the more immature lately, no doubt thanks to her friends, all of whom were now permanently adopted, and Mandy. All of the furniture she picked out for her room was quite childish, though none as much as the crib she chose to replace the bed. There was just something about them that looked so cozy... And she picked one out that she knew she could climb out of, if she had to. She never did, always waiting for Mommy to come to her, but she liked knowing it was an option.
And that was exactly where she was now, in her crib for naptime. She'd had a full morning, playing with Mandy, then coming home for a big lunch of her favorite spaghetti. When she'd first arrived, she'd looked down on Mandy, had considered herself far more mature than her... Now, when she went over there, she almost found herself admiring her, looking up to how fully she'd embraced this life.
If Mandy missed her adult life - however much of it she'd gotten to enjoy - she showed no signs of it. She didn't care about her independence, didn't mind not being allowed to go out on dates... Lola still missed both those things, but was she willing to give them up, like Mandy? The advantages of not having to work, of having Mommy there to give her everything she could ask for, and more, were pretty appealing...
Today, she was on such a high after her time with Mandy that she completely ignored the fork Mommy gave her, knowing Mandy would have done the same, and started eating the spaghetti with her hands, giggling as she made a mess of herself and her clothes, greedily gobbling down as much of it as Mommy would give her. Mommy didn't mind her giving into her base desires like that, even chuckled at her... Her pinafore dress was an absolute mess, however, by the end of it, and Mommy took it off of her, leaving her to toddle up to her room in just a shirt and diaper.
But Lola hadn't even been able to do that. She'd taken a few steps before it hit her how full and heavy she was, after eating all that pasta, and she plopped down on the floor with a pout. "Aww, are you too sleepy to get to your crib?" Mommy smiled, scooping her up. "Let me help."
Lola never let Mommy carry her the way she'd seen so many other littles being carted around, but today, she gladly accepted it, leaning against the Amazon sleepily, dozing off before she was in her room. When she woke up, she found that Mommy had changed her into one of her nighttime diapers... And that her tummy was not pleased.
She'd never done that in her diaper, though she'd been flirting with the thought lately, just out of curiosity... Once it happened, however, she knew that was going to complicate things. Wetting herself was one thing; this was really proving that she deserved to be in the care of an Amazon. Even Mommy, as patient and kind as she was, might not be so willing to let her go back to her old life so easily if she crossed this line... And Lola truly needed her to give that consent now, because it was no longer totally up to her. If their decisions conflicted at the end of the month, Lola could appeal, but after Mommy told them about this, there was no way they would side with Lola - if they ever would have in the first place.
What was she going to do?! Should she break her own rules, climb out of her crib by herself? Mommy had never told her she couldn't... She'd still need Mommy's help to get the diaper off, of course, but she could go find her, wouldn't have to hope she heard her calling for help, and wait for her to arrive... Or should she take out her paci and yell at the top of her lungs, and trust Mommy to get there in time? Mommy was usually good about that, though she might still be cleaning up the mess Lola had made in the dining room...
Lola frowned, and squirmed... And then squirmed again, her eyes widening as she reached back, giving the seat of her diaper a tentative feel, sucking a little harder on her pacifier. She'd waited too long to make her decision... She blushed, hearing the diaper rustle now as it continued to expand beneath her hand, the soft, warm mush slowly oozing out into her pants, making her choice for her.
This was it, she thought, cuddling with her teddy bear, rolling over onto her tummy so she wouldn't make too big of a mess for her Mommy to have to deal with, since she'd already done that once today when she was eating. She tried to fall back to sleep, wiggling her bottom, knowing that she was a baby again, now and forever... And that, because of that, she had nothing to worry about. Mommy was going to take care of everything.