Published: August 16th 2020, 2:01:00 pm
Picture property of ABDreams.
Bella swallowed anxiously, wishing she could stop her hand from sweating as Rebecca kept a tight grip on it, worried that, if she couldn't get away, the girl would know when, inevitably, she ended up messing herself.
Thankfully, Rebecca's friends still looked uncertain, standing outside looking in. "Would you like to see the outside first?" Bella's Mommy asked after a moment. "There are lots of fun things to play with. I just... Well, Bella will tell you. Go on, sweetie, take them around to the backyard."
Bella was sent back out of the house, buying her a little time. This was good... It was part of the plan. The pool here was gorgeous, and, in her mind, a good temptation to get the girls to start considering accepting this lifestyle. She featured it very heavily in her Instagram pictures, being careful to shoot around the private playground that was also set up in the backyard.
"Wow," Rebecca sounded genuinely impressed, just like Bella had wanted. "Not bad... Oh, I know!" she grinned. "Maybe we should get some pictures of you here! You used to post so many... It's been a while, though. I'd be happy to help you out."
It was true, Bella hadn't been able to post lately... As another punishment, she'd had her phone taken away, and had to go to Mommy if she wanted to use it to read, or send, messages. She didn't really mind; it was simply another way she was a baby who had to depend on her Mommy for everything. It had put a definite cramp in her Insta style, however, since, before, she'd been very careful not only with what she showed in her backyard, but how she dressed, keeping her diapers hidden if she was wearing them.
Rebecca, she suspected, wasn't going to be so cautious, which was confirmed when the girl took her to the swings, making Emma push her while she took pictures, Bella's skirt flapping in the wind, revealing what was underneath. It was nice, having someone else to push her - other than Mommy, of course - although she had a hard time enjoying it when she could feel the results of the formula Mommy had fed her starting to wreak havoc.
Any other time, she would have given in right away, filled her diaper, but with the girls around, she was too self-conscious. They probably wouldn't see it, through her giant diaper, and yet, if they did... Would she have any chance at all of winning them to her side after that? She had a feeling it would be a bridge too far.
Unfortunately, since she'd never resisted before, she didn't realize how the formula worked. As she did her best to squeeze her thighs together, and hold it, the cramps only got worse, seeming to escalate the more desperate she was. By the time Rebecca was finished with that part of the photo shoot, Bella was struggling not to make it obvious what she was struggling with, glad for the many layers of padding to hide the rude noises emanating from her backside while the girls talked to one another.
"Well, I say the slide next," Becca finally settled their little argument, the final word, as ever. "Go on, Bella... Climb up your little castle for us."
Bella gulped, staring up at her pink, castle playset, the slide coming down off the highest parapet. She loved it, but... "I-I'm not sure I can climb up there," she blushed.
"Aww," Rebecca teased. "Are you afraid of heights? Aren't these your toys?"
The storm raging in her tummy only made Becca feel tinier as she faced the other girl's mocking. "M-My diapers are too thick," she admitted.
The girls giggled at her, Bella's cheeks growing redder and redder, realizing she was too much of a baby for her own slide. "Go on, Emma," Becca ordered. "Help her get up."
"Me again?" Emma pouted, but she did as she was told anyway, taking Bella's hand like a big sister, leading her over to the castle, shepherding her up, encouraging her when she paused every few steps, hopefully not knowing why Bella was stopping.
She'd just reached the top when it happened, when she felt her body give way, her diaper begin to fill. She let out a gasp, blushing, though only because her friends were right there... Any other time, she would have been thrilled; this was her first genuine messy accident, the first time her ability to hold it had completely failed her like this. If this was what happened when she tried to outlast the formula, she was definitely going to do this more often...
And, luckily, Emma didn't appear to notice anything, Bella's theory about the bulk of her diapers holding true. "Come on," the girl sighed. "We got all the way up here... Would you just go down the slide?"
Bella did, gladly, giggling as she sat down on the slide, feeling the mass in her pants squish, but nowhere near as hard as she did as she flew off the slide at the end, landing on the ground on her poopy bottom, Rebecca and Sam snapping pictures, completely unaware of how big a baby their subject truly was.
Eventually, they got bored with the playground, and headed inside... Bella's Mommy, however, had been keeping an eye on them, and blocked their way. "All right, girls," she stared down at them. "I'm sure Bella told you the rules, didn't she?"
"I-I forgot, Mommy," Bella said, as if she'd ever had any intention of doing it in the first place.
"Bella!" Mommy scolded her, which only made Bella feel more like a naughty toddler - just like she wanted. "Well, then... Any time a little who is not wearing diapers comes into the house from outside, they have to try to sit on the potty for me right away."
Rebecca wrinkled her nose. "Umm, I don't have to go," she scoffed.
"I need you to give it a shot anyway," Mommy informed her. "It's nothing against you personally, dears... I've just found it's the best way to protect my furniture. Come along." Rebecca rolled her eyes, but didn't have a choice as Mommy lined them up like little kids, Becca ending up last.
When she was done with that, Mommy turned her attention to Bella. "Oh, my," she cooed, feeling her face. "You're hot from all that running around..." Before Bella could stop her, Mommy had her out of her dress, in only her onesie and messy diaper, and had lifted her up into her bouncer.
Bella couldn't help giggling again, bouncing in place, watching the line progress, as Emma shuffled out of the bathroom, blushing, a wet spot on her shorts. Immediately, she stammered, "Th-The stupid toilet shot water at me! I-I'm going to grab my bikini out of the car to change into..."
"Wait here," Bella's Mommy commanded, freezing Emma in place as she stepped into the bathroom herself.
"I-It's just water!" Emma insisted. "I-It'll dry in no time..."
"Sweetie," Mommy said as she emerged from the bathroom, "the potty is empty... Why is there nothing in the potty if your shorts are wet?"
Emma's blush was renewed, the girl stomping her foot angrily. "I used the toilet! Th-There's no way I'd use that stupid potty chair when that was right there!"
"But you're too little for the big potty," Mommy told her matter-of-factly. It was true... The only actual toilets she had in the house were for Amazons, and they were big, and tricky for a little to use without help, which was why she had a placed plastic potties in all the bathrooms as well. "All of you are," she announced to the other two. "Now, come along... You can borrow some clothes from Bella while I wash yours so there won't be any stains."
"There won't!" Emma fumed. "I'm fine! I told you, it's wat... Hey! Let me go!" She tried to sneak past the Amazon, just to have her wrist grabbed, and get pulled away, into the other room. "Stop it! Let go of me, you big bitch!" She squealed as she was picked up, slung over Mommy's shoulder, helpless to escape.
Bella watched from her bouncer, knowing what surely awaited; one accident in the house, and you were back in Pull-Ups. That was the rule, and even if Emma hadn't really had an accident, Bella knew of some littles who had ended up adopted for far less than spilling water on their clothes.
She didn't realize how obvious she was being until Rebecca walked over to her, leaning down on the bouncer to make it rock. "What are you smirking about, Bella?" she asked. "What, was this your plan?"
Bella couldn't help herself, sucking away on her paci and giggling, squirming in place as Becca gave the bouncer another rock. The other girl sniffed at the air, her eyes widening. "Wait... Don't tell me you...?" It was Bella's turn to blush now, realizing the jig was up. "And you didn't even tell anyone you had to go, or ask for a change afterwards... I mean, your Amazon was free the whole time..."
Bella heard Emma struggling with her Mommy, and, despite her own situation, couldn't help but smile. Emma reached over, did what Bella's Mommy hadn't, and locked the pacifier once more. "You naughty baby," Emma whispered, hand still on the paci. "Do you like sitting around in your dirty diapers? Or are you just too dumb to know when you need a new one?" She shook her head. "I know what happened to Evelyn... And I know you were behind it all. Did you really think you could do that to me, too, you stupid, stinky baby?"
"Can we get out of here?" Sam whined, stepping out of the bathroom. "I can't stand this place." She paused, seeing Bella in her bouncer. "Oh... S-Sorry," she shrugged. "Th-This is a great house and all, but this is... too much. Maybe we can hand out when your Amazon isn't home. Or you could come over to my place. My parents are going on vacation soon, and.."
"Did you actually use the potty?" Rebecca broke in. "You were in there a long time. You do realize you could've just poured water in it, right?"
"Poured water in what?" All of the sudden, Bella's Mommy was towering over the girls, a teary Emma holding her hand, wearing one of Bella's childish shirts and a Pull-Up. "This is why we can't trust you little people," she sighed. "All right... If you want to stay inside and play, I can bring you all a pair of these," she patted Emma's rear, and the training panties on it, the girl blushing. "Otherwise, you're free to play outside some more."
Sam shook her head. "Actually, we're about to leave..."
"No!" Emma tugged at her shirt, trying to make it long enough to hide the Pull-Ups. "I-I don't have my shorts!"
"And you've only just got here," the Amazon pointed out. "I'd love for you all to stay for lunch, and we could go down to the beach later... If you're playing outside, you don't have to wear Pull-Ups. And if you need it, there are changes of clothes for all of you."
"Let's go outside, guys," Rebecca told the others.
"No!" Emma whined, still frantically attempting to cover her trainers.
"What's wrong, dear?" Mommy asked the girl, and, from Emma's reaction, Bella had little doubt that Emma had gotten a quick taste of another punishment, probably from her bad language. "Don't you like your clothes?"
Emma forced a smile, although she didn't stop pulling at the hem of the shirt. "I-I do," she nodded. "Th-Thank you, ma'am... I-I just... I-I can't go outside like this!"
"Nobody will see," Mommy promised.
From her bouncer, behind her paci, Bella felt a smile forming on her lips. Maybe her plan was going to work out after all... It seemed like the fate of all littles who dared to enter an Amazon house was to end up as adult babies... Emma was already slipping into it, acting more and more like a child already... Perhaps Sam and Rebecca would be next. She smirked, listening to the girls arguing about staying inside and all accepting Pull-Ups, or going out and making Emma run around with hers completely exposed, whether she wanted to or not, starting to realize that, whatever choice they made, every one of them was eventually going to end up diapered.
Maybe it would be for being mean to Emma, when she was clearly so upset, maybe something else would happen while they were outside... Or maybe it would be as simple as them coming in for lunch. If they thought Mommy would forget her ultimatum by then, they didn't know the woman well enough. They'd all have to wear Pull-Ups, since they had made such a fuss over the potty... And Amazon food was awfully rich for littles who weren't used to it. Rebecca, especially, would be in danger, since she hadn't even tried to use the bathroom since she'd arrived.
Sooner or later, whether she was able to contribute to it directly or not, Bella knew that her plan was going to work out... And the fact that Rebecca knew about it, and wouldn't be able to stop it, would only made it all the more delicious to watch.