Published: April 6th 2021, 2:00:04 pm
Picture property of ABDreams.
"All right, Clara!" Ms. Barlow chirped. "Let's get you dressed, okay?"
Clara didn't really want to leave her room, but she also didn't want to argue with a grown-up, so she nodded reluctantly, setting her stuffed bunny down and sitting up. She was a little surprised to see Jessie there, too, though the girl didn't look particularly pleased about it.
"Go see if she needs a change," the teacher told the girl. "I'll pick her out a cute little dress."
It was so much nicer this way, Clara thought to herself, watching Jessie walk up to her, looking at the girl's uniform. She didn't have to worry about having to keep up with uniforms, and she didn't have to think about picking out clothes for herself; it was the best of both worlds! Clara knew she should be mad at Jessie, for everything she'd done to her that had ended up with her here, in the Nursery, but, really, if anything, she felt grateful!
That, in and of itself, should have worried her. She could recall wanting so desperately to avoid this... What she couldn't remember was why. All she had to do all day was play with her dolls, and use her diapers - not that she had any choice in that anymore - and, every now and then, have a nice lesson from her chalkboard, after which she felt so nice, and warm, and fuzzy...
Jessie definitely didn't seem happy, which was further evidence for Clara that it was a good thing wasn't taking regular classes, like her. From Clara's spot on the floor, she got a good view up Jessie's skirt as she approached, at what definitely looked like a Pull-Up underneath. No wonder she was unhappy... It was so thin, and skimpy, compared to a diaper! It couldn't have been comfy at all!
"And make sure you actually check her this time," Ms. Barlow scolded. "If anyone else gets a rash because of you, you're going to be in the next room over!"
Jessie's face flushed as she slid her hand into Clara's plastic panties, carefully sliding it down the fat bulk of her diaper. As part of - or, rather, a side effect of - Clara's lessons, she'd started to remember more of that first 'lesson', her first day here... And how confident and in control Jessie had seemed to her then. Obviously, she hadn't been as ready for that promotion as she'd thought... In fact, it looked like she was on the verge of a pretty severe demotion.
"Sh-She's wet," Jessie announced. "B-But, I mean, she's always wet, so..."
"Is she wet enough to need a fresh diaper?" Ms. Barlow demanded. "A teacher's helper ought to be able to tell the difference."
Jessie shifted in place, nibbling at her bottom lip. "I-I think so?"
Ms. Barlow sighed, marching over, a cute, pink dress in hand, to check Clara, too. "Clearly, she is," she said. "Honestly, Jessie, there's no question about it... Sometimes I wonder if you should spend some time in diapers yourself, because I just don't think you have enough experience with them... Perhaps some first-hand..."
"No!" Jessie shook her head. "I-I'll do better!"
Ms. Barlow didn't ask her to help with the change, though, which Clara thought seemed significant. The teacher handled it herself, cleaning Clara up, pinning her into a fresh diaper, pulling on a fresh pair of plastic pants over it, then putting her into the dress. It was pretty, Clara had to admit, but there was something nice about being in just a diaper that she'd learned to prefer...
Ms. Barlow led her by the hand to the cafeteria, where she was fed her usual bowl of baby food. It was, apparently, a special day, because, afterwards, she was taken up to a little stage at the front of the room, and given a microphone. Clara knew exactly what to do... It felt, most of the time, like it was a completely different person who had written those songs, performed them night after night, made them famous, yet, as soon as she heard the music, the words came back to her, and, because it was what Ms. Barlow wanted her to do, she was happy to sing them for everyone. She even remembered a bit of the choreography, but her attempts to do it in her diapers only made the other students giggle.
She'd done this dozens of times by now, or so it felt... Tonight, however, felt different, somehow. She was almost done with the song before she figured out why, before she spotted someone standing at the back of the room, not in uniform, someone she was very familiar with. For a second, her mind went blank, and she looked away; by the time she turned back, the person was gone, if they'd ever been anything more than her imagination in the first place.
"Good work, Clara," Ms. Barlow told her, once they were back in her room, and she was helping the girl out of her dress. Clara nodded, glad to return to her paci, and her bunny, the specter she'd seen in the cafeteria putting her slightly on edge, though that quickly faded away as she went back to playing.
She was so engrossed, she barely heard the door open, or saw the feet walking across the room. From the shoes, it was obvious it was another grown-up, so they were probably there to talk to Ms. Barlow anyway... It was none of her concern.
Or so she thought, until Ms. Barlow told her, "Clara, you have a visitor. She brought you a present, too, so remember to be polite!"
That perked Clara up; she loved presents! She knew it was polite to offer something back, too, but she didn't have anything at hand except her bunny. Hoping the gesture was enough, and she'd get it back, she turned towards to figure, offering her toy up...
And saw the woman from the cafeteria, there in the flesh, grinning down at her, bottle of milk in hand. For a split second, Clara was silent, hoping she was wrong, that her imagination was running wild, but, when the woman's face didn't shift, she squeaked out, "M-Maddie?!"
"Hello, there, Clarissa," Madelyn, one of her former pop-star rivals, smirked. "That was a lovely song you sang tonight... This lifestyle must really suit you, because your shows were never that good before. I'm almost worried you're poised for a comeback! I bet your fans would love to see you now..."