Published: July 31st 2020, 2:15:04 pm
Picture property of DiaperGal.
"Oh, wow, it really is you!"
Jenny was pretty used to that reaction by now. It didn't seem to matter what she did... She'd tried dyeing her hair, dressing up in different styles, wearing colored contact lenses, but, as soon as her date saw her, those were the first words out of their mouths.
In a way, it was a blessing... The reason they knew her was the same reason she was able to live as comfortably as she did now, even though she hadn't had a job in years. The residuals weren't enough to make her rich, exactly, but they paid her bills, since she shows she was in were constantly being re-run... Which made it so much easier for her to be recognized from them.
She'd learned there was no real point in denying it; if she did that, her date would spend at least half the date looking up pictures of her on their phone, comparing them to her, until she finally gave in and admitted the truth. It was always a toss-up from there which of the three sitcoms she'd been on they knew her from - or if it was all three - though it ultimately didn't matter. Her role had been pretty much the same on all of them, which was probably why she'd had so much trouble getting hired after the last one wrapped, and she was too old for it.
There was, after all, only so long that you could be the bratty little sister. She'd started out as a toddler, not really knowing what she was doing, but adorable in her frilly outfits and obvious diapers. She'd been a bit older in her next series, although the episode that most people seemed to remember from that was the one where her older brother's friend, who she had a crush on, was hired to babysit her without her knowledge, and found out she still wore diapers for bedwetting.
And then there was the last series... She'd probably been too old for it even then, as she was pushing twenty, and in her own apartment, before it started, but it was the only offer she'd gotten for quite a while. "It was written for someone a little younger," her agent had told her at the time, "They were willing to change it up, though, when I told them you were interested."
She looked young enough, and adults playing teens was common enough, that she'd accepted that. Clearly, they were familiar with her work, and wanted to capitalize on it, and, despite wanting to branch out, sticking with what she knew would be easier... Except it was even closer to her old roles than she'd expected. The writers hadn't been happy at her casting, and - in her eyes anyway - to punish her, they hadn't changed the scripts, keeping her written more as the younger teen they'd wanted.
Everyone had told her it was her imagination, but she knew better, especially once they'd written 'that' episode, which she assumed was a tribute of sorts to the bedwetting one. Her character couldn't drive - that had made more sense when she was meant to be fourteen, and now made her seem a bit lazy for not learning. Her older sister - played by a girl a year younger than her, who had been cast before her, who had been bumped up to a college student when the shuffling had begun - refused to drive her to a date, so Jenny's character had borrowed her car without asking, then accidentally drove it into a ditch. Their parents had left the punishment up to the older sister, who had chosen to make her sister her slave, including dressing her up in a humiliating outfit, complete with a diaper.
There were conspiracy theories online that the reason they kept coming up was that Jenny, herself, had never gotten out of them fully, so the writers had decided to use it. She'd refuted them, of course, but nobody would believe it was really her... So she'd brought it up during a talk show, only to get so heated up, talking about it, that she'd spilled her water on herself, which, obviously, fueled the flames of the theorists, who now claimed she'd done it on purpose to hide an accident.
As soon as she heard those six words, she knew how this was going to end. Man or woman, it was always the same... Sometimes they'd tease her, ask her if she'd stolen her sister's car to get there, a 'joke' that would keep up through every date, until they took her back to their place, and told her they knew she'd been naughty, and needed a punishment. Sometimes, they'd tell her they'd got her something, 'just in case'. And sometimes, usually with the women, they'd tell her they couldn't help themselves, they wanted to see what she looked like in them now.
There were times when they seemed genuinely shocked that she wasn't already wearing one, like they really believed that stupid conspiracy. Whether that happened or not, there was always that moment, once it was on, when she heard those words again. "Oh, wow... It really is you!" and she knew it was over. They didn't see her as the young woman she was now... All her years of growing up, of developing, didn't matter. Try as she she might, the best she was going to get was a chaste kiss on the forehead.
"Sorry, cutie," she'd heard so many times. "I just see you as a little sister."
But that wasn't entirely accurate... Back during the second show, she'd seen an article declaring her 'America's Baby Sister,' and she'd been thrilled. Everyone loved her, she'd thought... She made a wish, out into the cosmos, that it could be true forever... Even back then, she'd known it was silly... And yet, every time she went on a date, and she heard those words, and knew this relationship was only going to end one way, she couldn't help wondering if somehow, something out there had heard it, and made it true... And if there was any way she could put a stop to it, or if that was all she was going to be to anyone. Not a girlfriend, not a lover... Just a baby sister, one who needed, or at least deserved, her diapers, forever.